Twenty Five

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Joe dropped Emily off at work before heading over to Demi's house where she had offered him in for lunch. He agreed having a couple of hours until he needed to be at work. Joe and Demi were the only ones there when they got there Demi knowing her parents would probably be at work themselves, if this was working for Demi she'd have to put work away and think about it in the future. Demi made some sandwiches picking up a packet of chips before making her way into the living room sitting down next to Joe passing him a plate the two of them beginning to eat.

"What if there is more than one baby? Do you think you'd both be able to handle that?" Demi questioned Joe shrugging his shoulders.

"We'd have to but it still feels weird that I'm having a baby with my best friend." They both laughed continuing to eat lunch together.

"Don't say things like that, you'll scar me for life," Demi teased. "I hope this works for you though, I'd try again for you ."

"I just don't want you to feel down if it doesn't work, don't think that it's your fault because it isn't. They told us you were suitable but I guess sometimes it just doesn't work."

"I'll be amazed if it didn't, they put five of them up there," They both laughed. "So how did you actually sleep through an alarm." Joe chuckled shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't even know but Emily did as well so I wasn't the only one, I'm truly sorry for missing you leaving. The past five years without you in my life has been well quiet." Joe grinned Demi smacking him as they both laughed again, he wrapped his arm around her kissing the side of her head gently. They were both glad to have each other back in their lives.

"So you've really gone through with this then?" Dianna questioned passing her a drink before sitting down next to her husband. It was a couple of hours later, Joe had left to go get ready for work saying a quick hello to Dianna and Eddie as he left. Demi knew she wouldn't completely have her parent's support for this but sure she wanted to do it.

"Yep I had them implanted earlier today, hopefully it works and I can give Joe and Emily a baby." Demi answered taking a sip of the drink before setting it down next to her.

"Except it's really your baby." Eddie stated.

"I'm not going to think of it as my baby, he or she is Joe and Emily's baby not mine even if they are biologically mine. I might fall in love with them when they kick and move but that doesn't matter because I'll still be around the baby." Demi replied.

"You're so strong for even thinking about doing this Demi, I'm proud of you." Dianna praised Demi smiling as she kissed her head.

"I know you're not completely supportive but this was my decision and I'm going to be changing someone's life and that feeling will be just as good as looking after my child when he or she arrives." Demi was confident but her parents worried that she was too confident and would become more hurt when the time came that she had to hand the baby over.

"Have you ever thought about what will happen if they decide they don't want the baby?" Eddie questioned not wanting to be harsh. He just didn't think she had thought about it enough and the fact that she had a crush on Joe for the better part of her life made the situation even harder to think about. They were starting to think she was doing this just because of the feelings she's had for Joe in the past and possibly the present.

"I don't think that will ever happen, Joe and Emily have wanted this for over a year even as far to say they've wanted this since the miscarriage. I don't think they won't want the baby when the time comes. and even if they did I wouldn't let the baby not have a home. Like you said he or she is still my baby, I couldn't let them be alone like that." No matter what happened they knew Demi was going to be a good mother one day whether that was in a year or in five years.


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