The Greatest Love

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The Greatest Love

By: WarmXHeart





Two Years Earlier.

Nina was tapping her lead pencil against her desk, looking up every second at the clock. She was desperate for her last class of the day to finish.

There were only two minutes left, but she still kept tapping her pencil against the desk as if it will make time go much faster. She looked up, down and around to find something that would amuse her, but found none.

"Miss Greene will you please stop, you're distracting the class." Mr. Dodd said as he looked up from his computer. His gray eyebrows bent down, he licked his colorless lips as he turned his attention towards the computer.

Nina stopped tapping her lead pencil, smirking as she looked around the room. Her classmates were passing out as the dead. 'What class?' She wanted to say. There was about half of the class here, probably they ditched. The other half in this room were either texting or watching videos on their smart phones.

She felt the intense urge to throw the pencil at him or scream at him to look around 'his class.' She wasn't even distracting them, she bet that they hadn't even heard the tapping. Not when they had their earphones plugged in as their music blasted to their ears.

She hated this class, especially when Mr. Dodd is teaching it, making it her worst subject: Geometry.


The loud and annoying bell rang, signaling that school is over. Nina sighed in relief as she got up from her desk, grabbing her bag and smirking at Mr. Dodd when she passed by his desk. "Have a safe weekend Miss. Greene." He said. Not once looking up from his computer, he was still in deep concentration, on whatever he was doing.

Have a safe weekend? Does he really think I will be doing drugs or getting in a car accident during the weekend? Nina thought. He sounded that he truly believes that I would be doing such things.

"Have a safe weekend, too, Mr. Dodd." She replied back as she got out of class. Not wanting to stand in his classroom any second more.

As she was making her way downstairs, her heart stopped. There stood her best friend, well maybe an ex best friend, Ethan Ford. He was leaning against the stairs and gave her a nervous smile while waving at her.She looked taken back to see Ethan there waiting for her.

It had been a long time since she has seen him. Well, except from afar when she spots him hanging around frequently with some guy named Joey. Lately Ethan has stopped hanging out at their group spot, he doesn't talk to her, and most of the time it seems like he's been ignoring her.

"Nina, hey, how are you?" Ethan said as she made it downstairs. She looked up and her gaze admiring his face.

How am I? She thought I felt abounded, ignored, empty, with out you. She wanted to say to him.

His chestnut brown hair was in waves framing his face. She remembered when she would always have her hand go through his hair, and enjoying the softness of it. His jaw looked strong, making his face look older, his lips were naturally soft pink, and lastly she looked at his emerald green eyes that would make her heart melt.

What would she give to kiss him right now...? Ethan coughed, bringing Nina to reality, making her blush faintly. She knew that Ethan caught her checking him out, but she couldn't help it. Ethan looked so attractive, she hasn't realized till now that he has changed a lot.

"I'm fine, are you waiting for anybody?" she asked. She looked around to see if it was someone else he was looking for, probably for Joey.

"No, I was waiting for you; I need to talk to you about something." He said casually. Nina's eyes popped open in surprise. Ethan wants to talk to her? It had been five months since the last time they talked.

She nodded, worried that he wanted to end their friendship. Why else would he want to talk to her now? Ethan leads her towards a tree that was shaped like a broccoli, literary. The spot where they would always hang out after school.

"So, you know where best friends, right?" Ethan started as he brought his hand through his hair, a sign that he was nervous.

"Yes." she said simply, utterly confused that Ethan would consider her as his best friend. In the past five months he is hanging out with Joey though.

"You know I haven't been hanging out with you recently." He said. Recently she thought, it had been five months that he hasn't!

"Yes." She simply said, nodding her head waiting for Ethan to go on. "Reason is: I have a boyfriend." He said quickly.

Nina froze, she knew it! He was breaking off their friendship because he has a new best friend. "A what?" She couldn't process on what Ethan just said.

"Nina, I have a boyfriend, I'm gay." he said with a confident voice, like he was proud of who he was. Nina felt her heart stop, she couldn't believe that her best friend is gay. She had so much processing in her mind, she couldn't think straight.

"Ethan, you're my best friend. I accept you who you are, and I'm happy for you." She said as she felt her heart shatter into a million pieces.

"It's nice to hear that." He replied and then quickly answered his phone when it rang. "Hey babe, yes I'm on my way."

His face light up like the sun and then he hung up. "It's him! You know Joey Neil, right?" He asked as he got up. Nina knew him very well, but she simply nodded. She was on the verge of crying, but she held it in.

"Well... see you later, bye." He said simply as he started to jog away from her. Nina felt a tear escape and then another, next thing you know she was drowning with them.

Sadness took over her heart, but she felt happiness. Happy, because Ethan has found his happiness with someone. Someone that isn't her.

"I love you." She whispered to him, but he couldn't hear her say those words, he was already gone from plain sight. She felt completely alone, she knew from that point on that she had lost him, her other half. Her best friend, the one that was suppose to protect her and care for. Though little does she knows that two years from now destiny has other plans for her and Ethan.




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