I went out to the door, but my mother pulled my arm, causing me to stop.

"What do you want?" I screamed at her.

She gave me a disapproving glare. "I don't like that girl. She isn't the girl that you should be with. Why are you dating this girl anyway?"

This was the second time she hasn't approved of me. First being when I started to do YouTube as a job, but she was never like this.

I ripped my arm from her grasp. "Because I love her. You have dream of this day, why can't you take this more than perfect girl?"

I saw movement at the corner of my eye, behind the closet door.

I pushed my mother out of the way to open it.

The thing behind the door was a sight I hoped wasn't.

It was Lacey Figioli, talking into a walkie talkie.

"God dammit. Lacey, what the fuck are you doing here?"

A smirk grew across her face, staring me up and down.

"I didn't want to take my chances, didn't you hear? I wanted this slut you call a girlfriend away from what was mine. Now, you don't have to worry about her. It is just me and you now, Si." She said to me, wrapping her arms around me seductively.

I pushed her off of me, feeling absolute disgust. "Where is Samantha?"

She gave a giggle that you would only hear in horror films. "I don't know, but she is probably gonna go and have the blade do my job for me."

My heart stopped, and my actions were ones I would never regret.

I punched Lacey. No pity punch, a punch that could knock out the Rock.

Lacey fell to the ground, unconscious.

My mom awakened from her spell, finally being aware of everything around her.

"Si, sweetie, when did you get here?" She asked me.

She looked down at the girl at my knees. "That God damn Lacey is back. Please don't tell me your girlfriend is Lacey." My mom asked me.

My mother also was aware of Lacey, her being the target, besides me, so she knew everything that she needed to know.

I shook my head frantically. "No. No. NO." I told her. "But she is back alright. She tried to convince Samantha to commit suicide, and now, I don't know where she is now."

That's when the situation kicked in. I ran out the door and drove to the first place I could think of.

The park.

I practically sped through the entire city to get there.

I arrived and nothing was there, except for the kids and there parents playing on the playground.

Returning back, I had the next biggest idea, the roof.

I sped off once again, searching for the right building, and found it.

I stood under the building, and I felt my face begin to feel wet, as if it was raining, bit with the clearest of skies.

I ran up the complete 32 flights of stairs and went up to the roof, and I saw a broken girl, sitting with her head in her knees, hearing the gentle sobs against the side of the edge.

"Why am I still here? I was just a mistake." I heard her say.

I quietly stepped foward towards her, being as quiet as I could be.

Finding Love (Miniminter Fanfiction) -Revising-Where stories live. Discover now