Family Matters

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*Lilly's POV*

I woke up right as we hit the border lines of my pack. The sensation of being home woke me up from my deep sleep. Luckily though, I couldn't feel the effects of the silver anymore, and I could feel Sadie's presence in my mind. She hadn't regained all her strength yet, but it was nice to have her back.

"We should probably stop here." I said once we were a couple miles into my territory. "I'll let James know I'm coming, and bringing visitors, so he doesn't think we're trespassing."

Ophelia nodded her head, and Warren grunted in recognition.

"James?" I linked, hoping he could hear me.

"Lilly! Where are you?!" The response was immediate.

"I'm about fifteen minutes away from the house, and I'm bringing company."

"Who?" He growled, even through our mental conversation.

"You'll see." That was all I said as I shut down the link. I didn't want to tell him now, and he'd be less inclined to argue in the presence of others.

We pulled up to the house about thirty minutes later. The kids were still asleep, and I was grateful for that. I opened my car door, and no sooner than my feet were on the ground, I was scooped up by none other than Mr. Mitchell. He placed a kiss gingerly to my temple, and helped me carry the kids inside. He hadn't even noticed Ophelia and Warren yet, and I was grateful for that as well.

We carried the kids inside, then I noticed that Ophelia and Warren hadn't followed. So, I went out there to get them. I stepped on the porch and waved my hand, motioning for them to follow, and they did,

Once they were seated, James yelled through the house. "Lilly is home!"

And, to my surprise, Sofia, Silas, Samuel, and Amira came running down the stairs. They each greeted me with a hug and a hello.When I released Amira from the hug, she finally laid eyes on her sister. Her face contorted into a look of pure shock.

"Ophelia? Is that you?" She asked.

"It is." Ophelia replied.

"I.. I thought you were dead." Amira stammered out.

"Not yet, though I have a feeling I might be soon." Ophelia joked, but there was an edge of seriousness to her voice. "I did kidnap the Luna of a pack.." She winced as she spoke, and Warren growled.

"Why? Why did you take her?" Amira asked incredulously.

"The boy told me to. He said she was a red wolf, and that she had just had pups. I had to see for myself"

"So why not just ask for permission from the Alpha?"

"I knew he would refuse, No Alpha lets a rogue pass through on their own free will, especially not one who has no other interest except to see his mate. But, I had to see her. I had to know if she was yours. I've missed you so much, and I thought that by having her or one of her red wolf pups around, it would help fill the void."

Amira didn't respond in words. She only shook her head and smiled.

"What boy told you to take her?" James asked. His voice and composure a lot calmer than I had expected it to be.

"Soren." I answered for her.

"Soren? My Soren? The third in command?" James asked. It was as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, that Soren. One and the same." I snapped.

"That's impossible! He would never betray our pack like that." James responded, puffing out his chest.

"Obviously he would, and he did."

"How do you know? Just because these rogues told you so?"

"No. Because I saw him with my own two eyes, spoke to him myself, asked him the same question, and I'm still sickened by his response."

"No... No, that's impossible Lillian! Soren would never do that to our pack. He would never do that to me. We're practically brothers. He loves me as much as I love him."

"You say that, and yet you ordered the execution of his mate."

James looked absolutely petrified in that moment, and to be honest, I enjoyed it. I couldn't imagine the pain Soren must have felt.

"Who told you that?"

"He did."

James paled visibly. "its not what you think.."

"we'll discuss it later. Now is not the time. Sofia, come here, please."

She stepped to the front of the room, and for the first time, her and Ophelia both got a good look at each other and let out audible gasps. It was kind of eery how much the two looked alike, and I thik it would be safe to say, that if you aged Sofia to Ophelia's age, they would be identical twins.

"Oh my God, Warren. Look at her!" Ophelia exclaimed.

Sofia looked to Ophelia then back to me and ran out the room crying. Silas followed after her.

I looked to.Ophelia, who was having a melt down of her own. "I'm so sorry. I'll be back. I need to go check on her."

I dashed out the room and out the house, straight towards Sofia's house. If I knew my sister as well as I thought I did, then she would likely be in her kitchen baking. I had just stepped in the trees behind her house when a man grabbed me by my waist, covered my mouth, and clasped silver handcuffs around my wrist.

"You're not getting away from me that easy." He laughed evilly, as he threw me in the back of the truck.

~~~~~~*A/N: sorry guys. i know its late and short, but I've had a lot going on and haven't really had time to write. I'll try my best to get the next chapter up soon, and make it longer. i love you all, and i apologize again. just between the drs for this pregnancy and my sons drs for all his issues, i haven't really had time to think or breathe, much less write.*~~~~~~~

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