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*Lilly's POV*

The next six months passed by quickly. Nothing too exciting happened. Though, I hadn't contacted Selene again, I couldn't get her words out of my mind. I couldn't believe I was stolen as a pup, or that Sofia wasn't really my sister. It broke my heart more and more every time I thought about it.

James and I were sitting in the living room with our children. They were crawling pretty good now. They definitely got around when they wanted to anyways. Dustin was still kind of behind the rest of them, but the doctor assured me it was normal.James must've noticed that I zoned out because he broke me out of my thoughts. “What's the matter baby?”

“Its nothing.” I smiled.

“Its obviously something Lilly. You've been spacing out like this for months now.”

I shrugged and tried to change the subject, at least to him it would seem that way. “Do you know of a wolf named Amira?”

“Yes. She was Alpha Samuel's mate. He was the Alpha of Red Dawn. He stepped down about six years ago when Gabriel took over, the Alpha that brought you back to me.”

“Amira is his mom?!” I gasped. He only nodded his head. “No, that can't be.”

“It can, and it is.” He replied incredulously. “What's this all about anyways? How do you even know of Amira?”

“You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” I said honestly.

“Try me.”

“Fine, but you cannot tell anyone what I'm about to tell you.” He stared at me, waiting for me to continue. I took a deep breath, settling my nerves, before I spoke. “Do you remember on the night I returned, I told you that Selene had given me a gift?” He nodded. “Well, that gift turned out to be the ability to speak to her whenever I needed to. The night after our wedding, when I was sleeping, I talked to her. She told me some very disturbing news..” I let the sentence hang, unsure of how to finish.

“What was the news?” He said after several minutes passed.

“Sofia isn't my sister. The people I grew up thiinking are my parents my whole life aren't actually my parents... We wethinking.” I whispered the last sentence. At first I wasn't sure he heard me, until I saw him shaking with anger.

“You're sure of this?” He asked. I looked him in the eye, fighting back my tears, I nodded my head slowly. “Then who are your real parents?”

“Selene only told me that I was stolen from Amira. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

“We have to tell her then.”

“Maybe its just a coincidence. Maybe there is another wolf named Amira out there somewhere.”

“Another James? Yes. Another Lillian? Maybe. Another Amira? I highly doubt it.”

I sighed in defeat, knowing he was right. But, I wasn't sure I wanted to tell them yet, and I certainly wasn't ready to tell Sofia. As much as it was killing me, I knew it would crush her. She would be absolutely devastated actually. She was always such a family oriented person.

I shook my head. “I'm not ready yet. I still haven't even told Sofia.”

“Its not a request Lilly. I'm telling you, we are going to have to tell Amira. She has the right to know.”

“So does Sofia!” I snapped.

“So tell her!” He snapped back.

“I can't!” I sobbed. “I don't know how to.”

He held me close and made soothing sounds. “It'll be ok baby. She's your sister. She'll understand. I promise love. It'll be okay.”

I just shook my head and sobbed harder. He made it sounds so simple, but in reality, it wasn't that easy at all. “I can't James. I just can't.”

“Do you want me to do it for you?”

“Would you?”

“I will.”

“Please. Please. Please.”

“Ok baby. I'll go and tell her when you've calmed down.”

“Thank you!” I smiled and hugged him tighter. He was such an amazing mate. I still wasn't sure how I had gotten so lucky.

*James's POV*

I gave her a kiss and went to get dressed. I put on a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt. I went back down and told Lilly and the pups goodbye. I made my way to Silas's and Sofia's house in silence. I still wasn't sure how to tell Sofia, but I told Lilly I would. So, I would.

I knocked on the door and Silas answered. “Good morning Alpha.”

“Hello Silas. Is Sofia home?”

“Yeah. She's in the kitchen. What's up?”

“I need to talk to her. Its important.”

He motioned me in, and led me to the kitchen. Sofia was standing over the stove making breakfast. “Will you be joining us?” She asked.

“Sure.” I responded.

She nodded and continued to make the food. When it was done, we all sat down to eat. I figured now was as good of a time as any. “There's something I need to speak to you about Sofia, and this won't be easy...”

“What is it Alpha?”

“There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it..” I took a deep breath and gave her an apologetic look. “I talked to Lilly this morning. She informed me of a lot of interesting things. One of them being that you all are not sisters..”

“Don't be ridiculous. Of course we are sisters. We grew up together.” She interrupted.

“Yes, I know. You all were raised as sisters, but you're not biologically sisters. You were both stolen as pups by the man you know as your father. i don't know who your real parents are. I can try to find out if you wish.”

She shook her head. “No, that won't be necessary. I don't need to know. I have a mom and dad. I don't speak to them as is, I don't need another set to worry about. What about Lilly though? Does she know who her parents are?”

“She knows her mom is Amira. So, I can only assume her father is Alpha Samuel. She's going to tell them later. I didn't give her a choice in the matter. She wanted to tell you first, but she wasn't sure how to. So, I volunteered to do it for her.”

“She could've just told me. It doesn't change anything. I don't care if we are not related by blood. She will always be my sister.” She said, then she broke down crying. Between her sobs, she managed to choke out. “I just can't believe its true,. I've been lied to my whole life.”

“I know Sofia, and I'm sorry. I knew this wasn't going to be easy for you.”

“I'll be fine. I just need a little while.. Excuse me.” She got up and ran for the stairs. I looked after her. I didn't want to hurt her, but she needed to know.

“If you'll excuse me Alpha. I need to go check on my mate.” Silas said, voice full of sorrow.

“Of course Silas. Please, have Sofia call me later. I want to know she's ok.”

“I will.” It was his only reply before he ran up the stairs to comfort his mate.

I made my way back to my house. I regretted having to tell her. I hated hurting her. I hated ow it must've made her felt. I hated how it must've made Silas felt. But, it needed to be done. Now, I just had to convince Lilly to leave with me to go meet Amira.

I could only help her with the introductions. She would have to break the news to them on her own, and I knew that wouldn't be easy for her. I just hoped my support would be enough.

~~~~~~*A/N: This story is not over.. I still have at least another 6 chapters to go then I will write two stories from two of the children.. If you have any question, feel free to ask, either on here or you can email me at valkyriebuni@gmail.com


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