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"Cadair Idris?" All the New Yorkers want to kill Mortmain as soon as possible but doing that without the clave noticing that their gone from the institute is going to be tricky...
"Maybe half of us can stay here and protect the institute whilst the rest go to fight Mortmain?"
"No he's too smart he will find a way too ambush us..."
"Well we will go and ambush him simple I don't know why-"
"Half can't stay here we need more numbers"
"The girls can stay here and-"
"I don't care what century you are from here girls fight too!"
"Didn't he get a way to get in the institute last time anyway..."
"This is all your fault because-"
"Stop blaming him you know that-"
"We aren't going to get anywhere because all of us are too unprepared we need the clave-"
"EVERYONE STOP TALKING!" Will boomed and everyone quieted down he was sick and tried of this banter they needed a plan a plan fast. Magnus sighed "Of course the Herondale has a plan." Ever since Will came here Magnus felt weird and he didn't like it he was over him a long time ago it wasn't his fault but..."I have an idea but for it too work we need everyone to comprise and help so no stupidity please?!" Jace stared at him he was going to say the same thing he knew Will was his ancestor but geezus "Ok I'm up for it herondales are frankly smart but I am just the smarter one and not to boast the stronger one too." Will have Jace a deadly glare "You want to prove that lightworm..."
"I am not a lightwood!"
"But aren't you..."
"SHUT UP!" Magnus was exhausted from trying to find some spell which can help Tessa and Jem "Biscuit I believe you said no fighting..." "Biscuit?" Isabelle scoffed Magnus glared at her and so that plan was discussed after a long time of indecisiveness...

Will was furious at Cecily for wearing which he didn't even classify as clothes "Where do you think you are going LIGHTWORM!" Cecily crossed her arms "To my dear lightwood fiancée!" Will gasped "You-you are so getting a talk with mam!"
"I don't think that will be a problem since I will tell her about how you got that scar!" She pointed at the star mark at Will's chest laughing Will just sputtered cursing under his breath something about whores and 21 century. They didn't realise that everyone was there listening on there conversation. "Wait how did you get that mark?" Jace asked considering he had the same one Will nervously laughed and Magnus burst out laughter "Oh I will tell you young Herondale oh this is such payback!"
"PAYBACK WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU I BEG YOU MAGNUS!" Cecily stifled a laugh trying to  look serious but ended up failing oh this was too good "I have heard about it...It happened when an angel comes in contact with your skin right?" Clary remarked confused why this was a big deal. "Well Will here was captured with Tessa in a room in Cadair Idris and..." Magnus teased "No please no."
"Well let's say that they umm made love together and since Tessa had a special necklace which had an angel trapped in it when it made contact with Will's skin it leaved the famous mark!" Will became awfully read in the face very one started bursting in laughter but Jace just looked dumbstruck "This very famous mark is because you had sex with a warlock girl!"
"NO I... I mean she isn't just warlock and she's half..."
"Oh by the angel!" Clary found that the institute was in laughter once again filled  happiness but soon it wouldn't last long....


So yep thank you guys soooooooooo much for all the reads ☺️ so happy!!
So yea this a lightweight chapter just for the ease and the humour cus the next one is um...tense? Idk

Anyway thank you my lovelies 😘😍


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