Chapter 44 Him/I've lost control with him

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I knew my collar it says 'waterproof' but that's like splash-able, if you are' expected to go swimming you really need a water sports collar. No to mention sports makeup, sport highheels.OK, I admit the only reason I knew the splash-able was I found and was reduced to reading my collar manual. I also knew the maximum and minim operating temperatures and no way I am going out in the middle of a bad Boston winter. I sat for a moment then relaxed the warm water rolling over my skin. I closed my eyes and for a moment believed everything was normal again.

I don't know if I fell asleep but the next thing I knew something disturbed the water and I looked up to find Rockwood climbing in the opposite end. Except for his shoes, he was still largely dressed. I nearly screeched and covered myself up with my arms. His large shoulders stood out as his narrow hips dropped into the water.

"Are you OK Master? I was worried about you Sir." I said then I realised I could go back to bedroom rules, the Sir just kind of slipped out. I guess the Oblivion was still having it's effect on me corrupting, maligning my brain making me more biddable. I realised what a vulnerable state I was in. My mind had cleared slightly but like this, he could ask me to do anything and I would probably comply.

"I'm OK, I was over thinking and the blood chip ran out of its supply, switched to my flesh which lowered my blood levels. I nearly fully rebooted. Thank you for saving our lives, I know what you're going to say 'no need master I was only following the first law of humanity', but I insist." he said submerging his muscular abdomen into the water. The water level went up nearly reaching the top at floor level.

He looked at me.

"You look like your worried about something," he said.

"I was worried I might short out," I said looking at him. Actually, it was the clothes but I didn't make the rules around here. It was clear he did.

"Undress me," he said.

I looked at him. Seriously?

I leant over and began undoing his tie then undoing the buttons on this Givenchy shit. Undoing it I pulled this half damp shirt off leaving only his rippled chest sitting in the water. Reaching to the water I began to unbutton his Ermenegildo Zegna trousers. While I did so he talked.

"Is there any personal service Master wants me to perform?" I said that just came out it was the Oblivion talking. I mean the other slaves get to say it all the time. He only has to pass a slave girl fixing a light bulb in the corridor and it's 'Would master like me to satisfy him in anyway?', kind of the slave girl equivalent for good morning. I never get to say it. I know it's not my job, I know I'm supposed to be a pet. I also didn't quite know what would to do, if he said yes. I guess like everything else I would just get Siri to give me step by step instructions. If Siri can make me play the piano it can tell how to please him. I suppose what this Oblivion was giving me was confidence. Wow spray on confidence I so could have made a fortune last year with this.

"Did I just say that?" I said holding my hand to my mouth.

"Why are you having a bath with your shoes on?" he said ignoring my overture. Intellectually I was quite glad. Nothing ruins an internship more than sleeping with your boss. That's double when your boss has a collar around your neck.

"The shoes don't come off. Master" I said, "I'm like I'm a huge My Little Pony equestrian girl doll".

"I'm glad you didn't say 'my shoes shouldn't come off'. Shows the oblivion is wearing off " said Rockwood.

I pulled his trousers off leaving only his briefs in the water and dumped the soaking clothes in a pile by the bath.

Rockwood reached over and ripped my shoes down to my feet pulling my shoes off for the first time. The silicon which made slave clothes was as tough as leather and he ripped through it like an old newspaper. I looked at my foot like had just met an old friend for the first time in an age and turning it notice something on the sole.

I'm a Cyborg's Pet (girl X cyborg)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat