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This is just a small chapter. It was supposed to be in the last one but it was better off on its own. I decided to update it now bc I'm a nice person ;).

Percy pov
My body went into autopilot mode the minute I shoved past Piper. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't care. I was getting out.

The walk to the lake felt unnaturally long. Probably because of all the looks I was getting. Time seems to slow down whenever you're being watched when you don't want to. My face was burning with left over anger and my eyes were in focused. A slight dizzying feeling occurred when I moved my head. I felt out of control of my own body.

Just make it to the lake. The lake will help.

I repeated the words over and over in my mind.

To the lake to the lake to the lake.


With a gasp that sent a burning feeling through my lungs, I sprinted the last 10 feet and dove into the lake.

Instantly, I felt a cooling sensation that woke me and yet calmed me at the same times. This was water on its good days. I was glad for it.

The bubbles rose around me and I let myself sink. I took deep breaths. I shut my eyes from the giggling and waving water nymphs, Nereids.

I just had to stay here for a minute.

Or an hour.

Or all night. That sounded good.

If I'm staying all night I might as well get comfortable.

The sea weed was soft at the bottom and the sand was clean. If I positioned myself just right, i could see right out of the water and on the surface, and the shore. I could see some campers out there, trying to relax. I wished I could join.

The seaweed began to wave a little bit. I wondered if a sea creature was headed my way. If so, it would probably not be dangerous. Monsters aren't allowed inside the boundaries.

Keeping one eye on the shore, I began to mindlessly play with the sea weed. I felt strange for some reason. It didn't feel quite right.
What did I feel?
I felt... melancholy.


Seaweed Brain.

And at that moment I wanted to drown. But unfortunately, I couldn't. So I was stuck in this meaningless world with no ending to this godly disaster. Even after we die, where do we go?
To Hades.
And what do we do?
Well, it depends.
If you're lucky, you get Elysium.
If you did okay, Asphodel.
If you were terrible, Punishment for eternity.
But where did I belong?

I sigh and bubbles float to the surface. I was turning into Annabeth, all these deep thoughts.

The rush of water feels closer and before I realize it, a certain cyclops is upon me.


"Brother!!" He grabbed me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Tyson...oxygen. Well *cough* you.. Know."
"Sorry brother." He let go and dropped his hands to his sides.

"What are you doing, Percy?," he asked with childlike Innocence.

I leaned back into my make shift sea weed bed.
"Trying to drown."

His brown eye crinkled in confusion. "But, you can't?"

"That's the problem."

"Why are you sad, Percy?"

I was surprised he caught on so fast. It made me wonder. Was it that easy to tell?

"I've been having bad dreams, Tyson." I could tell him.

"About- when you fell?"

"Yeah," I whispered. "And other stuff too."

He puffed out his chest. "I will fight the bad dreams, brother. I will stay awake all night."

I laughed. "You don't have to Tyson. But if you insist." I lie down on my side. I am again shocked at why I felt so tired. Usually sleep takes if sweet time to get to me. Why did everything shock me now?

I sighed in content. Tyson spoke softly to me.
"You're a good person, Percy. Believe it. You're the best."

With my eyes no longer dry, I shut them and said,
"Thank you Tyson."

I like this chapter. It was fun to write. Plus, Tyson is a sweet heart. What did you think?
Remember to comment. I looooooove comments! And please vote if you enjoyed it!

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