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So far both Alicia and JoJo had gone to 4 different stores at least coming out with 2 bags each every store,Roman was lagging behind tired othe walking but Alicia had old him to suck it up or he could walk home even if it was his car.
They all say at the mall food court Alicia with a sub sandwich with a Mango smoothie  Roman with his usual hamburger and soda and JoJo with a grilled cheese and a Capri sun. They were going to aim for maybe one more store before heading back home.

"Thank you for taking me out daddy and Alicia I had a good time."

"Anything for my little girl,it's always fun seeing how much you've grown and the new things you're getting don't have a boyfriend do you?"

"Ew no daddy,boys are gross."

Alicia shook her head laughing to herself. "JoJo I said that myself at your age and look at me now,you'll change your mind,trust me."

"Nope boys only care about games and stuff I like hanging with my friends and going shopping watching you guys on TV...Mrs Alicia are you going to be my new mommy?"

She gazed down to the ground biting her lip not sure how to answer,she didn't wanna break her heart or disappoint after a good day.

"Oh my gosh you're Alicia Love can I have your autograph!?"

"Thank gosh." Alicia said to herself she turned to the two teen girls with a smile. "Of course." She stood up stepping in between them as their mom snapped a pic then she signed their shirts & papers they had.

"Are you going to be at Raw this week,this isobar first time ring side and our first show and getting to see you live that close would be so cool!"

"Awe girls I do love the support but I don't think I can quit put when I'll be back,sorry girls."

"I hope you come back soon it's weird when you're not on Raw I love Marti as champ but I liked when you two tagged together."

"Awe thank you girls,well I promise you you will see more doll house just not sure when."

"Thank you again Alicia!" They both ran up hugging her again before they headed off waving as they squealed at their new autographs.

She turned around to see Roman and a JoJo weren't at the table,she was about to head off to look when she got a text from Roman:

Ro: JoJo ran off upset but I got her we're at the car when you're ready to head back."

A: Go ahead back to the house. She plopped into the chair she sat in before running her hands threw her hair. "why do things have to be this way,I told him stress could be prevented without me around now look,I've even hurt his daughter who knows what else will happen. She went to her texts sending Romans a message.

A: Ro...I love you,and you know that...but with everything that's happened and now...I don't think we can get married." She sighed to herself encore she hit the send button then turning her phone off completely it's as if everything was coming at her so fast and she didn't know how much more she could handle.

Yours To Hold (2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora