Chapter 1

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Adopted by Phan

Chapter 1

Summer's POV

So, hello, my name is Summer. I'm classed as quite the cheery individual but, inside, I don't feel it. It's crazy how one individual can feel so many emotions at once. I don't feel that depressed to an extent where I'll do anything to myself harmful but, being upset and miserable is just tiring I guess as the years progress.

I have a back story that is classed as one of the worst out of us 17 children in out quarter.

I was seven years old at the time, I didn't really know what was going on but I knew something was wrong the minute it happened. We were on our way to the airport to go to Greece for a holiday to see family and to take a break from the real world which was jobs, school and general normal every day things. 

We had just come out of London and we were on the motorway doing a reasonable speed where a drunken lorry driver came straight at us right in front of our car on the wrong side of the road so he was coming towards us on the same lane. 

He crashed into us at a speed which seemed to be beyond possible and caused my Dad to fly out of the front window because of a faulty seatbelt and hit the side of a cliff, automatically killing him. 

Me and my Mum were a tiny bit luckier. I got away with 5 broke ribs and a fractured arm but my Mum, on the other hand, died in hospital because of brain injuries. 

My Mum's funeral was the Friday after she died. A funeral for my Dad was never held since they never found his body and is still lost to this day. 

When my Dad died it broke my Mum's heart, you see, my Mum and Dad were childhood sweethearts. They met at the age of 8 and had become friends almost instantly and when they turned 15 they both wanted something more; they became boyfriend and girlfriend.

I used to loved hearing that story of my parents, but now I have no one to tell me it any more. The only evidence of their existence is photos and memories but they don't exactly feel the same as the real people actually here with me.

 I have never had a boyfriend, the fact had never appealed to me so I just distanced myself from everyone, except Touka that is.

Touka is my best friend, she's in the home with me too. We met by being pared into a maths project as the teacher liked to keep the 'problem children' together which is completely bizarre. Aren't teachers supposed to encourage children to engage with new people and open their choices? Well, that was year 6 in London for you.

Now, me and Touka share a room. It has dark purple walls and a cream coloured carpet. The only things in our room was a bunk bed, me at the bottom and Touka on top, a dresser and a wardrobe. It isn't anything special but it's my home. 

My old room, back at my old house, was brilliant. It had light blue and white walls with Disney quote from different films on each wall that surrounded me. My single bed had a dark blue bedding to match my curtains, my dresser and wardrobe were a pristine white which never seemed to get dirty, which was a marvel now I look back on it as I was a mere 7 year old.

I really miss all that, but I guess I have to be thankful for the things I have now. That was a life lesson you always learn from the age of 4 when you first start school, as time progressed, I realised it was true, very very true and that actually, some parts of life suck major ass.


Okay! The first chapter is done! Sorry its quite short. I am really going to enjoy this story, I have it all planned out, kinda. I wont upload like, every single day cause I have my other two stories (That was totally not self advertisement) to write so I hope you enjoyed. 


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