Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of whispers. I sat up and saw Ryan and Jason in the corner. They looked like they were 7 year old girls bragging about how they each got new barbies and I didn't. "What's up?" I asked, rubbing sleep from my eyes.

"We think it's safe to go down now. Jason needs to call his mom and tell her where he's been and we need to go shopping for food since dad never has time for that." Ryan answered, disgust on his face at the mention of dad. I nodded and bit my bottom lip. Jason peeked out the door and then walked down the stairs quietly with Ryan and I behind him. I peeked out of the hallway window and noticed that dad's blue chevy was gone.

"He's not here. His car is gone." I said. They both nodded and Jason headed to the phone while Ryan and I headed to our rooms. I closed my door and stared at my closet, really wishing that I had gone to the mall yesterday. I needed new clothes and I had just gotten paid at Mcdonald's yesterday for working. I picked out some dark blue skinny jeans and a white tank-top with a dark blue sweater over it. I slipped into flip-flops, brushed my hair, and decided I didn't need to put on make-up. I walked down the stairs just as Jason walked out the door. He turned around and winked at me and I stuck my toungue out in reply.

"Come on Ashlee. We are heading out to the store!" My brother yelled from the kitchen. "Oh." He said when he came out and realized I was standing on the stairs. He tossed me my jacket and I tossed it back.

"I don't need it. As you can see, I am wearing a sweater." I said, crossing my arms. He shrugged and grabbed his keys out of his coat pocket. I followed him out the door and into his silver BMW. I loved my brothers car and always complained about my stupid beat up green Mercury. Of course Ryan just shrugged whenever I complained about it. "Can we trade cars?" I asked him.

He gave me a you-can't-be-serious face. "Hell no. I love my BMW." He said, patting it on the hood. I rolled my eyes and got in and buckled up. About five minutes later we arrived at the store.

"I'll stay in the car." I told him.

"That's about just as good as you not coming at all. Come on." He replied. I got out of the car and shivered. I thought I heard a, "Told you," coming from Ryan but I wasn't sure. I trudged after Ryan throughout the whole store, sneaking a Maybelline Mascara into the cart while Ryan was deciding whether to get spanish rice or dirty rice. When we got to the checkout counter I saw Ryan stare at the mascara as it got ringed up. He shot me daggers when he turned around but then turned back around to pay. I snickered softly but loud enough for him to hear. "That stuff cost a lot!" Ryan said. "And I had to pay for it all."

"Oh please. It cost less than your how-many-different Axe bottles! You buy one of each scent, for crying out loud." I shot back. That shut him up. Haha. Score 1 for little sis. I checked my phone for messages and saw that I had one from Shelly.

U r coming to the mall today, with us, whether you like it or not. It said.

"Hey, bub?"

"Don't call me that. What?"

"Drop me off at the mall, would you?" He sighed and turned right, taking me to the mall. I hopped out of the car and blew him kisses.

"Thanks, bub." I said, smiling. I walked into the mall and saw Renee and Shelly rubbing noses. "Oh god. I support you guys and all...but please. Not in front of me...." They both giggled. I don't really think there was a boy in either of them. So they both played the girl part, I guess. Shelly and Renee came over to me and each of them gave me air kisses. I laughed and said, "What are we doing?"

"We are going to discuss a big topic in your life:Jason." Renee replied.

"Oh no way. He is NOT a big topic in my life. He may come around a lot because he's my brother's friend but what does he do in my life? Nothing." I said.

"Oh come on. Admit it! You love Jason!" Shelly said.

"No. I. Don't" I said so they'd get it through their thick heads that I didn't like Jason.

"Fine. Then let's go shop." Shelly said, clearly frustrated.

"Thank you!" I said. We all looped arms and headed to my favorite store: Forever 21. I smiled brightly when I looked at all the amazing clothes I could pick. Renee was EXTREMELY rich and she loved buying us stuff.

"Get whatever you want!" Renee said. She never rubbed it in our faces that she was extremely rich but I was still jealous. Shelly pulled my hand and I pulled Renee's hand and we barged in like little kids in a candy store. My eyes widened at all the possibilities of amazing outfits.....When we were done shopping I had picked out 7 skirts, 10 tops, 8 shorts, 4 pants, 11 accessories, and 3 dresses. I had spent ALL my money and some ( Yeah. SOME ) of Renee's. I hugged Renee until I heard her gasp from running out of air.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!" I yelled. Several heads turned in our direction and I blushed.

She pat my head like I was a dog and said, "No problem." I smiled so big that my lips hurt. Renee laughed. Shelly only got a few things because she was waiting for Forever 21's new line to come in.

"Yes. Thank you!" Shelly said, giving Renee a peck on the lips. I heard people make gagging noises and I flipped them off. Renee snickered at my finger and I shurgged. We all piled into Renee's red convertible when we were done looking around. I sat back and enjoyed the cold hair blowing in my face. A few minutes later I had fallen asleep.


Haha xD What do you guys think? Vote and Comment :D Pic is of Chad Michael Murray who plays Jason. -Dies from hotness- LOL ^.^ YES!!! Two pages! FINALLY! LOL ^.^

~Selena ♥

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