Hulk Hogan

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I know this isn't a chapter but this is going in my rant book too but..

Hold you mean to tell me hulk hogan used the N word to describe fellow blacks in a recent interview and they. Kick him off a show as judge,remove his merch and most likely will treat anything related to him like the did wine Punk quit...okay what about Vince who used the word on live TV in front of Booker T and his wife and they had to play it off like they wouldn't be offended oh and let's not forget the rumor that was half true that started in March saying Vince said no black wrestlers can hold the title until a lot of people got onto him,same goes for new day and PTP people judging their popularity/characters because their black when no it's just creative teams fault for not using talent right. Am I defending Hogan for the way he describes blacks no but do I think producers are going too far? Yes,there are plenty of other wrestlers or production that have slid around saying the real word but still made a comment about blacks and yet Hulk says it this ONE time and their fast to remove everything of him....

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