Love Lost

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After Roman and Alicia had their 'anger theorpy' they both ended up falling asleep. They both figured since today was travel day that the next day they'd be able to have breakfast and tour around.

Alicia was fast asleep cuddled next to Roman when she suddenly sprout up from her sleep,she was covered in sweat breathing hard. Her nerves completely all over. Every time she's been going to sleep she was constantly having dreams about her mom...she tried her best to shake off the feeling but she couldn't,she got up going towards the bathroom splashing some water on her face, when she looked into the mirror she automatically started to break down.

"I can't do this good thing equals twice bad...I can't...I just can't do this anymore if I lose someone else I'm going to completely break."

She walked out to the living room grabbing her notebook and writing down.

'Dear honestly have done so much for me I can't think you enough...I've never felt so special and you've done nothing but make me feel like someone threw thick and thin...every last one of you...I just...feel like everything falling apart has a reason and I truly just don't wanna put any more stress on you no matter how much you say it doesn't bother you...I can't think you enough for everything you've done,thank you..I love you.'

Placing her notebook on the dresser she left her phone ontop and unhooked the title placing it laid out above her notebook before grabbing her shoes and hoodie besides leaving slowly quietly closing the door.

Once she reached outside she glanced up towards the night rainy sky, this was the atmosphere she was use to rainy but calm,cars going up and down the roads... "I'll see you soon ma." She whispered, she ran towards the middle of the road just as a car came rushing by...

Roman's POV
I woke up and realized that I might have over slept even though we didn't really have anything planned today, I ran my hand over to the side but it was empty...maybe she's just in the bathroom.

I got up and went to walk to the bathroom when I saw a note on the dresser...her phone and the title...that's weird. I grabbed the notebook and started reading.

     'Dear honestly have done so much for me I can't think you enough...I've never felt so special and you've done nothing but make me feel like someone threw thick and thin...every last one of you...I just...feel like everything falling apart has a reason and I truly just don't wanna put any more stress on you no matter how much you say it doesn't bother you...I can't think you enough for everything you've done,thank you..I love you.'

"No...somethings going on...please left her phone so there's no way for me to call her! I grabbed my phone and dialed Dean's number.

"ELLO,Paige speaking and if your some hoe tryna hit up my luv I promise you you'll meet the bottom of my doc Martin."

"Paige it's me Roman,is Alicia with you or any of the girls?"

"Uh,no me and Dean just woke up actually a few minutes ago...if anything she's probably with Mar-ie,you know they usually go working out together."

"Thanks!" Please be true just please. Hanging up I dialed Marits number but she didn't pick up. "Damn it!" Come on Alicia please don't do this again! Please! I quickly got dressed and grabbed my phone running downstairs and to the lobby...

The door was blocked off but outside were a whole bunch of police cars, 2 fire trucks, and a crowd of people... This can't be happening...

"Sir excuse me,do you know what's going on?" I asked one of the guys that stood closest to the door managing to push his way threw the crowd.

"A car wreck,driver didn't see girl crossing street is one story the other is she walked over without looking and everything happened in a split."

Please no...please god no...don't let it be her...I can't stand here and let my worry take over,I started pushing through the crowd of people,I was getting pushed and yelled at but there was no way I'm just gonna stand there.

Finally after fighting my way threw I got outside getting as close as I could get,I heard one of the officers talking to some guy.

"And and.Austin do you have a description on the girl who was coming threw?"

"She had dark brown hair,maybe no taller than 5'1 it looked like,she came running across and as soon as I saw her I tried hitting breaks and she just went straight. When I got out of the car she was just down and
Not moving I didn't mean to hit her I swear you can watch the camera killing someone is my last intension I swear,I'm sorry,I'm sorry lord."

"Sir calm down,we've seen footage we just need to clear things up and I promise,thank you for your time...and there we have it,current WWE Diva Alicia Love has been involved in a car accident and we will have more information as soon as possible,back to you Tom."

I can't believe it...she just...she's hurt...she's gone...I can't believe it...

Everything was taking over him...Tears...anger...confusin...all he could do was drop to his knees stairing down towards the ground as the tears continued to pour...

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