Betrayal (2)

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SeoYeong's POV

Thankfully Yijung, WooBin and GaEul decided to help us. We all stared at the photo, which for sometime seemed completely useless. 'Did you girls find anything odd?' WooBin asked and we both nodded. 'When we woke up we saw 'thanks for last night' written on the mirror, with pink lipstick.' Said JanDi.

'That's weird. What man would walk around with lipstick?' GaEul asked. I shook my head. 'It wasn't a man. There was another thing that was odd. MinJi. I think it was her.' I said. 'Oh MinJi !?' JanDi questioned. 'Who else could have taken the pictures?' I asked. 'Look! The guy also has a tattoo. We can go to the club and track him down.' WooBin pointed to the dragon tattoo.

The next day, when I walked to my car, after school to get back, home I saw, that my car was completely vandalized. Words like trashy, slut and fake spray painted all over, with the windscreen crashed.

Suddenly, someone dumped a bucket of water on me. I turned around to see a crowd of kids with flour, eggs and water balloons, surrounding me. I ran in the opposite direction and froze, when I saw JanDi on the ground bleeding and the liquid from the fire hydrant being, thrown at her.

I couldn't stand the sight. I quickly texted my father's assistant to send help. I ran towards JanDi and tried my best to stop the kids and to protect her. 'Do you all want to die! Stop. Now.' I screamed but then they started, hitting me with eggs and flour making me fall on the ground right next to JanDi.

I still tried protecting JanDi from the fire hydrant, but as the result my hand's tissues were badly damaged. I couldn't move. I couldn't protect JanDi. I couldn't even protect myself. I needed someone to protect me. To help me out. But there was, no one.

I started to shake and cough. With all of my strength I started to get up, only to be shot down by the fire hydrant again.

Suddenly, the water starts to subside, and I turn around to see JunPyo come in rather violently, beating up tormenters. He then comes over to check on us. 'I'm fine. Go get JanDi.' I lied, barely managing to speak, as I kept shivering.

'Just stay here, SeoYeong, Okay?' JunPyo said, but it sounded a blur, as everything turned black.

I woke up by hearing voices. It sounded as if some people were arguing. The door was then slammed making me sit up straight. 'Oh you are awake.' JanDi said handing me a glass of water. 'How do you feel?' She asked. 'Like, shit.' I told her. 'JunPyo was worried about you, more worried than I was.' She said. 'He is such a jerk at times but I have to admit he is really caring for the people, who are important to him.' I said. 'Don't tell him I said that okay?' I told JanDi and she nodded.

My father's assistant had already informed my dad about, what had happened and he was not happy, with that. Plus, I can't move my hand properly and most probably, won't be able to for a week. The good news won't going to school but as they say, with a good news comes a bad one. I have to stay at my aunt's!!! Which means with JunPyo, till my dad's away because he thinks staying with my cousin would help me get better but I bet the contrary.

After three days, my doubt, had turned into reality. It was MinJi who had done that. I was standing with the rest of F4, when JunPyo was handed a yearbook and opened the page directly where, Oh MinJi's picture was and a flashback came falling in.


The sun was shining. The birds sung and playgrounds were filled with life. Cute little JiHoo was playing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (or the ABC song, whatever)' Adorable little YiJung was playing with clay. Curious little WooBin was counting his money in a game of life, and Headstrong little JunPyo was reading a business magazine.

Little MinJi was coloring her picture of a prince and princess couple with the names 'Gu JunPyo and Oh MinJi' on the sides. 'Ah it's a bug!' JunPyo gasped, trying to flail it away with his smallish arms. Then MinJi came up and picked her scrapbook up, swatting the fly away.

'It's okay, now. It's gone' MinJi said, looking down. JunPyo looked at the air and sighed happily, then looked down at the chubby little girl in disgust. His eyes traveled down to the scrapbook photo. He grabbed the photo, slapped it down and started stepping on it. 'Don't do that' The little girl said, politely, while looking down. 'Who are you calling a husband, you ugly thing?...Do you want to be cut from preschool...huh? Do you want to die?' He asked.

'Don't do this' MinJi said, trying to grab the photo, but then he pushed her down. 'You pumpkin, things like you are absolutely dumb. Now screw off...' He said, with a disgusted tone. He threw the picture down, gave her the raspberry and then walked away. Little MinJi started crying.


They all were shocked. I just kept looking around curious as to who Oh MinJi really was. 'Since that day...I felt so awful,you guys wouldn't know...I couldn't even take a step outside because I was scared and dreaded how ugly I looked. begged for 3 years then went to Germany. After I got surgery for two years, it was so painful that I wanted to die. Do you know how I survived..?' She then looked at our faces then chuckled.

'The way you guys looked at me and ran off...Like I was a bug or a monster; that expression. I didn't forget it for a second.' MinJi said, crying, and smiling.

'Whatever I have done, was regrettable. I apologize.' JunPyo said, looking into the space with a hateful expression. 'No, that's not it!' We all looked up, surprised at her sudden outburst. 'I didn't want to hear that you were sorry!'

'Please, get a hold of yourself" I said, emotionless, looking down. I understood the situation but had no idea, how to react. I felt bad for MinJi but her actions, weren't justified. 'Look at me...aren't I pretty? I've become pretty, didn't I? Don't you want me...? You were the one I came back for...Do you know how much I've dreamed for this moment!?' She started to shake JunPyo. 'Say it! SAY IT! Say you want Oh MinJi, Just this once! SAY IT!'

"You're pitiful. It is really unfortunate...Do you know why? Because now, you are a monster. No matter how pretty you are, the old you was prettier. She had a good heart" JunPyo started to walk away, as I hesitated to follow at first, seeing MinJi break down broke my heart, it wasn't completely her fault? Was it?

JanDi and I were dragged by the 3 whatever's to the screen. We saw Pictures of MinJi's plastic surgery changes. 'She so fake.' Someone commented on her.

'Your eyes!' I pointed at the first girl. 'Your nose' I pointed at the other . 'And your lips' I pointed at the third. 'Their all done. Their plastic. Yet you get surgery, You guys go all out for MinJi getting some. You guys really need lives.' I told the three and they gasped.

'Yah, It's alright to make a pretty person prettier, but not an ugly person pretty?' JanDi said, taking over. 'It doesn't come simply What's wrong with that!? what!?' JanDi yelled, but no one came forward.

'I won't ask for forgiveness.' MinJi said, I looked up at her kinda angry but at the same time I didn't feel like hating her. 'You know I feel bad, that you had to go through so much, but seriously, you drugged my friend and you did something so horrible, you should know this is not justified.' I said. 'I won't apologize.' She said again.

'MinJi!' I lost it. 'Do you know what could have happene-' And I was cutoff by JanDi. 'Its fine..' She whispered while slapping MinJi. 'Saying I'm sorry...That won't happen either.' Then JanDi slapped her again. 'I wouldn't have either.' JanDi said, as we walked away.

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