Chapter Two

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Spencer's POV:
     In the morning, we all woke up around the same time. We got up after sleeping in the living room because we fell asleep watching the movie, and moved over to the kitchen. Hanna, Emily, and Aria sat on the bar stools and I went straight over to the fridge to get breakfast. I got eggs and bacon out and Aria, knowing me so well, already knew what else I was going to make. She grabbed out the pancake mix, a pan, butter, and syrup and started to make the pancakes. Hanna took her phone out of her over-night bag and turned on Beyoncé, so naturally we all started singing along and dancing around the kitchen while we stirred the mix and turned on the griddle. It was so much fun! When everything was done we all sat down and ate, talking and singing to Hanna's music. Aria's phone buzzed and we all flinched, even though "A" was gone. "It's just from my mom", she said. "She wants to know when I'll be home." "You can stay till whenever", I answered, glancing at the clock. It was 10:45am. "Ok", Aria answered. "Maybe I'll go home around 4:30 so I'll be home for dinner? I remember you guys saying we should all go shopping together today." "Yes!!!", squealed Hanna, unofficial leader of "Shopaholics Anonymous". We all laughed. "Ok", I said. "Let's go to the mall around 12?" Everyone agreed and we finished eating and got ready. By the time we were ready, it was just about 12, so we decided to leave. Aria offered to drive, but just as she got to the car she stopped and leaned against the car. Confusion came across her face and everyone else's. "Are you ok?", asked Emily. She didn't answer. She just stared at the ground with a look on her face that I've never seen before. "Let's just go back inside", I suggested to the others, then to Aria. "Let's go back inside, Ar. We don't have to go", I said to her, trying to snap her out of the scary trance she was in. Still in her trance, she tried to take a step towards me but fell onto her bare knees on the concrete. Even though she didn't fall hard, she started bleeding. I picked her up and asked Hanna to open the car door for me so I could drive her home. We put her in the back seat with Hanna and Emily on either side, trying to talk to her. I drove, frequently glancing at her through my car mirror to see how my best friend was doing. She seemed really out of it and still dizzy and fatigued. Emily, Hanna, and I decided she probably had the flu.

Aria's POV:
     I'm not really sure what happened. I was so dizzy and my eyes were blurring up so I couldn't see. I was having cold sweats and was fatigued. The girls were trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hear or understand them, never mind answer them. I sat there, motionless, staring at the same spot in the floor of the car. I could sense them becoming worried, but I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't even speak or shift the direction of my eyes to a different spot. I felt like I was spinning; like I wasn't even there. It was like in "A Christmas Carol" when Stooge went into different time periods and he couldn't talk to anyone and no one could see him. Everything was blurring around me and I was in my own place. It was a place that felt right in between reality and fiction; I couldn't really explain it. We finally seemed to have arrived at my house. The car had stopped. The girls were trying to gently push me out of the open car door. I couldn't move. I was stuck in my between place and I couldn't get out. It was like when you have a nightmare and you wake up but you are still seeing the dream and you can't open your eyes. You know you are awake inside but you are stuck in the nightmare, struggling to open your eyes, but they are stuck shut as if by glue. That's how I felt. I knew things were going on around me and I was awake, but I couldn't seem to snap out of this nightmare I was in. I was paralyzed, deaf, and helpless. I saw the girls' mouths yelling for my mom who came running out as if in slow motion. Everything around me was moving slow motion. I was in a movie. I was numb. My mom brought out a cloth, but not being able to sense anything, stuck in this imaginary world of mine, I didn't know the cloth was ice cold. She put it on my forehead with no warning; not that I would have heard her anyway. The cold snapped me right out of it. I jerked and looked up at everyone, as I was still sitting in the car. They all sighed in relief and relaxed a little, clearly out of breath. "Oh my god Aria! You scared me so bad!", said my mom. I didn't know what to say. How could I possibly explain to her why I've been motionless and deaf for the last half hour if I didn't even know why? I noticed I was sweating and had dry blood on my knees where I had fallen not long ago. I couldn't really feel that either. I felt so numb all over that I wouldn't have noticed if someone stabbed a dagger into me from behind. "Aria!!", yelled Hanna, obviously frustrated with me. Oops, I thought. I had zoned out again. She had probably said my name numerous times before I noticed that last time.
     I could finally walk again and, with the help of all the girls and my mom, got inside the house and up to my bed. My mom gave me a glass of ice water and as soon as the cold liquid touched my top lip, I completely snapped back into reality. That's when I was no longer numb and could feel the pain. It hit me like a train. In one sharp hit, everything hurt. My knees where I fell hurt and everything inside me had a sharp, stinging pain to it, like someone inside my body was slashing every nerve at once. I spilled the water all over sheets and shrieked in pain. I started crying and the girls, sitting around my bed on the floor, all jumped up and yelled for my mom, who was already running up the stairs three steps at a time by the time I finished letting out my short scream. I explained to them how it felt inside me; like my nerves were being sliced in half by some sort of tiny, evil samurai inside of me. "I have to take her to the hospital, you girls can stay here if you like", my mom said to my friends. The girls protested, wanting to come. My mom finally gave in and let them sit in the back of her minivan with me in the passenger seat as we drove to the ER. I groaned and yelped in pain every few minutes the whole ride. No one seemed to mind; they were just worried and pitied me. The original pain never left, just got increasingly worse as time slowly ticked by. We got there and checked in, but had to wait since we didn't have an appointment, even though we explained what an emergency it was. The nurse apparently though gunshot wounds and car accidents needed more "immediate attention", but I begged to differ. I needed immediate attention. Me. I felt like I was slowly dying, and no one but me seemed to care. After what felt like days, the nurse peeked her head out of a hallway and said the best words I could have heard. "Aria Montgomery? The doctor will see you now."

Authors Note:
Hey guys!! Did you like this chapter? It's a cliffhanger! I hope it wasn't too confusing or gory sounding. Anyway, I'll try to update by Monday or Tuesday so you won't have to wait that long. Please read, comment, and vote! It would mean a lot! -Kayley♡ 1374 words

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