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~General Narration~

    Bulkhead stood there watching as the two of them drove out, utterly befuddled.

Bulkhead: “Man, this is one weird day. Wonder when Miko’s coming back . . .”

~First-Person Narration: Vapor~

    I was driving along the road for a while. I found the road so relaxing, so worth the drive. It was like a form of stress therapy. I hardly even noticed the tag-along. After a while, I turned to the left and drove off the road, down into the canyons through a section of cliffs. I transformed back to my Cybertronian mode. WheelJack followed my lead.

WheelJack: “Something wrong?”

    I didn’t even turn around to look at him. I wanted to stretch and so I would.

Vapor: “Not a thing. Just wanted to walk for a bit.”

WheelJack: “If you say so.”

    That made me turn to look him in the optics. Was he questioning me?

Vapor: “I do say so.”

WheelJack: “Fine by me.”

Vapor: “Whatever.”

    We had this awkward silence going on for a few minutes, but I felt like it unnerved him more so than it did me. It didn’t even bother me. I was used to this kind of thing.

WheelJack: “So . . . what brings you here?”

Vapor: “I don’t know. I just felt like it.”

    I was back to having my back turned to him as I was walking through the canyons with the cliff walls around me. I was studying the rock, not because I found it interesting because I did that sort of thing when I was thinking.

WheelJack: “Really? That’s it? No strategy?”

Vapor: “Nope. I just go where my spark takes me.”

WheelJack: “So do you always follow your spark to this extreme?”

Vapor: “Pretty much. I’m led by passion and delayed only by torn interests.”

    It was true. All of it. I followed my spark to the ends of the Earth, because I knew how quickly life could be taken away from you.

WheelJack: “And what does your spark tell you right now?”

Vapor: “It says . . . go forward . . .”

I stopped abruptly and WheelJack stopped behind me, nearly walking right into me, actually. My spark was saying a lot to me, actually.

Vapor: “But it also says that I need to remember who I am . . . that I need to think about what I want because it’s closer than I think . . . that I need to slow down for a minute and realize where I am, both physically and mentally . . .”

I turned around to face WheelJack, finally realizing something I hadn’t paid much attention to before.

Vapor: “And it says you’re here with me for a reason . . .”

WheelJack: “Well I always have been a warrior of extreme caliber.”

Vapor: “But you’re not necessarily here to protect me, you’re here for me. Just to be near me . . . aren’t you?”

    I felt like I could have something with WheelJack, something that would actually mean more than just a fling or a temporary relationship. As I spent time around him, I noticed all these little things . . .

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