Forever Mine

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Alicia couldn't find anything to say,all she could do was sit there in Romans arms crying. Lost,confused,hurt...feeling invisible. Everything that has happened she didn't think she could handle it anymore and ending everything would solve and make things go away.

Roman didn't know exactly why she was this upset but had a slight feeling it was just her remembering everything that has happened to her. "Shh baby girl,it's okay...everything's okay"

"Ali...I'm sorry for flipping out on you...I just...why would you put yourself in that situation,you could have gotten killed,I told you you're like the sister I've never had,it sucks seeing you just down and hurt so much it makes me wanna kill Seth and not care about the consequences as much as Roman wants to...but why.why would you do this?" Dean said

Alicia lifted her head but looking straight back to the ground,luckily it was still raining so no one could tell just how much she was crying. "Because...I...I hate to disappoint..." She mumbled

"Baby girl what are you talking about?"

"Nothing...can we just go your house Roman?"

Dean turned to Roman mouthing "I thought you two moved in together?"

He nodded in response but really wanted to know what was bugging Alicia so much.

Wrapping one arm around her shoulder and the other under her legs Roman picked her up bridal style Making their way back to the car.

Dean was the one to drive since it was his car but also because he figured Alicia and Roman wanted to stay close. Alicia was quiet for the whole ride only gazing out the window until they reached the house. .

From the corner of his eye Roman saw as tears continued falling from Alicia's eyes. He only tightend his grip around her but not enough to hurt her.

Roman had just come from downstairs from making a call when he walked into the room seeing Alicia packing,almost everything...he couldn't take it anymore.

"Baby girl come here."

Ignoring him she continued trying I stuff shirt after shirt into a duffel bag so Roman walked over wrapping his arms around her waist picking her up and carrying her over to the bed where he sat her in his lap putting her legs on each side of him that way she had no choice but to make eye contact. "Baby,it's killing me seeing you so distant and hurt,do you know how much it hurt seeing that car going your direction...please tell me what's wrong,please."!

She somehow found a way to avoid eye contact looking towards the brown carpet floor. "I'm a disappointment Roman...I'm gonna tear the relationship you and your mom have...I can't stay...once a home wrecker...always a home wrecker...I'm so sorry Roman,if I would have known I wasn't worth your time I wouldn't have gotten so attached...and... F- her voice cracked as she tried holding back tears

"Damn...I guess she heard what my mom that's why." He caressed her back gently and let her cry.
"I knew I wasn't good enough for that fact that I embarrassed you in front of your parents,I'm so sorry Roman,I'll be out of your space soon,I'm so sorry." Roman sighed looking towards the ceiling as he rubbed her back. "Why'd you have to do it mom,be so judge mental without even talking to her." He said to himself. He felt terrible that she was feeling that way all because of his mom.

"Baby...this sounds rude...but she can get over it but...I don't give a damn what she says,your beautiful,amazing,talented and i love you,maybe she's just stuck up on some past but she needs to move on because I've found my dream girl and that's you,it's always been one vs all for a while now and if it has to be me and you vs the world that's totally fine baby because I will give and do anything! And I mean anything! To make you happy and make sure you feel what you really are,just pure amazing,I repeat myself so many times when I say that but I Can't help but to long express and extend the truth."

"But Roman,you've known your mom longer you grew up with her...I don't want you to disappoint her because of some clingy,can't do on own...useless girl."

"Alicia,look at me." He lifted her chin with his hand forcing her to look at him.

"You mean the world to me, You're the best thing that has ever happened to me,I've realized and found a side of me that I never pictured myself having. No one is gonna tell me who I can or can't love,you're beautiful on the inside and out and I'm not just saying that to make you smile. It because I truly mean it...I wanna spend the rest of my life with you Alicia,you're special in so many ways,you catch my attention Amd I'm've got me whipped.",and I'm not ashamed,Alicia,I freakin love you."

He brushed a strand of hair out of her face and kissed her lips softly. Seeing her so emotional and hurt made him feel like he wasn't doing his job of being there for her...if he ever lost her...again...he wouldn't know what to do. He was happy and wanted her to be happy. 

Wiping her eyes with his thumbs he leaned forward pecking her lips one last time. "So whatta ya say we get those bags back unpacked...I go downstairs heat up some pizza rolls,get little feisty meow her food then we spend the day watching Netflix,any movie I'm cool with...I've also got twizzlers." He said with a smirk,he knew how much she loved them.

A smile slowly crept on her lips,she nodded. "That sounds like a plan...but Ro...I'm not really hungry and Muffin has a bowl already set,Naomi told me she you think you could just...stay here with me?"

"Of course baby girl."slipping off his shirt and sweats having shorts on under he slipped under the covers next to Alicia who automatically cuddled into his chest.

He brought his other arm down wrapping it around her side staring at her as he eyes started to shut on their own but she kept trying to fight it.

"Sleep baby girl,our plans can wait." He whispered

"I just wanna tell you I lov- she wasn't able to finish her sentence as her eyes fell heavy and shut.

Roman Chuckled to himself as he kissed her forehead glad that she was safe happy and in one piece, next to him,in his arms.
"I love you too baby,so much."

Yours To Hold (2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon