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pie put her stuff at the compartment of her car and took nam to get in..
"nam?..be a good boy to your mommy pie..okey?daddy will visit you often.."
"ok daddy"
nam said in a teary eye..
"let's go nam...might be in a traffic.."
na was still looking at the window...kim just gave a sigh...
she was already immune of pie's tactics everytime they had a fight.she'd go home to her mom for sure..
but this time...kim felt something strange..
while looking at pie..feels like looking to a stranger.

it was almost 2 days since pie and nam left...and kim really misses that kid..and ofcourse..pie...
yes pie always visit the shop but that's for business only..no strings attached.
kim decide to brought flower's to pie..her favorite white roses.
putting a note.
"i miss you pie.."
she ask her assistant to look out for the shop... she drop by on a pizza house since nam loves to eat hawaiian pizza.
then drive to pie's house..she was almost there when she saw jeab went out from the gate...and pie following her.
they had a small talk before jeab finally get in the car.
she kissed pie on her cheeks..and pie looks so happy about it.
kim didnt like it.but manage to control her temper.
after jeab left..ahe get out of the car and brought the flower and pizza with her..
pies turn and was shocked seeing her..
"why are you here?"
"i want to see..i wanna see nam.."
"ahh...he's inside.."
pie saw the flower but didnt ask about it..pie's mom was also there..
kim took the card from the bouquet and crampled then put to her back pocket.
"maam..flower's for you.."
pie's mom smiled while recieving that bouquet..pie's eyebrow goes up.
"mom..ill just be in my room.."
"you dont want to talk to kim?"
"no use of talking to her."
pie went to her room and bang the door.
"hmm..kim?..i saw what you did...why not gave this to her?since this is for her right?"
"she wont appreciate this flower anymore..she has a jeab now."
pie heard it from her room..
"so your jealous now for sure."
said pie not considering kim's feelings..
"kim?..i know how you love pie...and you already surpass all the pain and failures on your relation..if you let pie see your weakness right now..she might think that you're giving her up..that i know you will never do..right?"
"right maam.."
"now..pleased her..i know..she still want you back. "

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