Brother's Best Friend

Start from the beginning

Ashton : It was almost a full time job on its own; being the sister of a band member. At least, that's what it became after you spend a lot of time with your brother's band. Neither you nor Luke had expected the amount of fans you basically had gotten yourself. Sure, without Luke, those people wouldn't care about you, but now they do and it is actually kind of nice. Your popularity sky-rocketed when Luke announced to the world that he was taking his big sister on tour; you took the job as 5 Seconds of Summer's stylist, meaning you managed their clothes, hair and make-up. It wasn't too weird that Luke had gotten you this spot, since you used to do his hair all the time when you were younger, up until he turned 13 and it wasn't 'cool' anymore to have your sister do you hair.

These two 'jobs' combined made one thing kind of an issue: dating. Not that anyone would really care which guy you brought home, but they would figure it out. It wasn't a private matter anymore. It would be common knowledge for every 5SOS fan. You didn't really see it as a problem until you took a liking to Ashton, the drummer of your brother's band. You didn't really know how it happened -it was probably a combination of his looks, humour and caring personality-, but you developed a tiny crush on him. Ever since you met him, Ashton would be quite flirty with you. At first you thought it was just a way in which he messed with Luke, but as you got to know him more, you figured out that he did it because he enjoyed it. He liked to fluster you, preferably when it was just the two of you, but he wouldn't refrain if you were accompanied by other people. And over time, you started liking it more and more. You liked his attention on you, and he seemed to like giving you his undivided attention. It's just that this didn't go unnoticed by, well, practically everyone. Calum liked to keek when you were all in the dressing room, right before a show when you would fix the boys' hair quickly. And sometimes, Ashton would let himself go while you'd work on his hair. Like today. Or well, today was quite different from the rest.You stepped in front of him, blocking his view in the mirror, to fix his bangs, giving it the right amount of curls. His eyes snap up to you and he focusses purely on you. He basically forgets that there's anyone else in the room. "Hey." He says before sliding his arms around your waist, pulling you a little bit closer to him. You end up between his legs, putting your hand on his shoulder to steady yourself. "Ash, I'm trying to do your hair, you know. You have a show to play soon." He just shrugs his shoulders, tightening his grip on you. "Come on, we have a minute, or three." He says, you can feel his eyes boring a hole through your skull, but you won't give in. You can't look in his eyes or you're gone. "A minute or three for what?" You shouldn't have said that, because he pulls you even closer. With closer, he means your bodies flush against each other, and because of your height difference with you standing and him sitting on a hairdresser's chair, his head is resting right in between your boobs. You look around the room, checking if no one is paying attention to the two of you. You try to pull away, but it's no use; Ashton is a muscular drummer, your strength is nothing against his. "Cuddles!" He squeals out. You let out a soft chuckle. You knew he was a big softie and this proved it. You pat his head twice before trying to push him away. "And here's Asht-... Oh. I think we're interrupting something, guys." Both you and Ashton snap your heads towards the voice that interrupted your hug. Calum. With his phone. You see the sneaky smile on his face, and you kind of have an idea about what he's doing; filming a keek. Ashton seems to have the same idea as he pushes you off and gets off the chair. "Calum! You can't post that. Get back here!" Calum was slowly backing out of the room until Ashton started to chase him; they were out of the dressing room in seconds. Your brother came up to you, laughing his ass off. Apparently he found the whole ordeal quite funny. "What are you laughing at?" You scoff at him, wrapping your arms over each other, trying to play of the embarrassment you were currently feeling. You were just caught with Ashton's face in a place it shouldn't be, and your brother was laughing at you; not a really good day. "You're adorable together. Just let it happen, he's good for you." He says before walking back to Mikey, where he was before. Ashton then came back into the room, panting, yelling about how he had successfully destroyed all evidence. And you smiled, maybe, maybe Luke was right.

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