Chapter Three

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Aria's POV:
     I slowly got up from my seat in the waiting room and walked over to where the nurse was standing. She brought me into a small alcove where she measured my height and weight. I was five-foot-one and only 85 pounds. I knew something had to be wrong.  She glanced at her clipboard, looking concerned, then gestured for me to come into a room where she gave me a hospital gown. She pulled the curtain and left the room, telling me the doctor would be right in. I changed into the gown and pulled the curtain back open. I sat on the bed and stared at the ground. My mom had a look of worry and fright in her face, making me nervous, so I didn't look at her. The doctor came in momentarily, as promised. "Hello Aria", he said. Her introduced himself as Dr. Stevens. He asked me about my unusual symptoms over the past month. "I've been feeling very fatigued", I told him. "I've been bleeding and bruising easily, and have lost at least 25 pounds." He put on his best Poker Face that all doctors on TV use so that everything seemed fine and we would think he had no idea that there was anything wrong while he nodded and jotted some things down on his clipboard. He then took me into another room to get my blood taken. It pinched when he put the needle in, but I tried to relax. I couldn't, and squeezed my moms hand the whole time. When it was over, we were put back into the waiting room for them to get the results.
          They came out and took me back into the room briefly, just to tell me they think they know what is wrong, but want to take a bone marrow sample just to make sure of it. "We can make that appointment for in two days?", asked Dr. Stevens. "That's two more days of uncontrollable pain for Aria!", countered my mom. The doctor explained how that was the closest appointment he could get, but after arguing with him for awhile, my mom got me an appointment for 3:00pm that day. It was 2:00pm. My mom, the girls, and I all decided to go out to lunch together. We made sure with the doctor that I was allowed to eat before my surgery, and then left. Hanna Googled what restaurants were near us and we ended up going to Panera. I got a salad with chicken, Hanna and Emily got sandwiches, my mom got soup, an Spencer got a half salad and half soup combo meal. We all sat down and talked while we ate, but I was pretty quiet. I was so nervous about my surgery I could barely eat. I decided to force some of my salad down, since they won't be feeding me for awhile once I get to the hospital.
          An hour later, it was 3:00. We were in the waiting room again. At around 3:10, I was called back to the same room I was in before. They gave me a hospital gown to change into and had me wait in my room a little longer. The girls came in to say good luck and I hugged them all. Emily's mom was coming to pick them up since the surgery would be about an hour and I would still be resting from the surgery for a few more hours after. I was going to stay overnight in the hospital and talk to the doctor about what they found at 9:00am. They brought me down to the operation room. I just remember they stuck a needle into me, then I was out. When I woke up, I had a sharp pain in my pelvic bone, where they took the bone marrow from. The doctor soon came in and rolled the operation table to another room, where they had me lay down to sleep.
I woke up around 6:00pm, very hungry. I rang the little bell they gave me for when I needed something. I nurse came striding into the room almost instantly. I told her I was hungry and she gave me some cheese crackers. She said just to eat lightly until we meet with the doctor tomorrow morning. I grabbed my iPad that Spencer brought to me from home while I was sleeping and unlocked it. I clicked on the "Netflix" app and went to the kid's menu button. I still love watching kid's movies! I turned on "The Parent Trap", plugged my headphones in and sat back in my hospital bed to watch.

Spencer's POV:
          Back at my house, I tried to sleep, but I was so restless. I was painfully nervous and worried about Aria. I didn't want to say it in front of her or the other girls, but I bet they were thinking it and Aria definitely was. What if it was more than the flu? What if it was something threatening? If the doctors took a bone marrow sample, they must think it is something bad and worth really looking into. They wouldn't even tell Aria and her mom what they though was wrong until they were entirely sure so they didn't worry them unnecessarily. I tried to read, watch T.V., and listen to music, but I couldn't relax. Everything somehow got me thinking and worrying about her again. Somehow, around 3:00am, I found sleep.

Aria's POV
      My eyes fluttered open. I saw my mom hovering over me. "Hey Aria. Honey", I heard her say. I opened my hazy, groggy, morning eyes and looked up at her. My iPad was still resting on my belly; I must have fallen asleep again watching the movie. I looked at the clock. It was 8:00am. "Your appointment isn't for another hour and it is just a across the hall. You don't have to get dressed or anything; they will just make you put on a hospital gown again. I just figured I would let you wake up a little bit and eat before we meet with the doctor", said my mom. I nodded in response. I unlocked my iPad again and checked Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Nothing very exciting was happening in the world of social media. Yankee Candle was having a sale. Carrie Underwood's new album was available for pre-ordering on iTunes. Mona went out to lunch and apparently got an Instagram worthy salad to post. Same old things. My mom brought me some breakfast from the hospital food court. It was a bagel with cream cheese, orange juice, and a banana. I ate it all up and before I knew it, it was 8:45. Eager to finally find out what was wrong with me, I jumped out of bed. I got dizzy and had to sit back down for a few minutes. Again, I was getting excited to be cured now. When I felt good again, I slowly stood up, got my toothbrush from my bedside table where my mom had left it for me, and made my way over to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, threw my oily hair into a messy bun and texted my mom that I was ready. She came into the room and waited there with me, with that same nervousness expression on her face. There was no reason for her to be nervous though! I bet I just got a bad case of the flu that had been building up. Soon, the nurse came in and called us into the other room. The doctor came in just moments after the nurse had left, and sat down in a chair across from my mom and me. "Aria. We thought we knew what was wrong from your blood, but we needed to make sure with the bone marrow", I nodded. Get to the point!! I thought. "And what we thought it was was 100% correct. You have stage four leukemia."

Author's Note:
Ahh!! Sorry it ended on another sort of cliffhanger! But now you know what is wrong! This whole part of the story has pretty much just been the exposition, but the plot is going to build up a lot from here! Hope you're all enjoying it, please comment and vote! -Kayley ♡ 1392 words

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