❥ Chapter 4 || ʙɪʟʟʏ ʙᴀᴛsᴏɴ

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The bird chirps in the morning blue sky and a bright light interrupted the female's sleep as she stir in her soft, cozy bed.

Wait.. A bed?

Brown orbs were wide open and she quickly sat up to look around at her surrounding, "Please tell me that this is just a dream." She muttered, hitting her own forehead in sadness. She haven't felt comfy for two days except when she came to the Malfoy family but to only get kicked out.

"Ah, your awake." A voice was heard from the bedroom door then she wiped her head towards it, "who-" she was cut off.

"Hi! My name's Mary and this is Freddy. We heard about you last night and that your injured so we decided to visit you." The female introduced with a warm smile, walking towards Kiran. She stood beside Kiran's bed then gave a light tap on Kiran's forehead causing her to blush in embarrassed.

"W-wha-" Kiran blinked.

She looked at the two to see that the female had brunette long hair and green eyes. She's very pretty if i may say.

Meanwhile the male beside her was named Freddy who had blonde short wavy hair and blue eyes that you could stare into for a while.

"I'm.. I'm Kiran." Kiran introduced back, feeling a bit shy all of a sudden. Well, She is in someone's pyjamas and not to mention, it's pink then again, there is a male in her room while she is still in pyjamas.

"Cool." Freddy smiled charmingly.

"How old are you?" They asked in union while staring at Kiran as if she was a treasure, she eventually looked down and shrugged, "I can't really remember.." She fiddled her thumbs. Mary and Freddy looked at each other in shock,"-but i know that i'm probably 15 or 16 years old and my birthday is coming." Kiran continued.

Mary felt upset for Kiran but she shrugged it off by cheering her up, "hey, it'll be okay. You'll remember soon." She grinned.

"Yeah, it's not like you have amnesia, right?" Freddy laughed but it turned to a nervous laugh when he saw Kiran looking up at him in sadness, "...Right?" He gulped.

Mary nudged him, "So, are you feeling okay?" She changed the topic to prevent any sad vibe.

Kiran looked down at her hands to see them being bandage and beside her was a mirror being stick on the wall, she noticed that she had a bandaid on her right check. A cute heart decoration was plastered in the middle of the bandaid. She actually loved it.

"Fine, i guess." She shrugged, still unsure.

Mary tried to lighten the atmosphere up by pulling Kiran gently up then brought her to the living room with Freddy. It seems like they were more teenagers living here then she expected.

Mary left Kiran to stand beside a chubby male, "This is Pedro." She smiled, slowly motioning her hand to the male who smiled and waved at Kiran, "Hi there."

Mary then walked towards another male who seems to be reading , "This is Eugene." She introduced once more but the male didn't even look up at Kiran to see her-He just continued to read as he waved a greeting. Kiran thought that it was rude but she shrugged it off.

"We actually have two more.. But i don't know where they currently are." Mary smiled awkward, scratching her cheek as she did. She took her phone out to quickly text them, "Darla will come any sooner." She checked the clock then to Kiran, "-and Billy will usually come back at night." She continued.


Sitting by the fireplace, Kiran felt so warm and comfy in a house filled with young teenagers. She haven't felt so much attentions for years-Usually her old parents would often hang out with her due to work.

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