Chapter Eight

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He looked over at the sound of her shoes and gaped openly at the beautiful girl turned woman standing before him. She flushed softly and suddenly found the flag stone incredibly interesting. “Is it acceptable, young General?” If Bren hadn’t known her so well, he might have been offended by the suddenly formal speech. Instead, the young brunet stepped forward and reached for her hand, bringing the knuckles up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss against them. “You are beautiful Princess, I am certain the Queen will be very jealous as will every male who is not escorting you.” Feli blinked at him, eyes slightly wide and mouth parted ever so slightly to reveal perfectly straight, white teeth. When she composed herself, a confident smile spread over her lips and her eyes softened though deep within was the strong shimmer of pride. “Thank you Bren. Now, let us hurry before we get in trouble for being late.” Her voice conveyed her honest gratitude.

Bren smiled and straightened up, offering an elbow which she gratefully accepted and together, they made their way towards the Ball Room. To the few maids left in the halls, they were the perfect match. Beautiful, sweet, strong, powerful, wealthy…they had it all and none could pretend that they weren’t amazing together. Whether it was the way she looked at him or the way he smiled at her, you could sense how deep their companionship went. Feli managed not to trip over the high heels though she rarely wore such things and, with a bit of small talk, they made it to the large double doors where many were walking in and out for the doors were positioned directly across the hall from the main entrance. Carriages bringing important people to the Gala sounded from beyond the doors as they stepped into line behind a young couple. “Names please?” Feli’s violet eyes flickered over to the young guard who was smiling brilliantly at them for he already knew who they were. “Bren Strussten, General of the First Quadrant escorting Feliciana Lidia Beldan, First Princess of Beldan.” The boy smiled wider if possible and moved back to the doors as the couple before them was announced and entered the room. Now they stood, just inside the door way, staring out at the most beautiful scene either had ever laid eyes upon.

Long, soft gossamer curtains created drapes along the doorway, windows and walls, tied with heavy black velvet ties. The high gold chandelier had long gossamer ribbons streaming along the vaulted ceiling and tables were strewn along the back walls covered in beautiful white lace table covers as well as mountains of food and drink. A few smaller, round tables held ice sculptures. At the top of a long white marble staircase where they stood, Feli could see beautiful, ice blue ribbons wrapped around the banister on both sides and down the center of the stairs a snow white thin carpet with gold embroidery created a path. “Now entering Bren Strussten, General of the First Quadrant of Reicks, is escorting Feliciana Lidia Beldan, First Princess of the Fire Land, Beldan.” The loud voice of the announcer boomed out over the music causing all other occupant to turn towards them. Feli suppressed a chuckle as the guard added his own flare to their entrance. Bren smiled at her before squaring his shoulders, puffing out his chest and taking a step forward, carefully leading her towards the steps. She released his arm so he could take her hand and walk a few steps before her, making sure she didn’t trip on the carpet in her heels and everyone applauded politely when they reached the marble floor with no mishaps. Feli nodded regally to all those gathered and Bren moved them away from the stairway so the next couple could be announced.

“You will just have to grace me with a dance later Princess, after your parents and the King and Queen has arrived. I must see how you fare in those torturous heels.” Feli laughed softly and nodded. “Yes, I must teach you some time how to walk in these. It is my understanding that if you lose the barrack drinking contest in May that you will be requesting some of the maids’ clothes and shoes.” Bren stuttered embarrassedly at the comment but was saved from having to answer by the announcement of the King and Queen.

“Now entering King Harold of Reicks is escorting Queen Adrianna of Drystil.” The announcer’s voice called everyone to gather at the bottom of the stairway where they all curtsied or bowed to their rulers. Feli curtsied quickly before pulling Bren up to the King to place a kiss on his cheek. “Uncle Harold! This party is so wonderful, you certainly outdid yourself.” She spoke quickly, her eyes glancing up to the top of the steps every few seconds for she knew her parents wouldn’t be far behind. “Why thank you Feli. Oh my, don’t you look absolutely stunning! Bren, you must be honored to have such a wonder on you arm.” Bren smiled and nodded. “Of course sir. I could never be more honored than to be the escort of the princess.” Before Harold could say anything more, the Queen butted in. “Yes, she does look lovely but I wonder if the dress isn’t just a bit much for one so young. She is a princess after all.” Feli flushed with indignation, her eyes flashing as she took in the Queen’s own garish gown. The high collared garment was in a dark gold color that didn’t compliment anything on her body and the sapphire/diamond necklace offset the dress horribly. The skirt, which was stretched tightly over a hoop, was embroidered with silver and the lower half of the sleeves, which were loose like Feli’s, were made of silver silk. Her long copper hair was piled on top of her head, some strands falling down from it were curled and the whole bun was decorated with strands of pearls. King Harold on the other hand was dressed simply yet grandly. His main outfit consisted of a long black dress coat that was made of silk and lined with velvet and black silk slacks that ended at black leather boots. Over his shoulders, with the great symbol of Reicks was a long cloak lined with deep black fur and made of the same white deer skin and Feli’s earlier shawl, the insignia was died on in deep forest green. Before she could speak up, the guard called out her parents’ entry.

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