9 》Cloudburst

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A/n: Faster updates from no on. Be sure to read my last note on the previous chapter! x

"Hey lads, sorry i'm late again." I walked in to our small studio finding my bandmates already practicing.

"Let me guess, uhm your alarm clock got broke again?" Louis asked with his annoying sassy tone. Sometimes I wonder if he had a monthly period because of his mood swings. "Stop it Louis." Liam scolded him like a dad. Ha, Take that Lou Lou.

Zayn and Niall did a bro fist to me. "Hey lad thought you will not come over." Niall said followed by our manager who just walked in to the room giving us all a welcome look.

"It's great to see you lads here! We can discuss about the post-launch of your new album." He told us. He is a kind of responsible and devoted manager that's why we owe a lot to him.

Sometimes I think of our band joining a contest like America's Got Talent or X Factor, we would bring home the bacon then it would be a great honor for us and our family for the rest of our life. But then our manager said it wasn't the right time because of some circumstances.

I notice our manager was looking at Niall from time to time like they had a little secret waiting to be revealed hence I want to know it but then I respect their privacy. Maybe it wasn't a big deal to open from others.

But then I suddenly thought the night at the club, Ariana already knew Niall could it mean they met from the past?

Floating my mind from deep thoughts, I came at the idea to talk with Niall about it after this meeting.

"Tell me Lexie, if I haven't signed it he would stop? No, I know Scott and his dirty little tricks!"

"Oh come on Ari. You went a lot of struggles in his admin you don't deserve this."

I paused thinking what she just said. She's true, how many times would Scott tighten his grip on me? Didn't he know that I'm still young and seeking for fun? Am I a hopeless puppet of his? I can't take it anymore.

"Hello? Bestie you still there?" Lexie asked on the other line. Here I am talking to my bestfriend about the agreement. I decided to call her after I went Starbucks just wearing sweatpants this morning because I had this great hangover of drinking a strong liquor yesternight hence I need to drink a gallon of coffee.

"Sorry, I can't stop thinking how would I carry this agreement." I mumbled as I stir on the remaining residue of my Soy Latte -my fave.

"Bestie, i'm so sad for you." She paused for a while. "Are you sure you're ready in his consequence?"

Even if I act like I am strong and brave, Lexie knows the real me. She knows my weaknesses and at times like this she never want me to be alone. She would always show her presence in my rough times. I may not have been blessed a plenty of friends but for me quality is better than quantity.

I heave a long sigh. "Yeah, I'm ready... I think."

I heard her snorting laugh on the other line. "Really? Even if you still haven't read the agreement paper?" Ugh, that shitty thing was getting in my nerves. I rolled my eyes, though Lexie couldn't see.

"Okay, tell me bes."

"It says that.. As the manager, I have the power to put her in a consequence that will enable to change her attitude... her means you. Wait I forgot the last one... oh because of your uncontrolable attitude, uhm you are obliged to go through a preceptor which lasts for 10 sessions."

"Preceptor? Somewhat tutor?" Did Scott thinks i'm a preparatory or what?

"Yes but I got confused when it also stated that the preceptor is similar to your career, could it mean he or she is a singer too?"

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