Meeting His Parents

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"What are you stupid! How could you not tell me! You low I barely have anything and you just bring this up!" Roman sat with his head laid back on the couch slowly getting irritated,he'd told Alicia how his parents wanted to come over for lunch and for the past hour even when The Usos came over she's been going on and on yelling at him about not telling her at the last minute.

"Dang Bro,she's so quiet and innocent at the arenas but"

"I feel you,Naomi is the same way brother,exact same way."

"I can hear you ya know!" She said nudging both Usos in the sides with her elbow.


He lifted his head glaring towards her. "Oh your done...he stood up walking over to her placing his hands on her shoulders. "Baby girl they're gonna love you,trust me."

"Roman you don't get it,I look like crap,your family is a legend you come from legends and I come from a sister who designs clothes and a mother who teachers high school and helps at the public library!"

"HA! No wonder she's such a nerd and carries that book around with her everywhere sh- Jimmy stoped himself from finishing when she turned her head his direction with a glare. "I'm gonna grab a drink."

"Yea you do that." She shot back

"Baby save your stress for the ring..just relax,they're actually dying to meet you,you're the first girl I've ever well not necessarily brought home but...has lived,which proves that your the one,in my eyes."

"Do you really think so?" She asked with a shaky voice starring towards the ground.

"I know so baby girl,trust me." Roman pecked her lips trying to convince her that things would go okay,he knew how she got when she was nervous but told himself he's do anything he could to make sure she wasn't so nervous and felt comfortable.


"Naomi this dress is an exact fit in my stomach and it pokes out a-

"Ali stop it,you look fine and it's only because of the way it's designed,besides you've got curves don't be Ashamed girl,we ladies are built up front stacked in back for a reason...who knows,Roman might wanna h-

"Please don't finish that sentence Nao,I beg's basically become w daily routine for him."

"Well...have you two ever thought of having kids maybe,just a thought?"

"Um...well besides that scare where I was just sick no...he never mentioned anything to me about having a baby."

"Well,I think you'll make the perfect mom if you ask me."

"Thanks Nao,same for you.


"So Roman we've been watching back at home,I was pretty disappointed with that money in the bank match."

"Well,I am too but there's always another shot,plus revenge is on the card for the next few weeks."

"Yea,say who's that girl that's been having a scene with you the past few weeks,she seems clingy?" His mom asked

Roman looked towards his mom with a slight smile. "That's my girlfriend,Alicia,she's actually living with me and I wanted you guys to meet her. Speak of my love." Along with everyone else they turned to the stairs watching as Alici and Naomi came down the steps.

"Stay calm girly,they're gonna love you." Naomi whispered in her ear. She gave her a slight smile nodding

They slowly made their way through the living room and could already hear them all talking and laughing, bringing a huge face to Roman's face. She could tell he was happy to be back home. His family seemed to mean so much to him. She couldn't help but feel a little sad. She wanted to go home as well. She was homesick and missed her family and friends. She hadn't seen them in more than 7 months. And she also wanted them all to meet Roman.

Everyone remained silent watching Alicia,all eyes on her which made her nervous,big time especially since it was his parents...she started to feel sick to her stomach but managed to calm herself down.

"Well gee Roman aren't you gonna introduce us?" An elderly man said getting up from his chair walking over to Alicia. "My names Sika,Roman's father,it's very nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you sir,im Alicia,you have a very handsome and protective son." She said with a smile.

"Well we did raise him well,Pat,aren't you gonna come introduce yourself?" Sika said turning to his wife. All she did was sit there with a slight smile waving. "It's very nice to meet you." She said not moving from her seat.

"Well come on,I'm sure you don't wanna stand please sit." Sika said pointing towards the empty chairs. Alicia walked over to the chair closest to Naomi, smiling shyly at both Usos.

"Don't worry. Shes just observing,she's like that." Jimmu said quietly only for Alicia to hear and possibly Naomi."

"Hey guys lunch is done,but the potato salad isn't done...Jimmy do you put this in the microwave or?"

Jimmy rolled his eyes shaking his head. "Needless to say foods done,you just take it out the fridge!"

"Excuse me." Alicia said as she stood heading towards the bathroom to wash her hands,as soon as she wasn't in sight Romans mom turned to him with folded arms.

"What's wrong Ma,everything okay?"

"Roman you can do better than that,she's clingy,she barley can look anyone in the eyes and did you see the way she completed ignored me and now she's living in your house."

"What,mom she totally acknowledged you you say there and she's nervous...she's been threw a lot and doesn't have the best confidence but she has hell of respect."

Naomi gripped Jimmy's arm pulling him up dragging him to the kitchen with her knowing things were getting kinda weird.

"No she didn't,you know I can't just get up and he as active as i use to it woulda been nice for her to just walk over and-

"MOM...I can't believe you right now,I love you but you haven't even got to meet her and you've got this some what grudge or something on her."

"I do not,I don't want my son dating some disrespectful ungrateful unwelcoming trash clingy can't do a thing herself girl,I've seen the events why is she always by your side,why are you and Your friend always having to run out and save her huh because she can't do anything on her own and if anything she's even worse outside the ring and nothing will change about her I know it,you don't need to date some lost love sick puppy."

What they didn't know was Alicia was coming back from the bathroom and heard everything...she thought she'd made  a great impression...but not she thought differently...his own parents didn't like her... Slowly and quietly heading back upstairs she went to the room changing into a tank top,sweat pants and a pair of her chucks,she packed a bag with a little bit of clothes in it,she grabbed her phone and hoodie before heading back downstairs where everyone was still busy talking so she quietly left threw  the front door.

"Sika I wanna go home now,this lunch has been too much for me,I didn't think you'd ever disappoint me like that Roman,I'm really disappointed and hurt." As she walked away to grab her purse Sika turned to Roman with a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry about her,and honestly that girl looks like a keeper,take good care of her maybe we can have our own get together some time,I'd really like to get to know my sons future wife."

"Thanks dad,that sounds like a nice plan." They both hugged before he headed out. Roman sighed to himself as he stood in silence...he was surprised at his mothers actions and comments..he wanted this to be a special day. "Maybe I can make it up to her." He headed upstairs hoping to find her in the room.


"Ali hey baby girl,um...lunch is re scheduled,maybe next week,something came up." ... "Baby girl?" Walking into the room he saw her not in sight,he figured she was in the bathroom,he walked over knocking on the door but it was already cracked open but no one was in there. He started to worry.

"Alicia,where are you?" There was no answer,by each second Roman was starting to get more and more worried, okay maybe she's downstairs...just calm down Roman...she's fine,she's probably just with Naomi...I know she is...just don't panic...oh who am I kidding! I almost lost her once. He left the room heading back downstairs hoping she was with the other three.

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