I Remeber

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Roman was busy in the kitchen continuing to make the girls food when JoJo called his name,he rushed out the kitchen running to the living room. "Everything okay princess?"

"Daddy I love that dress and shoes she's wearing,she's very pretty." She had the photo album of him and Alicia that Naomi had made for them a while back.

"That she is." He smiled scooting next to her on the couch. 

"Mommy never takes me shopping,last time it was some lady from her work that said she could take me and I had fun."

Roman swore under his breath,he didn't think Galina would be that selfish and to have some else take her own daughter shopping when she's  off most of the time! "Well how would you like to go on a little shopping trip later today,you can have anything you want."

"REALLY DADDY! THAT SOUNDS LIKE FUN CAN WE GO NOW!" Her eyes glistening as she jumped up dancing in circles.

"Hold your horses miss,let's eat first okay and I promise we'll go right after.

Alicia was going downstairs when she heard what JoJo had said to Roman,she felt bad,no youngster shouldn't have the joy of shopping,or being able to buy at least one thing they want. She grabbed the women's tank top she had of Romans and a pair of blue shorts she'd brought a while back when the thought of having a baby came along and when she got older. with what skills she learned from Raven she stitched the shorts to the bottom of the shirt so it was sorta like a dress but one piece. Even though she barley knew JoJo she wanted to give her the impression that she doesn't mind her being around.

Once she was done with the outfit she went and changed into her property of WWE long sleeve,a pair of black shorts and her converse,after checking herself one last time she left the room going downstairs.

"JoJo,hey I've got something for you." She held the outfit from behind her back holding it towards her

"IT'S SO PRETTY! Thank you Mrs Alicia!"

"Awe you're welcome JoJo, I had a feeling you'd like it you can put it on now if you'd like."

"YES,daddy can I,I'm a big girl I can do it on my own please!?"

"Of course princess go ahead."

"YAY,you're the best daddy in the world!" After being handed the outfit she gave Alicia a hug. "Thank you mrs Alicia."

"Oh you're so welcome JoJo." She said with a smile,on the inside she was remembering the days she did have a dad then all the events that led to him leaving,his choice. She headed towards the kitchen leaning on the counter she pulled out her phone,even though she knew she would only end up getting emotional she just couldn't get the thought of her dad out of her head,even though he was passed away her mom left up his phone line at least the voicemail of what he'd left for her a few days before he passed away.

"Hey princess,I know you've probably grown up so fast by now,boy was I ready for you to bring home that boy you call of a boyfriend,when its that time that is,I want you to remember that no matter where I am,you're daddy's little girl,I may not be in the perfect shape or mind but I truly can't wait to see you soon,walk across that stage,go in for your first job interview,I love you princess."

She was already in tears by the middle of the voicemail and now,full out bawling. "I love you too dad."

"Hey Alicia do you wanna go out to p- hey what's wrong?"

"I...I'm fine Ro,she went to turn around when he gently grabbed her wrist. "Baby why are you crying,please just tell me."

"Roman this isn't about me,it's fine,enough about me okay."

"You know damn well I can't do that, please just tell me,I don't care if it's about a cat,dog,hamster the weather,I just hate seeing you so upset."

"M...my dad passed...a while back...seeing you and JoJo interact the way you are just reminds me about him...I don't wanna make this about me because it's not,I'm sorry Ro."

"I wish you'd stop apologizing baby,I know you've been through a lot and it's okay to not hold back how you feel,I'll understand,truly,baby girl I feel like you don't believe me when I say I'm ALWAYS gonna be there that's with tears,happy times,anything,even when you get a bit bipolar,I'll understand."

"DADDY I'M READY I love this outfit so much!"

Both Alicia and Roman turned to her smiling as she walked over to them in her outfit.

"Look at my princess looking like a diva already."

"Yep,when I get older I wanna be like you Mrs.Alicia Strong and pretty and be divas champ!"

"Awe thank you JoJo I believe you will make an amazing diva,the fans are gonna love you."

"Oh do you think you could help me find something to wear for school pictures Mrs.Alicia you have pretty clothes."

"As long as it's okay with Roman I'd love to."

"yup,please do because if it's up to me,I love you JoJo but I'll just give you one of my shirts that fit like a dress and I know,you'll hate that."

"Alrighty,let's get going,the crowds already gonna be crazy full."

"I call back seat middle!" JoJo yelled as she sprinted out the door.

Roman was about to follow when he felt something hit the back of his head. He turned to Alicia who had one of her notebooks in her hand. "okay first OW and second WHY!"




"Okay,I'm sorry baby girl...I won't yell at you now...just because I know I'll have you yelling lasted tonight."

Right when she was about to swing her book back again he grabbed it throwing it to the wide then grabbing her and smashing his lips against hers. Once he pulled away she looked up at him with a glare. "I hate you you know that."

"You weren't saying that the other day."



"That you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight?!"

"Oh baby girl that's what you think,and now that your baby belly fat is gone,we can have mo-

"EXCUSE ME! Did you just call me fat!?"

"N..no no baby I didn't mean that,that came out wrong,"

"Oh gee golly I wonder what else you wanted to say to me but didn't have the guts to! Please continue!"

"I...uh...so how long you gonna keep those highlights in?"

Rolling her eyes she shoved him back leaving to the car.

"Oh feisty...she so loves Me."

Sorry for the long delay first week of school and my schedule went from active update daily to school,home and knock out sleep...welcome to high school Sophomore style 💀 oh how happy I am that I don't get ANY type of signal except during class change oh how awesome you are T- mobile! 😑

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