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Tessa blasts up maroon 5s maps and start singing the lyrics Jem slides his arms and hugs her and they dance when they were just about to reach the chorus Tessa gets a phone call from the institute she sighs and closes the music Jem frowns what could it be he quite liked maroon 5 even if their band name didn't make sense Tessa picks up the phone "Hello?" "Tess." Will.


Clary screamed when she saw the same automans surge through the institute Maryse runs "I'm going to call the clave hold them till now!" Magnus runs to protect Tessa and Jem who were still unconscious Will took his seraph blade Nikra he stepped forward he knew how to fight he stepped in front of Cecily who took out her blades but he was joined by Gabriel "Let's take them down together heronduck" "My pleasure lightworm!" And they both stepped into the automans and Gideon ran and started slashing every one but one started talking "William Herondale you really think these blades work on us remember demons stuck in us" they started laughing Will backed up "Are you here for Tessa you can't have her you know this!" Will shouts whilst stabbing the automan with a normal short dagger. Jace and Alec run down with lots of gear "No they don't work you need mundane blades?!" Isabelle doesn't ask questions she runs down to the kitchen and takes all the knives and runs up to give to everyone. "Protect Tessa!" Jem starts limping towards Will "Forgot you parabati Will I am hurt." "Jem you need to rest where's Magnus?" Suddenly the automans stop and laugh " You think we want your Tessa no we want the one who's living in this present day and Jem Carstairs He is out bait we don't care about you anymore but we do like revenge." He start towards us Magnus holds Tessa and runs towards Will "Will..." Jem gets on his knees Will can't breathe she isn't breathing.


Hey guys ohhhhh I left on a cliff hanger 😉what do you is going to happen now the Herondale line in danger! Please comment and vote I am not updating frequently sorry xx I have a lot of reasons holidays and stuff 😁
thank you❤️💜💛💚💙


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