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after kim had change her shoes..
they walk on to the plantation...
it was a very wide farm...and from the hill she could see the overall crop plantation that her dad manage..and soon to be her.
her dad was so busy so kim didnt mind calling him.and by the way..there's p'odd assisting her.
kim was roaming around the farm when she bump into pat..
pat fell into the ground as well as the basket she is carrying..the grapes scattered into the ground.
"im sorry pat.."
kim help her to stand up..
pat clean up her suit and pick up the grapes and put it again to the basket..
kim help her with that..
"pat um really sorry..i didnt see you coming"
pat just nodded..her face was almost covered with the scarf...except her eyes.
pat step away after she put back all the grapes on her basket..kim felt that she's avoiding her..
which she became sure when she saw bee looking at her with that kind of face.
"ahm kim..i need to go back to the barracks.. will you be fine here?"
"yes p'odd..thank you"
kim gave that warmth smile...
it was very hot in there since they were in the middle of the farm.but people working there were like thEy already get used to it.like heat was just a small matter to them.
and that's what kim admired to them..
after awhile her dad was back into the hill were he sat down..
he look so tired..
"dad?..are you okey?"
"yah tiger..i just need a little rest..."
"dad? why not let us do it for you..no need to work so hard...you might get sick.."
"hmmmm..tiger?..sat down.. beside me"
kim did what her dad said.
she sat beside him..her dad put her arms into kim's shoulder..
"when you were still a kid...i already know that you will not be a straight girl..since you want to wear pants than skirts..."her dad laugh but kim remain fucos listening to her dad..
"you also want your hair cut short...when your mom was still alive..she was fun of playing with your hair...she always put a ribbon clip..or a headband with flower designs..and then after...you will run into me and cried..and beg me to take off all that was in your hair..haha"
kim smiled sweetly..her dad was remincing all their memories..
"then after your mom was gone...that's when i realize.i accept you no matter what... coz your still my daughter..the time i saw you cutting your hair..i was mad..but then... i just think that if i became strict...then i might also lose you...im your dad...tom or not..your still my kim.that's the reason i let you being what you wanted to be..
i thought youll grow up as beautiful as your mom...but i was wrong...youll grow up as handsome as me.."
they laugh so loud...kim saw her dad wipe his face..
"you crying dad?"
kim embraced her dad...and people seeing them was touched.it was the perfect father and daughter relationship.

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