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Jace was in the middle of killing one of them the Kitchen knives wasn't exactly easy to kill with when he heard a ears piercing scream it wasn't high quite manly it's soundly like a no but there was so much pain in it he had to cover his ears Clary looked at him in wide shock then he sees a limp body Magnus looks like he is about faint and cry at the same time Alec rushes to him but he is looking at the girl Tessa.

Clary looks at Will he looks like everything he ever had is crumbling before his night eyes the sliver boy is is on his knees stroking her hair and tears escape his eyes "I am losing everything" and closes his eyes and he starts coughing out blood Magnus had been silent the whole time but when he saw Jem he ran to him and chanting spells so loud everyone is in the room was finding it hard to protect them from the automans Will starts running to Jem and his sister runs to him and cradling him. Jem stops coughing and ...Breathing. Will starts screaming and rocking back and forth. Tears slip through Clarys eyes and Jace looks pained.


"What do we do now?" Magnus looks like he hasn't slept for days stares at Jace with cold eyes "it's been 3 days." Simon was so confused when he saw a room full of blood and pain. Isabelle shushes him Alec holds Magnus' hand "This means the Herondale line is going to fade away all the Herondales ever lived won't exist and...and this is going to start in 7 days we will know the Herondales but not the people who didn't know what happened..." Clary gasped "What about Jace?!" Magnus gets up his cat eyes look red "What about Jace this isn't all about Jace I'm done helping you Herondales you bring me nothing but pain and pity I don't need to help you anymore I'm sorry Alec..." As he turns to leave everyone was so shocked about his outburst they didn't see Will.

Magnus look taken back. Magnus looked happy compared to Will he seemed like sleep didn't mean anything to him and his hair was scuffed out and he haven't shaved his eyes were so red they look like they were bleeding maybe they were when he couldn't cry anymore. "I am...sorry Will I shouldn't-" "No stop talking is that why you helped me Magnus because you felt pity. leave if you want I don't know what I am to you for you get us here and now you abandon us. I know there's no hope now this time it's not just a curse Magnus this time it's real my pain is real." Magnus looked down tears escape he never thought ever he could do this but he left "Will I have sacrificed a lot to help you this time you are alone." Will nods and even though he though it wasn't possible a tear falls "Just give me a way to contact the Tessa who lives now and the Jem I have only a few days before they die too don't I and I thought she was your friend." Will speaks his voice raspy, Magnus walks silently "Everyone dies Will you did..." "That doesn't mean everyone should!" He scream, pain ached in his voice "We were going to have a family we were going to have children! I was going to have a son, a daughter, grand children I was going to be with Tessa." Will screams at Magnus who looks like he was going be sick "Tell me you met my son didn't you?" Magnus kept looking down "What was he like? What was his name?" He looked mad his eyes were in a frenzy searching Magnus' face who was quivering "James he was...just like you..." Will sat down and started shaking "James" he started sobbing just then his sister entered and started parting his back making soothing noises Maryse looked dismayed "I will pay you anything you name it how much you want 1000$ no 2000$ I will give you everything just help Jace help the Herondales please..." Isabelle who thought her mother never broke down went on her knees pleading Magnus with her hands together Jace whose tears have been silently falling throughout the whole time ran and picked Maryse up and hugged her when she started crying and stroking  his hair "I'm sorry I never sang to you I'm sorry when..." "Shhh it's okay" Alec looked distraught his face was drowning with tears Clary looked the same but Isabelle didn't give up "No! Please very thing we have been through how could leave us like this how we-" clary took Isabelle "Isabelle it won't work he's-" "Bloody hell no I will make it work!" She started crying Simon took her in his arms and started soothing her soon everything was going to crumble and Magnus felt guilty like never before guilt burn in his stomach but he can't help them what's done is done you can't bring someone back from the dead.

Yep idk I really don't want Magnus to be like this but you know kind of can't happen 😁 I am trying to think wat will happen now but yea
Love you getting close to 100 reads thanks guys honestly ❤️❤️❤️


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