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Clary held the pencil in her hand sketching lines of colour, she didn't know who she was drawing until she finished it. She stared back at her book in wonder, she drew Will except this Will was happy, his dark blue eyes warm and crinkles of laughter surrounding his smile and so genuine, he seemed to be laughing along with someone else; Tessa.
She looked only slightly younger and she held a book in her hands her eyes full of love and happiness and naïve emotions working in those big grey eyes.
Clary was amazed she drew it quite well after all year full of action and the whole Sebastian thing she didn't exactly have time to draw.
She caught the angles of Wills cheekbones well and his black curls she sighed this happy Tessa is gone and a foul taste stays in her mouth feeling guilty, Tessa was nice to her at the her mother and Luke's wedding, she remembers how she was polite and how she helped Jocelyn with Clary.
Speaking of Jocelyn she really should tell what's going on.
"Hey mom."
"Hey clary."
"How's is Thailand?" Right now Jocelyn was on a honeymoon with Luke, they choose Thailand after much advice from Magnus.
"It's brilliant ohh you get one if these massages they're heaven." Clary nods unable to tell her mother she didn't want her to worry and get mad on her honeymoon, they have been trying for months but there always something going on. And finally after 6 months they went.
"That seems nice..."
"Clary is something wrong?"
"Oh no nothing just wanted to see how you were doing." She tries to keep her voice as casual as possible
"Ok well if ever need to talk I'm just a phone call away."
"Yes mom goodbye have a good time."
"Love you Clary don't do anything stupid."
"Love you."

Alec sat at the edges of the steps contemplating how he should kill himself a slit in the throat, wrists maybe or some warlock potion nice and easy.

(A/N I know he's annoying and not funny)

He was never the sadistic kind but now everything was so confusing, he might as well leave it alone except he can't.
-Magnus won't talk to him.
-There are shadowhunters from the 1800s.
-Izzy was kidnapped.
-But now the nice warlock girl Magnus was friends with is gone.
-And for hellish reason the clave isn't getting involved.
-His mum and dad don't care what's going on.
-In fact this whole entire shadowhunter Mortmain destruction thing isn't effecting no one.
And he has no idea,"What is this some weird story mixup?!"

"No I don't think we are, don't be ridiculous. I know lightworms aren't smart but in the name of Angel do some work. I know that what was it Sebastian was it or Valentine...Situation was all taking up your time but do you not even have time for a book or two everyone has time for a book."

Here Alec stood worrying about the existence of shadowhunters and here William Herondale stood worrying about how dumb he was.

"Do nowadays mundanes don't read, well your library isn't very big I must say and I know many mundanes with the art of writing. it isn't that hard, what do you have now fruit telephones."

"Apple phone?" Alec stood dumbstruck

"Oh yes why would anyone name a devices after a fruit . What were they thinking, my love for apples is just so divine I must call my new invention Apple."


"Henry wouldn't even do some so outwardly idiotic and that's a lot to say if you ask me."

"You do-"

"Oh goodness what would why I ever need a clock on my arm and a communicating device at the same time. It's a bit of a show off if you ask me."

"Apple watches?"

"Yes it is complete utter nonsense is it possible to the population of the planet to grow even stupid but smart at the same time."


"And the clothes who's brilliant idea was it too stop the idea of clothes why do I see such slim shirt fabric of females it is barbaric! Showing their skin do they not have a decency to be modest or it that unknown in the time today. Males go around shirtless and now temperature is controllable well might as well create the whole planet out of peculiar machines."

'By the Angel he's worse then Jace.'

"You have the Herondale eyes you know."

Alec stares at him confused then he remembers camille Magnus' ex telling him he resembled Will.

How odd that.

"Herondale eyes?"
"Yes blue well you see Herondales had beautiful eyes and dark hair it was our known feature as well as beautiful smart witty famous..."


"Then my sister just had to ruin it all giving the lightworms her genes, why Cecily?! Why I mean what have I done to deserve such a blasphemy occur in our name.."

Alec stared at him

"And Jace with his gold eyes, which makes no sense I mean where did that from..."

Suddenly a large bash went surrounded by a high pitched scream, Alec ran inside to find the source, Will trailing behind closely then runs forward when Cecily comes running with a gash along her forehead and blood dripping.
"Cecily! What-"

"Will clary she-she..."

She was interrupted by Jace

"What! What happened to Clary."
He ran to go in the room when Cecily stood in front of him her hands trembling
"She's gone..."


Dun dun dun! Well I have no idea I just like Will and his rants amazing beautiful rants and his beautiful self and did u see that with Alec and the story wink wink

Anyways love you lovelies❤️❤️❤️❤️

Oh and ps the picture is of Tessa part drawing clary made.


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