Chapter 6

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"When are we going to tell my brother?" I asked Jason as he played with my hair.

"Tell him?" Jason sounded confused.

"Yes, tell him! We can't leave my brother in the dark about something this big."

"Psh....Ryan's best friend dating his baby sister isn't that big....."


He sighed. "I know. We'll tell him when he gets home." Just then the door banged open. But it wasn't Ryan, it was my dad.

"Dad?" I said, unsure.

"What the hell do you want?" He demanded. Yep, he was drunk.

"Come on, Ash." Jason said, standing up and grabbing my hand. We both crammed into the closet and as usual dad came and started banging on the door, demanding that we come out right this instant. Unlike last time, I leaned against Jason and he put his arm around my waist.

"I hate how he comes home drunk. Can't he just get over mom?" I whispered.

"I don't think it's that easy to get over someone he loves."

"Well than he must not love us becuase he'd try to keep it together for Ryan and me."

"I think deep down that he loves you guys...." Jason tried. I snorted. When dad had finally stopped pounding on the door, Jason peeked out and then walked out to look through the window. "I think he probably went back to the bar because his car is gone." As Jason said this, the door opened and closed again. Ryan peeked up the stairs.

"What are you guys doing up there?" Ryan asked.

"Dad came home." I said. Ryan only nodded. "We've got to tell you something, Ryan."

"What is it?" Ryan asked. Jason looked over at me, his eyebrows raised.

"Well....Jason and I are sorta...ummm...going out?" I said, sort of as a question.

"What!? I leave for one hour and you two are sorta going out?!" Ryan said, clearly mad.

"I....Ummm....Don't be mad about it....Can't you understand? You have a girlfriend, Ryan...."

"Yeah, but I'm not a player. I don't go from girl to girl. Do you really think Jason can give you love? Do you think he can really treat you right?" Ryan said. Jason looked mad too.

"I can, Ryan. I'm done being a player. I realize that I've....made many mistakes in the past and that I've broken a lot of hearts but that's not going to happen this time." Jason said. Ryan looked shocked. I'm sure I did too. Ryan came up the stairs and got in Jason's face.

"You hurt her, and I'll kill you. I'm not kidding, Jason." Ryan said. He looked......scary.

"I won't." Jason said, coming over and putting an arm around my waist. Ryan nodded and went past us to his room. I let out a whoosh of air and realized that I had been holding my breath. Jason laughed. Then we made our way downstairs and sat down on the couch. We watched a few cartoons but then Jason said, "I'm going to take you somewhere. Go dress in something sexy." I laughed.

"Okay. But how are we getting past my brother with me in something sexy?"

"He has a date with Alyssa tonight. They leave in about ten minutes. And I know it takes you a long time to get dressed."

"Hey!" I said, smacking him upside the head. He gave me a quick kiss and then pushed me towards the stairs. "Okay! I'll go get dressed."

"Meet me down here in 30 minutes." He said. I nodded and made my way upstairs.


Where do you think they're going? I know becuase I got the idea last night. Hehe..:D The song I posted up should give you a hint if you think about it ^.^ Trust me, the next chapter is going to be exciting :p I've already started writing it down in a notebook because that's all I had last night when I was trying to go to sleep xD Vote and Comment ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Pic is of Chad Michael Murray who plays Jason. He's soo cute xD Happy 4th everyone that has the 4th today!! LOL ^.^  Sorry it wasn't that long this time, you guys...But I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be pretty long......:D

~Selena ♥

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