❥ Chapter 6 || ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ

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As the morning sky raised up, everyone except for Pedro were awake in the kitchen. Mary was just giving all of them cereal when Kiran and Billy came through the kitchen together, earning confused glances from the others.

"Morning." Mary smiled, giving the other two a bowl while Freddy hands them the cereal box.

"Thanks." Kiran smiled back, she then shook the cereal box as the cereal came out of it to land on her bowl. After she was done, Kiran hands it over to Billy who did the same.

Once all of them were done eating, Mary decided to break the ice, "Heard there was a crime scene near our place, i hope you guys stay out of trouble from it.. Especially you, Billy." She crossed her arm, narrowing her eyes to Billy.

"Why do you always put my name in last?" Billy groaned, glaring at Mary who was across him.

"Well because you're usually the one to come around and check something out. Remember last time?" Mary asked, narrowing her eyes more but Billy just ignored and looked away with his arms crossed like Mary.

"What kind of crime?" Darla asked, eyeing everyone who sat quietly because of the argument, "something about four-leg creatures that could fly. It's weird." Mary rubbed her temple, she tried to decrease her stress but thinking too much for tonight made her mind twisted.

"The radio said that we should lock up for tonight. It's probably going to be rough tonight. Heard that people are being kidnapped now" Freddy spoke. Eugene was still reading his book.

"Wait.." Darla made a pause, "where's mom and dad?" By then, everyone had a panicked look on, "perhaps they came last night and left in the morning?" Kiran asked, trying to be positive.

"Well, y'know what?" Billy stood up with a slam on the table, catching everyone's attention, "i need to check it out."

"Billy. No." Mary stood up as well.

"I can't let them out there! I need to find them! At least to see if their fine!" Billy shouted in anger, he grabbed his red jacket and was about to leave until Darla grabbed his sleeve, "wait! I want to come too!" Her eyes were in determinations.

"I'll come too." Kiran stood up, catching their attentions, "your mom saved me yesterday and in return, i want to help them too."

"Kiran.." Mary mumbled, a sad look plastered on her face. She wanted to come too but she also wanted them to stay safe as well, "Be safe." Was all she could say before turning and walked away to clean up the bowls.

Freddy gave them a look as in, 'Good luck'. he wishes he could come but he thought that he would have been a burden to them meanwhile all Eugene does was reading his book.

By then, Billy and the two females were satisfied then went out to find their missing parents.

"Did i miss anything?" A sleepy Pedro walked in, still in his sleepwear while yawning.

No one answered.


"The crime scene were right over.. Here." Darla told, pointing over a long alley between two buildings, "This is where they work." Darla pointed at the the right building where they have a lot of police tapes around it, "what exactly happened here?" Kiran asked, feeling so worried.

She looked around the damaged place. The police wouldn't really let them in so they had to be a bit far from the building, "Surprised attack from those creatures. They took a lot of humans with them and that's all i know." Darla explained, a serious face was plastered instead of her usually happy face.

"We need to find them." Billy said, looking around to find a place. A hidden place.

"We can't go there obviously. But there must be another way." Kiran said, walking away from the place. Billy and Darla followed behind, "Man, solving stuff always hurt my head." Billy whined.

Once Kiran and the others had reach to the second alley which didn't had a lot of investigation in it and it was also beside the first alley, Kiran quickly brought them in to find out that the first and second alley had the same connection which would eventually lead them to their destination but Unfortunately, it was surrounded by investigators and policemen.

"No way.. It was so close." Billy kfrowned while the three of them hide behind a wall.

Darla groaned, staring at the group of investigator and policemen before an idea pops in her mind, "why don't I distract them while the two of you run in?" She grinned.

Kiran furrowed her eyebrows, "Darla. That's a simple idea. Nearly everyone thinks about it and I'm sure that they wouldn't fall for it." She told but on the other side, Billy liked the idea, "Go for it, Darla." He encouraged while Kiran gasped, "But-" Kiran was cut off, "Hey, these investigators and policemen are just regulars so it wouldn't be that hard to distract them. It's not like they're FBI or something." Billy joked before turning to Darla and gave her a nod.

Darla then smiled and walked pass them towards the group of investigators and policemen.

In Kiran and Billy's POV, both of them could see that Darla was talking to one of the policemen when all of a sudden, she said something that made them run after her. It wasn't all of them but enough for both Kiran and Billy to sneak in without being caught.

"Ready?" Billy winked and Kiran rolled her eyes, "It's now or never."

By then, the two of them slowly walked towards the entrance of the some-like cave. It was going well so far, none of the investigators saw them which was a sigh of relief in the end once they finally came to a place where there weren't anyone inside.

"Now where?" Billy asked, looking around but nothing was inside, "Nothing's here..!" Billy whispered angrily. It felt like a waste of time to be somewhere they weren't supposed to be, Billy was about to give up but Kiran stopped him.

"Dig a little more deeper..Don't give up." Kiran muttered, words that she seems to have heard before were just flowing in of her mind, "What?" Billy didn't understand.

He stared at Kiran as she moved around, feeling the walls with her hands. It felt so similar to what she have done in her past but she couldn't remember it as she still had her amnesia.


Came a loud sound, "Oui!" They heard one of the policemen shouted causing the two to walk back in shock. Billy then ran beside Kiran, "let's get out of here..!" He held her hands tightly but Kiran took them back, "there must be a way..!" She whisper-shouted back. Billy felt like face-palming himself before standing beside Kiran as the policemen's footsteps came closer and closer.

Kiran held onto a random rock then pulled it, hoping that it would do something. Suddenly, The floor started shaking.

The atmosphere was getting too intense as the policemen came. He saw their faces and yelled out some words but unfortunately, they couldn't hear it as the two of them fell in a huge hole behind them then it closes quickly in front of them.

"Well.. That was fun."

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