Chapter 9

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Jason's P.O.V:

I didn't know what to say. She loves me? That was too far. What if I did end up breaking her heart? I wasn't that great in relationships and I know that I wasn't being that great of a boyfriend. I mean I had just been grinding with some girl just last night in front of Ash. Did I love Ash back? I felt so happy when I was with her. I may not show it all the time, but I really was happy. And I was treating her like crap. Leading her on....Dancing with other girls......Ash made me feel great but I still flirted with other girls which, in a way, confused me.

"I----" I started. She looked worried and maybe like she shouldn't have confessed her feelings. She bit her bottom lip.

"I'm gonna go to my room." She whispered, her eyes tearing up. I grabbed her arm before she left and crushed my lips to hers. I tasted salt water and noticed that a few tears had left her eyes. I kissed the tears, making them disappear.

"I love you too, Ash." I whispered. Wait....Did I really just say that? I knew to never, ever, tell a girl I loved them because then they became really attatched and started saying crap like, "I thought you loved me and blah blah blah," when I was caught doing the smallest thing such as looking at another girls butt as she walked away. Psh....

"Really?" She asked.

"Really." I said, smiling and leaning my forehead on hers.

Ashlee's P.O.V:

I can't believe Jason said he loved me. I had been worried that he would say that he didn't feel the same way. But oh my god Jason loved me! I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face in the curve of his neck. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Then I pulled back and kissed him. I tangled my hands in his hair and heard him moan, just a little. I snickered inside.

Brain: Eww. He moaned???

Heart: Aww...How cute!

Brain: Cute? It's disgusting! He's moaning like they're getting freaky or something.

Heart: Freaky?

Brain: Please don't make me explain.....

Heart: Eww! Oh my god, Brain! I can't believe you just said that. Geez, you perv.

Brain: I am not a perv! Whatever...I was just stating my opinion....

Heart: Well, no one asked for it....

Brain: What?

Heart: Nothing....

I heard someone clear their throat but I knew it was Ryan so I ignored him. In fact, just to be funny, I tugged on Jason's hair a little, making him moan again.

"Okay! God! Turn off the porn cd, please?" I heard Ryan say. I pulled away and laughed.

Jason laughed and gave me a quick peck on the forehead before he said, "Let's go play some video games." I rolled my eyes and stared at Jason's butt as he walked off with Ryan to the living room. Ryan came back and looked at me.

"I saw that." He said then went back into the living room. I blushed and sat down at the kitchen counter, deciding what I should make myself for lunch. I decided on nothing and went into the living room and squeezed behind Jason on the couch. He sat forward and concentrated on the game. I kissed him on his neck and trailed my kiss up to his ear.

"That's very distracting, Ash." Jason said and I giggled, continuing to kiss up and down his neck. "Ash! You made me lose!" I giggled again and Jason turned around and straddled me.

"You guys, come on! Ash, just please let Jason and I play a video game in peace..." Ryan said. I wasn't listening because I was staring into Jason's very blue eyes. He leaned forward to kiss me but just then the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said, my lips brushing against Jason since we were so close. He gave me a long sweet kiss and then let me get up to answer the door. I opened the door and saw Lily standing there. "Umm. Did you not here me? I said he was taken the last time you were here." I said, frowning.

"So? Doesn't mean we can't be friends." She pushed past me and walked into the living room, her hips swaying dramatically.

"Do you have a wedgie or something?" I asked her loudly, hoping Jason heard. I walked in just in time to see that Jason heard me because he started laughing really hard. Lily glared at me but I just smirked, knowing I had won this round.

"High five." Jason said, holding up his hand. His eyes were full of tears from the joke I made. I smiled and walked over to him. But instead of high fiving him, I bent down and kissed him long and sweet. "Your really cute when your jealous." Jason whispered, making me shiver. I smiled and pulled away, taking a seat on his lap. If lookes could kill, I'd be dead by Lily's glare.

"I'll be right back." I whispered to Jason, my lips brushing his ear. I felt him shiver and then nod. I got off his lap and walked into the kitchen.

Jason's P.O.V:

Right after Ash left the room, Lily started flirting with me. She scooted so close to me she was almost on my lap. Ryan raised an eyebrowe and I shoved Lily back. She pouted.

"Awww. Jason..Don't be that way. Remember what fun we used to have? We can do that again." She said, trying to sound husky and sexy but it didn't work. Instead she sounded like she was losing her voice or something.

"No thanks." I said, not looking at her. She scooted closer to me again and pecked me on the lips. I shoved her away again and said, "Stop." I heard the sound of Ash coming back into the room. Lily must have heard too because she grabbed my shirt and pulled me too her. Her lips crushed into mine. I heard Ashlee gasp. Then I heard her stomp upstairs. I shoved Lily away and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL? GET OUT NOW!" Lily's eyes widened and she bolted out the door. "Sh*t." I muttered.

"Go talk to her. She'll understand once you explain." Ryan said and I nodded in reply. I found Ashlee on her bed, sobbing.

"Ashlee....Please let me explain." I said.

"Oh please. Don't start that..." She said, angry.

"It wasn't me. It was Lily. I swear! Ash, I love you." I said, laying down next to her and turning her around so that I could see her face. "She kissed me. I shoved her away. She did it just to make you mad. Please beleive me! I'm telling the truth." I said, wrapping my arms around her.

"I---Okay. I beleive you. But I hope you aren't lying." She whispered.

"I'm not." I said. And then I kissed her softly. She pulled the covers over us and kissed me back. Her hands traveled under my shirt and rested on my chest. She pulled her hands out from under my shirt and tangled in my hair. A moan escaped from me as she tugged on it a little. I don't know why it made me moan. I mean it was just my hair, but it felt so great....She pulled away, leaving us both breathing hard. Then her eyes drooped and she fell asleep. How she could sleep after that, I don't know. But then my eyes drooped a few minutes later and I fell asleep feeling very lucky and happy.


I love this chapter :) It's so romantic...LOL :D Anyways, you got Jason's P.O.V :) Hope you all liked that xD I need help....I'm going to choose a new cover because I hate the one I have now. One is the old one I used to have and the other is a new one. The pic is of both of my ideas for the new cover.  Please vote on them? The one on the left is #1 and the one on the right is #2. I have no idea which one to choose so I need your guys's help. :) I made them both except the pics I found on the internet. I just added the words/decoration. Thanks :D

~Selena ♥

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