Thank You

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This is the last chapter:(. But I finally figured out how to wrap it up so here we go.
*whispers* if you like JERCY then you should follow me because I'm writing one shots about them. Also maybe a big one too. But for now, this is the end of the after the war fic.

Annabeth pov_

Percy came out the lake early morning. I was one of the first people to wake up in my cabin, I stood outside waiting for activities to start. I kept one eye on the lake, and when the water finally got to a golden Ichor color, I saw Percy rise up and walk into shore followed by... Tyson? It had to be. No human or demigod was that tall.

With no shoes on or brushed hair or anything, i jogged over to him. I brushed my hair from out of my face once I got in front of him. My feet aches and I shuffled uncomfortably. I shouldn't feel this way.

I realized, standing in front of him, I didn't know what I was going to do. Yet again, I had no plan. He was unreadable.

He filled the silence though. "I'm sorry for yesterday, Annabeth. I was... I wasn't paying attention to my emotions and I wasn't in control. I-I'm sorry." He sighed dejectedly, like this was going to be a common thing now.

"It's not your fault," I pulled him into a hug. I knew it wasn't exactly the right thing to say, it was his fault, a little bit. But he couldn't get full blame. He returned the hug and we just breathed. Comfortable for once. His hair tickled my neck and I rested comfortably on his shoulder. I watched Tyson fiddle with little seashells and trying to fit them together. I felt a little bit of my stress trickle away.

"It was, but thank you Wise Girl." He pulled back and his green eyes that usually dance with a playful light, were dead serious. I missed the old ones.

"Let's go to the stables?," I wanted him to say yes, so bad.

He laughed and some spark of the old Percy peeked through his eyes. "Still feeling rebellious?"

"Shut up! It doesn't matter here. It's not like the two campers rule.." I trailed off with a smirk.

"We've broken that 3 times already." He grabbed my hand and walked towards the stables humming Some Nights under his breath.

We were met by Blackjack. Normally, he didn't stay in the stables, but lately, Blackjack preferred to stay nearby Percy. They were often caught talking in the late hours. Black pelt to black mop of hair.

"Hey boy," Percy murmured softly. He stroked his nose. "We just wanted to talk this morning."
Blackjack nickered and tilted his head.
Percy laughed. "They don't have donuts here buddy. Maybe later?" Blackjack tossed his head in appreciation.

He was still smiling slightly when we settled in one of the entry stalls. There blankets already spread out and it was soft.

"I didn't sleep last night Percy," I turned towards him.


"I couldn't stop worrying. About- everything. I was restless. I was worried about you." I brushed the straw out of my hair nonchalantly.

Percy sucked in a breath. "You don't have to worry about me Annabeth. "

"Did you sleep?"

"Tyson was with me the whole time. I slept good for once."

He still looked ready to drop. I was too. Besides, breakfast wasn't until a few hours.
We didn't say anything, but we both knew we weren't moving soon. We settled back on the blanket. He had one arm wrapped around me and it was cozy. We fell asleep, looking at the sunlight filtered through the bars.

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