The Battle

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*Silas's POV*

We ran straight to where Soren, our third in command, was standing, along with about ten other wolves. Brian hadn't attempted anything thus far, but we all knew that was only because he was waiting on James to arrive. My Alpha and I headed to the front.

"Hello James. Nice of you to join us. Have you made your decision?"

"I have."

"What will it be then? Will you give us back our Luna, or do we have to go to more drastic measures?"

"You will never have Lillian! She is my mate! Mine!" As the Alpha finished that sentence, another seventy-five of our wolves poured in.

"Very well." Brian took a step forward.

"Ask yourself this though Brian. Are you prepared to lose all the wolves gathered here with you today? Or, would you rather handle this like men? Just you and me, Alpha to Alpha?"

Brian growled.

"Are you scared Brian? Is that why you have your wolves fight your battle for you?" James taunted.

"I'm not scared of you pup."

"Then, lets do this. Just you and me."

"Ok pup. But first, lets make it clear. No matter what the outcome, all the wolves from the losing side will leave immediately without retaliation."

"Very well."

With that, all the wolves, Silver Moon and Black Knights alike, stepped back, forming a circle around the Alphas. Only Jace and I remained standing by their sides. We would referee the fight.

The Alphas shifted. I checked Brian as Jace checked James. After we were certain neither of them had anything in their possession to cheat with, we stepped to the side and simultaneously shouted, "Fight!"


*James's POV*

I hated having that bastard of a Beta touch me. As if him being the enemy wasn't enough reason to hate him, I knew what he did to my Lillian. I wanted to rip his throat out, but I couldn't. I had given my word. This fight would be between Brian and I, no one else.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the Betas yelling our signal to begin. Brian's wolf was large and muscular. His gray fur stuck out under the moonlight. I was slightly impressed by his size and stance, but I knew he was no match for my much larger, stronger wolf. Plus, my black fur gave me an advantage.

We were going in circles, each of us sizing the other guy up. He tried to bite my left hind leg, but I dodged it and snapped his muzzle instead. He growled lowly, and jumped on my back, effectively knocking me down. He swiftly jumped on top of me. I pushed him off with my claws, digging into his stomach. I sprung to my feet, growling viciously. He got lucky that time, but it wouldn't happen again. I stood still, letting him circle me. When he got in front, I quickly lunged for his throat. I only managed to grab fur and flesh. I ripped the chunk of meat off. He retaliated by biting my muzzle, which only served to piss me off.

I jumped on his back. We rolled around a few times. Each of us clawing and biting whatever was within reach. And, that's when it happened. That's when he made his biggest mistake.

He stood over top of me, pawing my face. The dumbass left his neck exposed during his little show off for his pack. I seized the opportunity and ripped out his jugular. His body slammed to the ground, bleeding profusely, but we all knew he was already dead.

A few seconds later, his wolf's carcass shimmered back to his human form. I stood over his lifeless, battered corpse, and howled out my victory. My pack joined in the celebration with a chorus of howls and cheers.

I stepped away from his body, towards his pack. Shifting back, I announced, "you all heard our agreement. Now, I'd suggest you honor it. Grab his corpse and leave."

They all bowed their heads in respect and did just that.

Silas brought me some shorts, smiling widely. I returned it, and dismissed the pack. Silas and I walked back to my house in silence. I was too lost in thought to hold a conversation. Now, I could enjoy my mate, and she'd never have to worry about Brian again.


*Lilly's POV*

I almost fainted when Sofia told me the news. After my shock dissipated, I went into his study to talk to him. The window was open, but he and Silas were gone. Sofia gave me a weak smile and explained that they must have went to deal with the intruders. I wanted to run after them, but she wouldn't allow it. So, we ended up in the kitchen cooking and baking instead.

Two hours later, Silos and James walked through the door. We pounced on our mates, hugging and kissing them. I know, it was only two hours, but it felt like it had been centuries.

We walked them into the kitchen. Their eyes widened in surprise. Between the two of us, we had made enough food for half the pack. That didn't stop them from digging right in.

After they were through, Sofia asked the question I had been dying to know. "SO, what happened?"

"They wanted Lilly. Obviously James wasn't going to let that happen, so Brian declared war. James challenged him to a one on one, and killed him." Silas answered, nonchalantly.

My heart soared away from me then. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was free. James had saved me, and he also saved our pack from war. I was on cloud nine.

The conversation ended there, when James suggested we watch a movie. We all obliged.

That night, after my sister and her mate left, I made soft, sweet, passionate love to my Alpha, my savior, my mate. And, in that moment, everything was perfect.

*The Next Day*

We both woke up bright and early, feeling refreshed. It was so nice to have a good nights rest. I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept so well, or if i ever have.

"Good morning beautiful," my mate's enchanted voice greeted me.

"Mmm, it sure is." I purred.

I gave him a light kiss before beginning my normal routine. After which, I made pancakes and eggs. We ate together, enjoying the morning.

"So, are you ready to meet your new pack today?"

"As ready as I'm ever going to be." I replied honestly.

He scooped the last bite of eggs into his mouth, "Good, then lets go. Everyone is waiting for us."

Without another word, he wrapped his arm around my waist and led me into the most beautiful gazebo I have ever saw. It stood tall and proud, much like my mate, in the middle of a luxurious garden. All the pack members were gathered around as James gave his heartfelt speech. Afterwards, we stayed and mingled for a while, and for once, I was proud to bear the title of Luna.

We left the gazebo and headed to the main pack house. There were games and people everywhere, along with the delicious aroma of barbecue. We stayed and partied well into the night. Finally, we were all exhausted, so we called it a night.

When we got home, James wanted to check the voicemail before we headed to bed. Not wanting to leave him, I stayed, but nothing could have prepared me for what we would hear when he pressed play.

"Hello James. I hope you're enjoying your time with my little whore. You see, when you killed Brian, I inherited the title of Alpha. And, as the Alpha, I also get our Luna. I will get what's mine, just like I always do. So enjoy her while you can. I'll see you soon."

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