❥ Chapter 3 || ʙɪɢ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ

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"That my child... Is your older brother"

Kiran stared at her new mother for a while, thinking if she was alright about it. Kiran did remember her saying that all she wanted was a daughter but had a son instead.

It is why she was there anyway.

"Welcome home, Draco" her mother stood up straight then went towards her bedroom door to see Draco eating a chocolate in the kitchen, Kiran followed along behind her mother.

"Mother." The son spoke which send chills down on Kiran's back, "Father told me that you two had adopted another child in our family." The son told, his back was facing them and he was still unknown that Kiran was there.

"I told you already." Even though Kiran wasn't exactly looking at him face to face but she knew that he was frowning, "We don't need another child so, Whoever that child is.." Kiran could see the grip on the kitchen table and it seems strong, "Gotta go!" Once it was heard, Kiran took a step back and had her brown eyes widen. Draco turned and to his view, he was shocked as well.

"Is this the child?" He laughed, walking towards Kiran but to only get blocked by his own mother, "Draco, don't." She frowned, holding her arms wide to protect the younger female who was frightened.

"Get out of my way, mother." The son growled, hands already holding onto his mother's shoulder. He managed to push her to take a grip on Kiran's cheeks, "Weak child." He insulted with a growled.

Kiran couldn't take his hands off of her cheeks as he was too strong. Her heart was beating so much, she was scared but couldn't do anything. His grip eventually loosen for him to grab her wrist, "Get out." He pulled or more like dragged her towards the door. Their mother cried out towards her son to let Kiran go but he ignored her as he continued. Kiran decided to shut her mouth therefor, he wouldn't go more rough on her as he is right now but she still knew what was happening.

Their mother eventually stood up and ran towards the two. She grabbed their hands to let Draco's go but he was still too strong, "Draco! Please!" She cried, tears actually flows down her cheeks causing Kiran's heart to weaken.

"No!" Draco growled, pushing their mother away with his other hand. Before her contact on the floor, she tripped onto a table and fainted.

"No!!" Kiran cried, trying to run after her new caring mother but Draco wouldn't let her go, "Where do you think your going!?" He growled, pulling her closer until her head made a contact on his chest who eventually get pushed by Draco himself.

Kiran cried once more, turning behind to see her fainted new mother-it suddenly turns slow motion. She didn't like to see her mother's painful face on the floor. She didn't cared if Draco would beat her up for it but all she wanted was to take her mother to a soft bed and wait for her to wake up but instead, Draco wouldn't let Kiran touch his mother-looking at Kiran's face already made him hated her.

Going back to the normal motion, Kiran was mad. Her eyes turned red while her fangs grew. Her heart was beating so much in anger and sadness.

Draco noticed that her cries were being a bit off then before. Turning around, he was suddenly pushed towards a wall and was pinned by a strange creature that wasn't Kiran anymore, "Stop it!!" She cried, claws on his shirt collar.

Draco noticed that it had scales around the female creature's face, half of her hair was red and black but the most thing that he couldn't stop looking in fear was her red fire eyes.

She growled at him while tightening her grip on his shirt until a sound came from the door along with a terrifying gasped causing the creature to let go of Draco then turning around to see her new father with a horrid face. He noticed his fainted wife on the hard floor and his terrified looking son against the wall but Kiran was nowhere to be found.

"Get out!!" He threw his bag towards the creature causing the creature to whimper before flying up in the air with her yellow wings. It flew out in a few bumped yet still quick to outside but before she could even reach the door, her new father continued to throw things to her and one of them caught her legs causing her to stumble then fell on the hard ground.

The father shouted out in anger while making his way towards her to kick her out but the creature quickly stood up then ran out of the house in fear, tears flowing out as she did.

The tears burned her cheeks, making her wipe it away every time it flows down. Her heart was beating rapidly and she didn't know where she is or where she could go-tears continued to flow after she realised what was happening.

She's homeless now and not to mention, still had amnesia.

She doesn't know where her parents is or her friends if she even have one that is but the female didn't give up as she continued to walk until she found an alley for her to stay for a while. Her wings covering her cold, shivering body at night. Smoke comes out of her mouth every time she exhale.

She looked down at her scaly hands and finally realised that she wasn't herself anymore. 'Who am i?' She thought in fear. Hands suddenly flew up to her head while she cried out, "Dammit!!" She continued to cry even though it hurts, steams came out of her tears every time it landed on her lap.

Sniffing, smoke continues to come out of her mouth as she panted in exhaustion. She wanted to change back to whatever she looked like at first. She didn't want to be a monster. Flashbacks suddenly appeared-The fear in Draco's eyes while she pinned him, the anger in her father's eyes then the way he kicked her out as if he didn't knew that it was Kiran all along.

She felt herself as a monster, tearing a perfect family apart because she joined in. How cruel can her luck be?

Suddenly, lights began to shine upon her widen red eyes then it was gone in a flash. She looked back down at her hands to realised that she had change back to normal. No scales on her hands and no yellow wings behind her but it only made it worse because she was shivering in the night and she didn't had her wings anymore to keep her warm.

If she continues to shiver in coldness until day-time, she'll probably turn into an ice by then.

Her mind was messed up by then, she pulled her legs up towards her chest to hug it. It gave her warm but her other parts were still cold. It's all useless now, what was the point in living then? She didn't even know her middle and last name anymore.

All of a sudden, she heard footsteps walking towards her spot. Her eyes were already drowsy but she still could see a feminism figure from afar. The figure stopped from a couple of step from Kiran as if she was examining Kiran before walking up to her then bend down to see her face up close, "hey.." She frowned to notice a few bruises on the younger female's cheeks.

She didn't had the heart to leave the younger female there in coldness. Kiran eventually looked up at the stranger to see that she had blonde hair and blue eyes-just like Cassie.

Thinking of Cassie or Tim made her upset. She regretted following The Malfoy family by now.

The stranger grabbed Kiran's shoulders and without warning, she made Kiran sat on her back while the stranger gave her a piggy-back until her house was in sight.

"Don't worry, i'll take good care of you." The stranger spoke in kindness.

Only if it was simple for Kiran to trust her by now.
OOC: Not the best again ;;A;; but i like the plot so far, it'll be interest for a few peoples-i think. I just like the part where Kiran turned but I'm making my baby suffer!

Next time!
Will the stranger really take care of Kiran?

Hope you like it BTW!
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Cassie & Tim(c) DC Comic
The Malfoy Family(c) Harry Potter
Kiran & StoryLine(c) Mine

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