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"I'M SORRY OKAY! You act like I'm trying to burn you on purpose! In almost done anyway."

"Why do I even need my hair curled it's probably gonna just poof up once we step outside."

"Ah chick,it's 62 degrees outside not raining,no heat,you'll be fine...put that SnapBack on and and I'll you."

Alicia swore under her breath throwing the hat back onto the bed. After a few more minutes Marti was done,they both got up and walked to the full body mirror admiring their outfits Marti had picked out, well sorta she just had the idea of them twinning some what then they picked out their own outfits which we in the same form.

"Damn girl,I've missed these days,we look hot." Marti said as she snapped a quick picture of them both.

"Yea I've missed these hang out nights too,are you sure you're gonna be able to walk in those wedges for however long we're out?"

"Girl please I've walked in heels for three hours trust me,this doll can do anything,besides where Titus said with small hints it seems like we'l be sitting most of the time."

"He still didn't tell you,Roman did the same thing,those two are up to something and at the end of the day I'm thinking two of us are gonna be sleeping outside and it won't be us."

"Hey! You two decent? Dean's already downstairs at the car with Paige you know he hates waiting." Roman called from outside the door.

"Yea yea we're coming." Alicia called out. They both checked themselves in the mirror one also time snapping a few more selfies before heading out.

"What is this,twin crop top night?"

"It's  A thing we use to do Ro,it's been a while so yea."

"Oh so that means me Titus Ambrose can wear one two,oh do they have one in black."

"PLEASE NO!" Both Alicia and Marti yelled, sure they loved their guys but the sight of them in those...no.

"Come on will one of you tell us where we're going!" Paige said

"Yes especially since we all got in  Dean's car and we usually travel partner and partner,this must be some big place." Alicia added

"Don't worry girls,we're almost there until then just relax,you all have been asking questions this whole ride." Dean responded keeping his eye on the road.

The girls all remained silent for the rest of the ride until a few minutes later they pulled up to this huge building with a lot of bright lights hanging on the outside. A sign that read "StarLight brings the heat tonight." Night club party all day,don't be afraid to hit that NaeNae."


"Paige baby...the guys and I have been planning our boys night out and we never had time with everything going and now the perfect day we're all together, all having a day off,come on,Reigns help me out here."

When he tuned around he saw Roman and Titus had already Gone in. "Damn it....okay we won't stay long,I promise besides you 3 can have your GNO thing and stuff that you do."

"...go have your fun,besides that means more time for and Marti to help get innocent ol Ali into AntiDiva mode!"

"Oh yea likes that gonna happen,did that one time with you two and I don't plan on doing it again."

"That's what they all say, now let's go luvs,DIVAS TAKIN OVA!"

"Okay so it's official, 3 guys have tried to hit on me and if Dean was here,all their a**es would be kicked before I could nicely reject them."

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