❥ Prologue || ᴀᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀ

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"No, please..Don't hurt me"
The Japanese-American female student was tremble in fear as the group of bullies walked closer to her.

Some of them were holding bats with a smirk on their faces, "No money. Full pain." The leader of the bullies remarked and they all laughed with him.

As they continued to walk towards Kiran, the Japanese-American student. The fears in Kiran's eyes never left the bully's dark eyes.

It had been days after Kiran's family moved to America. Kiran attended middle school there and unfortunately, it was more then she expected. She was bullied a lot, called names-just because she's asian.

It all started out small like being called names but it turned into an insult until it became physical. Kiran always avoided the attacks but it soon turns into a "haunting Kiran down" game where she had to run away from them and honestly, she would love to get away from those bastards to prevent any fight.

"Get away from her." Came a voice across them and everyone immediately knew who it was except for Kiran, the young female.

"Well.. Well.. Well.. if it isn't Billy Batson? Our little hero?" The leader of her bullies turned to face Billy who straight up punch the bully in the face 'causing him to stumble back and fell with a loud "Oof!" He grumble but manage to stand back up while rubbing his sore cheek.

"Such a nice way of greeting someone, lil'hero. What's up? Want us to take your changes again?" The bully sarcastically said with a smile while the Japanese-American female continued to stay on the ground while looking at the scene upon her. It actually amused her.

"You heard me. Get away from her." Billy gritted his teeth as his hand turned into a fist. The bully noticed that and smirked, "Or what? You gonna punch me again, lil'Hero?" He laughed and his gang followed, the laughter actually echoed throughout the alley and it was more annoying.

Billy had enough of it.

He curled his fist so much that it might leave some nail marks. He gritted his teeth and once they stopped laughing, he took the time to launch forward and punch the leader on the head until he flew backward against the wall, unconscious.

The Japanese-American female suddenly felt impressed. She raised an eyebrow at Billy who continued glaring at the bully while the other bullies grabbed their leader from his collar then retreated like some cowards.

After they retreated, Billy decided to turn to the female to ask if she was alright but to only see her gone from her spot, "No thank you?" He shouted out in a mad way while kicking a rock with his hands in his pockets. He felt frustrated that the female he saved was gone without even thanking him. It was pretty lucky for him to even be alive right now.

"Thank you." Said a voice out of nowhere and in a blink of his blue eyes, she was suddenly right in front of him with hope in her eyes. A small smile was on her lips while her hands were behind her back, "-but you could have just leave me alone.." She said in almost a whisper. Turning her head, she was frowning.

Billy was taken by that, "why would i? You were in trouble." He went towards her to have her walk backward from him, "M-my name's Kiran, how about you?" He noticed that she had change the topic and decided to play along.

"Billy." He introduced back to Kiran who continued to gaze at him, "How old are you?" Billy asked, realising that she seems more younger then him.

The younger teen stared at him in suspiciousness before answering, "I'm turning 16 this year.. How about you?" She decided to walk towards him but noticed a bruise under his left eye which 'caused her to widen her brown orbs.

While Billy was looking down as if his shoes are suddenly interesting, he didn't expect that Kiran would bend down and look at him straight in the eyes with a raise eyebrow, "what are you looking at?" She frowned.

Billy shrieked in shock-he actually jumped backward because of her causing Kiran to stiff a laugh then burst it out while pointing at him, "you should have look at your face!" She place her arm around her stomach.

Billy was extremely embarrassed now. His face even turned red but before she could see it, he manage to cool off and frowned, "Rude" he crossed his arm but enjoyed the happiness from the female teen. Kiran then sigh from laughing too much and unfortunately, had her normal vibe and look back as well.

"Look, thank you for saving me" she said, a hint of shyness was heard in her voice while Billy nodded back as a welcome sign.

"Well, i guess I'll see you soon." She playfully punch him on the arm before sticking her tongue out and ran into another direction from Billy. Billy then sigh happily before walking away in the opposite direction.

As the Japanese-American teenage female came home happily, she noticed that there were mails in front of the front door. She picked it up and realised that it was for her father who worked in S.T.A.R Lab, the reason why they moved in America.

Opening the front door, she looked around to find her father in the living room with her Japanese mother, "Dad! Mails here!" She called out once she closed the door behind her then ran towards the living room after tripping on a new carpet. She grumbled about it but continued to walk anyway, "From job.. Job.. Oh! This one is from grandma!" Kiran jumped like a young child. She gave the Japanese mail to her mother while the other to her father, "Open it! Open it!" She grinned excitedly, Kiran really loved her sweet grandparents but she rarely sees them when she was young yet she would always miss them and wished to come to their place everyday only if they weren't busy.

Her mother sigh at her daughter's excitement but still would open the mail for her, "Grandma said that she missed us" her mother read, "and hoped that we'll see them again" she continued but didn't finished it because then she gave the mail to her excited daughter who took it and ran up to her room to continue reading it in silent.

"Anything happen today, sweetie?" Her father called while Kiran stopped from the stairs,"hmm..? Nothing happened" she lied and happily, nobody noticed. By then, she continued to run upstairs to her bedroom to read the mail.

Sitting down on her bed, she opened up the mail and started reading it out-loud.

Dear Kiran & her parents,

Grandma will miss you guys so much from Japan. I do wish to see you all again but unfortunately, this will be my last mail because grandma knows that grandma wouldn't stay alive longer anymore because Grandma is now currently in the hospital and the doctor said that it's time.

Please keep this a secret from dear Kiran because i know how much she loves Grandma and Grandma loves her very much.. I'll be protecting you guys from heaven.


Staring at the Japanese handwriting mail upon her, Kiran's hand suddenly turned very pale and it was shaken in sadness and shocked. She missed her grandmother so much but she's all gone now. Tears are suddenly flowing down her cheeks and without knowing, flames suddenly lighten on the letter causing Kiran to widen her brown orbs and letting it go quickly before it could reach her fingers. She gasped once the fire hit the wooden floor, making the flame more bigger and hotter.

"Help!!" Kiran cried while backing up against her bedroom wall. She was too panicked to think especially how emotional she currently is. She eventually heard footsteps coming upstairs in a rush, "Kiran!!" Her father burst the door open but it was too late..

The heater in her room ticked and within seconds, it exploded.
OOC: Hello everyone!
Thank you for reading! I hope it's okay so far and it'll be so great if you guys favourite this!! I'm so excited for the next chapter and also hoping for it to be awesome! Honestly this Prologue caused me days to finish because i got too much in mind and it turned really hard for me.. Share this if you love it!

Billy Batson(C) DC Comic
Kiran Mightywyrm(C) Mine
Story Line(C) Mine

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