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"Geez I could have had her!! But no Brie had to cheat and pull her out the ring! WE ALMOST HAD IT!"

"Ali,if you didn't notice...we did win our match."

"I DON'T CARE! Nikki needs to get her a** kicked and I haven't used the moonsault for a while now and when I do, I FREAKIN OW!" Just as she threw her arms up she felt the slight sting feeling in her wrist.

"Okay,easy now girly,doc said no movements that involve putting pressure on your wrist so much so that means,no moonsault,no arm bars,no push ups and NO writing."

"You're kidding me right?"

"Um unless you want your wrist to be completely fractured,yep."

"Yep because this is the way I want to return...well I'm gonna go head and find Steph and talk to her about something,see you girlies later." She hugged both girls before taking the title leaving the room,she really wasn't going to see Steph she just wanted to go see Roman,she was feeling...different having not talked to him ever since earlier that day.

Alicia's POV
I guess I have been over reacting to what Roman said or did...I've just been through so much I guess I haven't gotten over some of the things and seeing Roman is the total opposite.

When I got to the guys locker room I knocked but no one answered,I waited a while again but still no answer so I walked in (what it's my husbands and friends locker room we've known each other for how long!)

"Man,Ambrose and Reigns don't know what they're doing they're gonna get killed."

"I know broski,them guys are brothers but Wyatts and that new member,it's crazy."

That's when an idea popped into my head...everyone is out in the ring,Bray did attack every last one of us on's payback time.

"You see What we did's because we warned Roman Reigns...we told him,ANYONE but him...but he didn't listen."

"Then he wants to drag in what he calls family,The Lunatic,he calls a brother...and
Now they want to start this family war."

"We...well might I say,sister,Abigail,she gave us advice and what to do next...she brought us,our brother and together we will save every last one of you!"

Romans music hits and the camera goes straight to the top of the stairs where we see Roman and Dean at the top of the stairs looking determined and ready for a fight. They head down the stairs fist bumping with fans as they made their way down to ringside.

"You know what,you're right,new dude here did take me out on Raw...hell he even took Dean out...and you know,I'm perfectly fine with that...but the moment YOU laid hands on Alicia,your death wish was created."

Ambrose grabs a mic and stairs down all three members of The Wyatts. "Ugly...uglier and...ugliest,I WANT YOU UGLY!

Both dropping their mics they both jump onto the apron wasting no time climbing into the ring, 3 on 2, hobosx3 vs good looking and lunatic. The Wyatts start to slowly back up when suddenly the lights flashed off,only a spotlight light flashed down to the top of the ramp.

" brother...I'm here!" The voice said,no one knew who it was or where they were it was.

"Sister...Abigail,is that you?"

"It is my brother...and now it's time I show the word...who I am" after a few seconds a girl in a red two piece dress,curly blah hair,red shoes and one of the Wyatt sheep masks on.

"My sister,what has happened to you,you've changed,that outfit! Mamma taught you better!"

"Things...things have changed my brother,and I refuse to stay back any longer." As she got to the ring she walked over to the time keepers areas snatching the chair up and sliding it into the ring,taking the steps she got into the ring standing behind all three Wyatts.

"'ve started a war...Fellow new sheep,come,stay...Bray,Luke...LEAVE!"

Without saying a word they nodded and climbed out the ring.

"WAIT,BROTHER...Luke please,do me a favor,you see that rope ringside...tie your hands around and shah there."

"Sister what do y-


They didn't say anything and did so... "And as for you." She slowly walked behind Braun with the chair in her hand. Without warning or saying another word she swung the chair forward hitting him in the back of the head sending him down go his knees,she swung the chair again hitting him again multiply times until he was fully laid out.

Bray and Luke stood ringside yelling out things revolving around "what are you doing"

"As I was started a war- dropping her head down she flung the cover off and slowly took off the mask,as she raised her head and the lights came back on the arena started going nuts,there stood Alicia with a wide smirk on her face. "YOU STARTED A WAR THAT YOU COULDN'T FINISH WYATTS AND PAYBACK IS A BITC*!"

Both Dean and Roman slid out the ring going straight for Bray and Luke they continued their beat down until they were fully laid out on the ground. As Romans music played they both climbed back into the ring,where Alicia grabbed both their arms raising them. Closing the show.

Once they got backstage to the locker room, Dean was constantly asking Alicia questions about how she pulled it off and when she decided to. As for Roman,all he did was sit there starring.

"'s called,having a plan,I've learned from the best...and you know what,it felt good."

"I surely did fall for it,I thought we were officially out numbered but ah,next time,don't wear such obvious shoes."

"Oh what you thought I was gonna throw on some heels,ha,FUNNY!"

"Reigns,ah...are you okay?"

Roman didn't respond all he did was continued starring off into space.

"Well...the shows over and Paige asked me for a ride,Ali you good riding with Roman back to the room?"

"Oh yea,it's fine, thanks."

"Alrighty,and I'm off,see you two lovers later." He grabbed his bag and phone then leaving the room. As soon as the door closed Roman jumped up rushing to the door and locking it.

"Um...Roman,everything okay?" Alicia asked.

Without responding Roman went over to Alicia picking her up and carrying her to the back part of the room shutting the door behind him. "Damn you look hot in that dress."

And...I think we all know what happens next.. ✨

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