Surprise Meeting

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Romans pov:
Wow...last night was just....amazing,maybe not just for musta been watching them videos,I think we both needed it. I was making her a surprise breakfast when there was a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I was expecting to see maybe one of the guys or a mail delivery but ex girlfriend,Galina (in this story they were just BF and gf and they only dated but had JoJo together until Roman walked in on her cheating on him so they each had certain months they each had with JoJo.)

"What the hell is she doing here!" I said to myself even though I so bad wanted to say it to her face.

"Look I've got no time to chat,I'm going on a business trip take JoJo her stuff is in this bag."

"Woah woah,you're supposed to have her for another month! Remember it was your idea to lock lips with another guy then you wanted to bitc* over custody and visit times."

"Blah blah,I know look just take her I've gotta go before I miss my flight,see you later munchkin!"

Before I could respond she had already made her way off the porch and back into her car pulling off. Sure I was happy to see my daughter but...this is just sudden...

"Daddy I missed you!" I felt her wrap her arms around my leg,she was always a hugger,of course I missed her too.

"Awe princess,I missed you so much,how's school going?"  I picked her up into my arms,she had that bright smile she always had,she was the reason I stayed stable during the divorce and everything else involved.

"Schools fun! I made a picture for you but Mrs.Jones said it had to dry,maybe you can come see it."

"Of course and the fact that you thought of me while drawing makes me realize how much of a lucky dad I am to have such an amazing daughter like you.

"Do you have any ice cream daddy! It's hot outside?"

"I sure do,come on and remember you may not be here all the time but this is your home too okay princess?"

"Okay,thank you daddy,am I still your little girl?"

"Of course,always and only one."

Me and JoJo were sitting in the living room just enjoying a bowl of ice cream and her favorite Disney shows,I really have missed spending time with my daughter,sure Galina gave me stress and I mean a whole lot but JoJo here was like this young therapist always helping her dad when he was feeling down.

Everything was going just perfect...the I heard footsteps coming down the steps...crap,I've never told Alicia about my past...maybe even lied and said she was my first and now I've gotta own up,man I hope this doesn't kill her or hit her too hard.

"Roman you left your phone on the sta-" she stopped on the second to last step when she saw JoJo she looked towards me but back to her then right back to me.

Alright Roman,just go ahead and say it.. "Baby girl,this is my,daughter JoJo,JoJo this Alicia,my fiancé Alicia."

"Hi,my names JoJo,it's nice to meet you Alicia."

"Hey there JoJo,I hear a lot about,you,you're very special to Roman." She said with a slight smile,I knew she was lying because I never told her about JoJo...and now she finds out the,most opposite way.

"Ah hey JoJo,can you give me a moment  please then we'll get right back to our Disney marathon."

"Okay,I'll be in the game room." As soon as she left I turned to Alicia who stood fiddling with her thumbs looking to the ground.

"Baby I can e-

"You never told me you had a daughter,Roman."

"I know I should have but I just didn't w-

"Just didn't wanna drop me so fast because you felt so bad for me this whole time...Roman it's fine,I'll just ask Naomi to come over and help me pack my things,I'll stop invading."

"What,no baby,never." I walked over to her taking her hands in mine leading her to the couch. "Baby...I'm just gonna come out now and I'm sorry I didn't tell you before...I lied when I said I didn't have any other EX Galina,we dated for maybe 6 months then one day i walked in on her cheating on me,she tried so hard denying it,before that,we had JoJo and with her cheating on me,I couldn't risk my daughter being in that place it wasn't my idea for us to have this you have her this time I have her one time thing but she fought to get it...she just came over a few minutes ago saying she had to go on a business trip and no one else could watch I understand if your ready to smack me or curse me out but I'm sorry...but JoJo is a sweetheart,and with what recently happened...maybe this could...prepare us for the future...possibly."

I was waiting for her to start yelling or to actually just slap me like I thought but instead she leaned forward wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Roman,with how amazing you treat me...I know you're a great father."

"Baby girl don't say that...I'm not great...I'm just that damn good of one!"

She pulled back playfully punching my arm. "Don't be cocky you jerk!"

"Awe come on you were just snuggled up and saying how great I was,take it back so soon?"

"No...but I do know,that's now that you took time to explain  to me and didn't continue keeping it away...I'll do my a best to please you and your daughter."

"Oh trust me,you already do please me,and as for JoJo,she's gonna love you,right mrs spy!?" I chuckled knowing she was standing around the corner listening,she tip toed from behind the door with the slight smirk with her arms swaying to her side.

"I heard my name so I came running." She giggled.

"Well how about I go clean up and I'll come back down and make you and Roman here some sandwiches JoJo?" Alicia said with a smile,wow she was gettin use to this faster than usual but she's already worked hard enough these past few weeks.

"No no,how about you just do that first part and I'll go make the two feat girls something to eat,deal?"

"Oh fine." They both said awkwardly at the same time,they both looked towards each other laughing...yep,being here with the best two girls,life is great.

Sorry this one went by kind of fast I type this one really fast because I go back to hell tomorrow a.k.a. school so I probably won't be able to update as much but I'll try to still update every good bit.

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