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As the sun's rays hit the sunlit deck, hiccup could see a dozen ships sailing eastward , so he guessed that they were on the correct path. He observed how many of the Lords on passing by ships stood, poised and dressed with their bellies jutting out . Chuckling, he picked up his suit to get dressed for the evening. As he dismounted from the ship, the sun momentarily blinded him and through squinted eyes he could see the huge castle a few meters away. " welcome sir. Step to your left. The gates will be opening soon. " he heard a chubby, balding man in a funny suit with socks pulled up to his knees say. Hiccup nodded curtly as he moved up the steps .

He felt the warm breeze blow his hair off his face. He sighed. This weather was perfect for a few rounds of gliding on toothless . He had asked the captain to keep his dragon in the barge, hidden from any visitors. The last thing he wanted was an incident and a repeat of the events from five years ago.

As he neared the the gates, he felt the sun glare down on the back of his neck. Adjusting the collar of his suit, he heard a voice beside him whisper. " It's pretty warm here isn't it? Didn't you pack your summer clothes? " startled, he looked around and saw a brunette girl with big , emrald green eyes , much like his own,stare at him, waiting for a reply. She was wearing a dress of pinkish hue . A man , a few inches taller than hiccup ,was standing next to her. He wore a sleevless purple royal vest with black sleeves. He wore an expression of amusement as he looked at the girl and back at hiccup. " Uh. Sorry. I mean. Yeah. It is pretty warm. Uh. Nice to meet you. I'm prince Hiccup of Berk. And you are?" He emphasised the word 'Prince' sarcastically . Stoick had instructed him to introduce himself as 'Prince haddock III ' and not by his first name. It was more formal, he guessed . The girl blinked momentarily and giggled at his name as she introduced herself. " I'm princess Rapunzel of Corona. Aand this..." she said pulling the man close to her, " is my husband Eugene."Mind if I call you Hic?" Eugene grinned humorously as he extended his hand to shake hiccup's. " uh not at all. " Hiccup sighed, as he shook his hand.

" So. What do you think they will be like?" Asked Rapunzel. " the queen and the princess ." She said, taking note of the confused expression on Hiccup's face. Before he could start, there was a clang and the gates to the castle opened. " C'mon blondie , if ya wanna get the best seats in the house." called Eugene as he gestured towards the gate. " oh. We have to catch up later . Yes?" Called Rapunzel as she vanished behind a bunch of plump men in funny looking suits.

Gathering his breath, hiccup had only moved a few feet when he was almost knocked off balance. Looking for the culprit, he saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair , wearing a sleeveless green dress , dancing by herself, moving in the opposite direction . She appeared to be singing loudly for some reason. He only caught a few words ( " for the first time in forever.... I'm getting what I'm dreaming of....."), before he was pushed along by the crowd into the palace church. There were only a few seats left and he was forced to sit down next to an old lady who wore a funny looking purple hat.

After what seemed like ten minutes, the church was full. He looked around and saw the girl with starberry blonde hair, who had clumsily knocked him over earlier , standing near the Bishop. He guessed that she must be the Princess.

The church gained silence as the Bishop announced. "All rise for her highness ,Princess Elsa. " .Hiccup felt a sudden chill enter the room . Must be the draught, he thought ,as he stood up. His eyes widened in wonder. He had never seen such a beautiful girl before in his life. Elsa was truly beautiful. He platinum blonde hair was tied back tightly into an elegant bun. He big, azure blue eyes flitted from face to face nervously as she walked up to the Altar. Hiccup felt his cheeks flush . Everyone sat down as Elsa took her place. The choir started singing harmoniously. After a few quick exchange of words, he heard the Bishop announce. "All Rise.." As he stood up once more, he thought he saw Elsa's face tense up as she seemed to be holding her breath.
" O hus elgastreth du vil bære på monarkiet. og må Gud velsigne deg for fremtiden, og du kan regjere lenge." The priest continued on, apparently noticing nothing. He finished by announcing "Queen Elsa of Arendelle! " Hiccup noticed how Elsa hurriedly placed the royal orb and staff back on the cushion even before the Bishop had finished. But he didn't give it any further though as he got lost in her beauty again . She suddenly caught his eye and she managed a small smile. Hiccup , having noticed that he was ogling her, hastily looked away and hoped that she hadn't noticed him staring at her. "QUEEN ELSA OF ARENDELLE! " The crowd chanted as hiccup joined in.

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