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kim freak out when she saw pat in tears..
"pat?..did i say something wrong?..im sorry..i didnt mean it pat.."
"it's okey kim...bee is not my cousin.."
"huh?..but you said...."
"she is my boyfriend.."
"but..why do you have to keep it?i mean..your just making everything difficult.."
"this is the right thing to do"
"right thing?..how could you say that?"
"if we let them know the truth..they will judge us..this kind of relationship is not welcome to the society.."
"do you have to mind them pat?..."
"yes!...im afraid that bee will be discriminate...will be judge by everyone.i love her and i dont want to see her suffer"
"there's nothing to be afraid of pat....wo what if they will not accept you...so what if they'll judge you?...you know what's more important?...your love for bee..and her love for you...at first..it would be hard..but bee must be your armor...she must protect you..like what i did to pie...
i undergo all the pain before i get what i have right now...before i got pie's mom support..what really matter was..i remain strong for pie..and for our love...that's what bee must do.."
pat enlightened her face like she was being remove from her own cross.
"pat?..there's no need for you to hide everything...just talk to her..believe me..youll gonna be free and youll gonna be happy."
"thank you kim...i thought no one could understand us..."
"there's a lot of us pat..just look around.."
kim wipe pat's face...and draw a smile on her face..
"it's already late..im gonna go back in bed..she might look for me kim..."
"okey pat...gudnyt"
"you too..go to sleep.."
after pat entered the barracks..
kim stood up... and also ready to sleep.she again look at the blue moon.
"pie?...i hope you also stare at the moon.i miss you pie. "
kim walk slowly back to her room.before she went to bed...she took a glass of milk..and she also checked her phone..there's 13 miscalls...when she dial the number..a girl answered...a smooth voice from the other line..
"i miss you kim"
kim smiled as her sleepyness disappear
"how are you my girl?"
"your girl?..you left me here alone..how dare you calling me yours.."
"haha...im sorry then...why you call me that late huh?"
"i had a bad dream so i woke up and dial your number"
"what kind of dream was that?"
"someone was flirting with you again"
"hahaha...what a silly dream"
"isnt true kim?"
"no pie...no one dares to flirt with me...coz you got my dad as your spy"
"that's good to hear..please extend my hello to dad".pie used to call him dad since he treat her also as her own daughter.."gonna go back to sleep now kim..."
"okey pie.. goodnight.."
"goodnight kim..."
they took a minute of silence til they both said..
"i love you".pie put off the phone..
and kim go to her bed and try to sleep.

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