❥ Chapter 11 || ᴅᴀʀᴇ

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As the moon light shone at the dark sky, the stars were twinkling above the teen titans building when a lighting suddenly interrupted the view and a young boy stood upon his large window with an unsatisfied look. 'I can't keep lying to Kiran.. I don't want her to think that i'm a liar.. Even though i'm halfway am.. ' He frowned deeply, without realising-his hands turned into a fist of anger.

But not angry to anyone.

But to himself.

"Dammit. Why do i feel this way?" His words came through his gritting teeth.

Snapping out of her track, the half Japanese American female looked up to her new friends. They were currently in their sleepwear and Kiran haven't really transform back to her human self due to how many people were in the same room as she is.

"Hey Kiran, you haven't answered mu question." The blue haired female suddenly appeared in front of her causing the Half Japanese American to startled a bit, "Wh-what was it?" She asked, a little nervous.

Not too soon, the other three female from before came to sit around the two girls. Kiran's view was blocked by purple orbs gazing at her's, "Your crush." The blue haired female grinned.

"Wait-wait-wait!" Kiran choked, face reddened already.

"Why can't i at least know your names?" She tried changing the topic which immediately success since the others thought that it would be good.

"i'm Plasma struck but you can call me Lily when we're not in business." The blue haired female smiled cheerfully. Her short locks bouncing up and down every time she floats around Kiran.

The female wolf decided to go second, "I'm Wolfin." She grinned, her wolf ears lighten up and her left hand raised up to wave so excitedly.

"My name's Brooke, in my planet, Pluto-It's rude to use the Code names." The other brunette female introduced. She formed a letter, 'Halester' in the thick air with only her water powers, "That means 'Greeting'" she explains with a shy smile. She sets her arms between her thighs to decrease her shyness. Kiran was amused at her powers unlike her powers which she haven't mastered yet.

Perhaps the mission might be her practice instead.

Beside Brooke was the black hooded female who Kiran first thought was a vampire but discovered that she's obviously not.

"She's Kree." Lily introduced for Kree as Kree continued to stare with a sweet smile, "You're probably scared of me. But don't worry, i'm used to it." Kree said sadly, shrugging her shoulders as if it was fine.

Kiran felt her eyes widen, Maybe Kree had misunderstood her looks, "I-i'm not scared. I just thought that you look more like a vampire." Kiran told with honesty. Kree only look at her with a raise eyebrow before letting a breathless laugh.

"Now." Lily butted in between them, "Let's play Truth or Dare." She suggested but already setting an empty bottle in the middle of their circle. Seems like Kiran doesn't have a choice.
There was a knock on the younger hero's door. Slowly and quietly, he spoke his own name to transform to his hero self.

"I'm here to tell you that tomorrow morning we'll be up early to search for the eggs. Rumours said that people are captured in the morning, however we're not sure if it's true or not so, i'll be arranging two groups." Cyborg walked in, pieces of papers were on his hands. He was looking at it too much that he hadn't realised the saddened look on Shazam's face before he managed to change and smile his charming smile at the serious Cyborg.

Shazam was pretty relief that it was only Cyborg who was the only one who knew about Shazam's other form.

"-You'll be in our team; Me, Kiran, You, Brooke, Wolfin, Plasma Struck, Kid Flash and Kree. The other team will search on other places." Cyborg continued explaining before nodding at Shazam if he understood.

"Teamed with Kiran again? Oh Yeah! There's another chance for me to save her!" Shazam cheered, pumping his hands up and down-The last time he tried to save her was a fail and Kiran was mad at him instead, "Right... I have already informed this towards the others so, you better get ready tomorrow unless you want to be left here alone." As said, Cyborg left his room without another word.
"Kree!" The three girls pointed at the black hooded female with excitement. The bottle had unfortunately landed at her which they are currently playing to Truth or Dare. Anyone denied to do the truth or dare will face the ultimate punishment.

"Truth or Dare" Wolfin asked, eyebrow raising in curiousness. Everyone leaned in to listen when all of a sudden, their door slide opened and surprisingly WonderGirl flew in, "hey girls." She waved.

Her blonde locks flowing everywhere as she floated in thick air. Her shirt was red with yellow metal stars, dark blue jeans and a glowing lasso was tied around her waist.

She noticed Kiran, familiar faces were flashing in her mind as if she knew that she seen Kiran before and also heard of her name but couldn't put a finger on it. Quickly, WonderGirl floated her way in front of Kiran, "Heeey-" she pointed, her pale finger resting on Kiran's nose.

Blue orbs narrowing against Kiran's red ones. Kiran felt her sweats flowing down her neck causing her skin to steam it, "I think i've seen you before.." WonderGirl's face was an inch away from Kiran.

"Kiran.. Kiran.." WonderGirl repeated, "There was a young female from the hospital that had the same name as you, but sadly she had amnesia and was adopted by the rich family, the Malfoy. Never heard of her since then." WonderGirl explained, gazing at Kiran's face like lasers.

Suddenly, it felt like a truck had fell from her head.

"D-Doctor C-Cassie?" Kiran struggled to spoke her name, unknown if she was right or wrong. Cassie was Kiran's doctor when she discovered that she was in the hospital because of an amnesia. Sadly, she still have amnesia however memories do flow in one by one.

Blue orbs widen, "Kiran?" Cassie smiled, excited to see her patient seeming so well in front of her, "You look so different. How did you get so far from Where you had started?" Cassie asked, thousand of questions were wanting to come but Cassie knew that it might hurt Kiran.

"I don't know. It was a miracle that i was still alive." Kiran giggled.

The other girls looked at each other, totally confused of not knowing the true story yet they still keep quiet.

"Remember Tim Drake?" Cassie asked, smirking with her eyebrow raised at Kiran while her hands were on her hips. Kiran froze, thinking wether she knows him or not and she did,

"The guy who saved me."

Kiran answered, another smile flashing on her face. Tim Drake.. Possibly her love interest. The way he calmed her when she was upset, her heart was increasing so much. His words brighten her day and she loved it but unfortunately, she knew by the act of Tim Drake and Cassie-it seems like they used to be in love.

"Well. He's here. As Red Robin." Cassie pointed her thumbs behind her as if she was pointing at the door. She then smile and walked towards the door with a slight yawn, "Anyway, get some rest. Tomorrow's a big day. None of you want to get your ass kick so better get some beauty sleep." Cassie told before the door slide closes upon them.

Looking at each other's faces, the girls sighed as WonderGirl was right, "we'll continue playing Truth or Dare on another day." Brooke smiled, trying to cheer the girls up. They all nodded in agreement although some of them had a disappointed look.

Tucked in their cozy beds after cleaning everything up, Kree uses her powers to switch the light off.

Staring at the window, the stars sparkles in it's usually form. Thinking about Billy, Kiran seems to missed him. A lot, "Only if you were here."

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