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Jack Gilinsky's POV

*the next morning at school*

I get out of my car to see Sam walking in. I walk over to him. "Jack! What's up!" He smiled. "Nothing much." I replied. We walk In School together.

As were at are lockers waiting for Nate, I see Jack sitting against the lockers studying for our math final in 2 weeks.

"Psst. I dare you to do something to Johnson." Sam smirks. "I don't know sam. I beat him up yesterday." I scratch the back of my head.

"I guess you don't care if I tell the whole school your bisexual." He smirks. "Ok ok, fine! I'll go." I sigh. "That's my boy." He smiles.

I walk over to him and hover over him. He looks up and gets up but I grab him by his shirt and slam him against the lockers. "Your not going anywhere." I evilly smirk. I knee in the crotch and he yells in pain.

"Are you gonna cry now?" I sarcastically say. I punch his jaw and his nose. He yelps in pain.

"Jack Gilinsky! Let go of that boy this second!" Ms.Dana yells. I look over at her and smirk. "Sounds good." I smirk throwing him on the floor. "Have a good day Mr.Johnson." I smile walking over to Sam.

I instantly feel guilty. I should say I'm sorry. But he probably won't buy it.

Jack gets up and limps to the his locker. The bell rings to go to the class. "I got to get to class. See ya later." I say walk to class.

"Ok class, today your all gonna change seats for the beginning of last quarter. Everyone go stand to the back of the class." Mr. Irwin smiles. We walk to the back of the class.

"Okay, Emily sits next to Leigh, Madison sits next to Mike, Mallory sits next to alli, Luke sits next to marina, Justin sits next to Cameron, Laura sits next to Jazz, Conner sits next to Matthew, Jack G sits next to Jack J-" my eyes grew.

Johnson groaned. "Is that a problem Mr. Johnson??" The teacher asked. "Nope not at all." He sighs. We walk to our seats and the teacher continues. "Hey Jacky poo. You excited?" I chuckle. "Shut up Jack. I'm not talking to you about anything except school stuff." He says not giving me eye contact.

*3 classes later*

I'm walking out of Language arts when I see Jack walking to math. We have the same math period. I walk over to him.

"Hey Jackalindo. What's up?" I ask. "I'm sick and tired of you beating me up and then thinking I'm so stupid to forget about you almost killing me like 5 minutes ago." He says. "Fine. I'll just go." I stop walking and go In front of him. "Thank you that's what I wanted." He smiled.

"There's 2 types of people in this world. The fuckboi's and the good people. Your the fuckboi. I'm the good person. And if you think the good person will ever like the fuckboi, you need to get your head out of your ass. Now excuse me, I have a class to attend." He smiles walking past me.

He's gonna regret saying that.

I walk into math class, seeing Jack and him putting his head down. I take my seat and the teacher starts teaching.

As  I'm walking out P.E. , Mrs. Gallows stops me. "Please sit in Nash's seat." She commands. I sit down and the teacher closes the door.

"So mr. Gilinsky, you have D- in math." She sighs sitting in her chair. "And that means?" I ask. "I'm giving you a math tutor." She smiles. "What? No you're not." I chuckle. "Um yeah I am." She replied. "You can't do that!" I say. "Uh yes I can. It's part of the school handbook if you have a D- or below in the senior year, we assign you a tutor." She smiles.

"Ugh, fine who is it?" I groan. "Jack Johnson." She replied. A smile grew on my face. "Jack?" I ask. "Yep. Mr. Johnson has a A+ in math. He's most likely gonna raise up your grade to at least a B+ or your not graduating." She said.

"I already told him he's being a tutor but not to who. Would you mind telling him?" She asks. "Yeah of course. I have to go now. Thank you." i smile.

Jack Johnson's POV and after P.E.

I make my way to the library with my tray of food. I'm gonna start eating lunch in there so I block gilinsky.

As soon as I sat down, most of the library leaves and only like 2 kids stayed. Fine, not like I wanted to sit with you guys.

I opened my math book and opened my apple juice. I start studying for the math test cause I have nothing better to do.
Babe: Your so cute today. You angel.

Jack: why thank you. Did you see me at school?

Babe: of course babe. Your also very hot shirtless in the locker rooms. I don't care you you have busies all over. I just want to do stuff to your body.

Jack: If you tell me who you are, Then you could do whatever you want to meeeee

Babe: sorry boo. still love you sooo much

I close the book and just sit there looking around. I hear the door open and close. Probably some random kid.

I see jack Gilinsky walking around and putting his phone away and he spots me. He sits in the seat across from me. "Hey, tutor." He smiles.  

Oh hell no.


Whatcha guys think so far???

🚀gotta blast 🚀

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