Chapter 7

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"Why'd you take me to a club?" I asked Jason as he nodded at the bouncer. "How did you even get us into a club?"

"I have my resources." He simply said. I rolled my eyes. When we walked onto the dancefloor it was full of couples......dancing too close to each other I should say..."Wanna dance?" Jason asked.

"Sure." I replied. Jason danced a little but he mostly held onto me while I danced which was fine too. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom!" I shouted to Jason over the loud pulsing music. He nodded and I made my way through the crowd of dancing bodies towards the bathroom. When I had washed my hands, I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I was glad at what I had picked out to wear. A black, leather, mini-skirt ( don't ask where I got it ) and an oversized, dark blue, boyfriend-tee with one side that showed off my shoulder because it drooped. I had on black, laced-up flats, my make-up done to perfection, and my hair straight. I walked out of the restrooms and frowned at the scene I saw. Jason was dancing with some girl who might as well have come to the club naked with the clothes that were barely covering her body. Her back was to him and he was holding onto her hips while she grinded against him. I was ticked. I walked over to the bar and said, "One Bud Light, please," to the bartender.

"Aren't you a little young?" She asked.

"I'm with Jason."

She smiled. "Your limit is two beers then." She handed one over to me and I popped the cap and took one big chug. It was disgusting. The vile drink burned its way down my throat but I took another drink anyways.

"What the hell are you doing, Ash!?" Jason demanded, suddenly right there and taking my beer away from me. He handed it to the girl he had been dancing with whom was latched onto his arm like a lost puppy. She took a long chug of the beer and I envied the fact that she didn't make a face. I gave him a pouty face.

"Awww. Why'd you do that, Jasey-poo?"

"Are you drunk?" He asked.

"Nah. I only drank half a bottle."

"So, this is just you being stubborn then? We're leaving."

"I don't want to go." I said. Jason shrugged off the girl ( who just then looked upset and pouty ) and threw me over his shoulder. "Jason! Put me down!" This reminded me of the first day he kissed me which had been only a few days ago. It felt longer. "Brings back memories, doesn't it?" I heard him laugh which meant that my stuborness had been forgiven. But I still hadn't forgiven him for dancing with that girl. "Can we stay? No more beers, I swear." I said. Jason sighed and put me down. Then he walked off and danced with that girl again. Why would he do that to me? Still furious, I walked onto the dance floor and danced by myself until someone came and danced with me. He was a few inches taller than me and very handsome with dark hair that curled and warm, brown, eyes.

"Aren't you a little young to be here? It's a 18 and up club...." He said.

"I know. I'm with Jason." I said for the second time that night.

"Ahhhh. I see. How old are you?"

"16. You?"

"19." I smiled and threw my arms loosly around his neck while his hands rested on my hips. The song changed to "Monster" by Lady GaGa and I tried not to blush. I could see Jason staring at me from the corner of my eye.

The he came over, that girl still following him, and said, "I'm gonna steal her from you." He handed over the other girl  like her and I were slaves being traded off and pulled me away. The boy pressed something in my hand as Jason pulled me away and I smirked. I slipped it into a hidden pocket in my skirt and danced with Jason.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You were dancing with someone else....Do you know how much trouble I'll already get in for bringing you here? Ryan is going to kill me." He replied.

"You were dancing with someone else too....Someone wearing a lot less clothing and someone who was grinding against you. Him and I were just dancing like normal, civilized, people." I pointed out. "And Ryan won't find out. And if he does I'll take the blame since he can't stay mad at his baby sister." Jason sighed. "I'm mad at you too, you know. So I guess we're even."

"Why are you mad?"

"Why do you think?" I asked him.

"It's a club! Your supposed to dance with a lot of people."

"Not when you have a girlfriend and you have a promise to keep."

"What promise?" He asked.

"The promise you made to Ryan not to hurt me. And guess what!" I said. ( Sense the fake cheeriness. ) "That hurt me."

"I'm sorry, Ash. I didn't think that'd hurt you." He gave me a soft kiss which made me forgive him.

"It's okay....." I said. This club must love Lady GaGa because just then "LoveGame" came on. This time I did blush.

Brain: Okay, gross. Are you really going to dance to this, Ashlee?

Heart: I think it's romantic.....

Brain: Romantic!? What's romantic about dancing to a song about disco sticks? Everyone knows that Jason just wants to get in Ashlee's pants.

Heart: He does not! That's not all he wants! And I bet he knows that Ashlee made a promise to never have sex until she was married.

Brain: Yeah, sure.....

I mentally told them both to shut up. The song had switched and now it was playing "Yeah" by Usher.

"I love this song!" I said. Jason smiled.

"It's getting late. Let's head back." Jason said as soon as the song ended. I smiled and let him pull me out of the club. Jason waved to a couple of people he knew and then we got into his car. He held my hand the whole way home.


-Snickers- Hehe :D Hope you liked this chapter :D Like I said, this chapter was longer than the last one xD Yay :D This chapter is dedicated to everyone who reads my book :) Thanks for all the support you guys! I'm glad you guys like it :) So, do you think Ryan will find out if they went to the club? Or do you think he'll have no clue? And what do you think was that thing that the guy slipped into Ashlee's hand before Jason pulled her away? Vote and Comment!! ♥♥♥♥♥ Pic is of Rachele Brooke Smith who plays Ashlee in my book :) Peace, Love, Nutella ♥♥♥

~Selena ♥

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