28: [GoM x reader] Don't Go Pt. 2

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"Kuro-kuuun~ Kurooo-kuun~" You poked Kuroko's pale cheek in hopes of waking him up. His brows furrowed and slowly woke up making you fist bumped in air for successfully waking him up.

"Huh?... [F/n]-chan? Was a yesterday a dream?" Kuroko asked looking a bit bewildered despite having a blank face. You just giggled at Kuroko and pointed his bed head.

"Nope, yesterday wasn't a dream. Ah! But there's a problem... I don't know how to leave."

"Wait what do you mean?"

"Well in to put it simple... I'm a ghost!" You flashed Kuroko a smile and suddenly fell off the bed. "Ow..."

"How about we ask Akashi-kun he might know something." Kuroko suggested and stood up to prepare for the day starting by fixing his terrible bed head.

After an hour of preparing the two of you headed out and went to Akashi's home. The walk was quiet with Kuroko not able to start a conversation while you just hummed silently, letting the gentle wind brush pass the hem of your white sundress.

Arriving at Akashi's mansion, the helpers let you in and served tea while waiting for the red head. While Kuroko tried to relax at his spot you decided to explore the area. A door caught your attention and went pass through it.

You tried to keep your balance but still fell on the floor with a groan. You look up and saw a red haired guy who was only wearing his pants and is about to put on a shirt and he looked like... Akashi.

A smug grin made onto his face as he looks down on you, "I guess Tetsuya was right when he said you were a ghost...

Though I did not expect you to take advantage of it."

You just stared at Akashi who had an expression that say 'like what you see?' causing you too turn to a deep red tomato, "Waah! I'm sorry Aka-kun!" You exclaimed and covered your face. "My eyes are now tainted!"

"I'm done [F/n], you can uncover your eyes now and hurry up Tetsuya is waiting for us." Akashi stated and pulled you to where Kuroko was waiting.

"So what now?" You asked the two boys in front of you and tilted your head while observing the changes in the two. Well, they surely have grown but, "the two of you are still a midget..."

"That kind of hurt [F/n]-chan." Kuroko deadpanned making you realized what you just said. You gulped and look at Akashi who had a blank expression but you could feel that he was pissed at your smart comment just now.

"Let's just get this over with. So [F/n] do you have any regrets?" The red head asked without beating around the bush. You thought for a minute and nothing came into mind.

"I'm not sure but I don't think so."

"Ah, then [F/n]-chan can I ask what happened to you in our third year in middle school?" It was now Kuroko's turn to ask in hopes of helping you. It was unknown to them why you suddenly left and why you suddenly said you were a ghost.

"Ah! That I can't remember much though...

This is harder than I thought...

The only thing I know now is that I'm a ghost." You sighed, scratching the back of your head. Lies. You glanced at Akashi who was deep and thought and then to Kuroko who was typing on his phone.

"Maybe it's best if we talked this with the others." Kuroko suggested as he sent a message to his former teammates. You all agreed with Kuroko's suggestion and left Akashi's place to meet up with the others. The walk was peaceful but not quite like the one with Kuroko only. You walked in between the two male who was conversing with you. A smile plastered on your face and you chuckled at how seemingly close the three of you are.

"I'm glad that the two of you haven't gro--changed that much!" You giggled and skipped away from the two boys.

「Kuroko's P.O.V

It was the same as before. How she smile and the way her [h/c] locks would flow. But it'll never be the same since now she said she's a ghost. I hope [F/n]-chan is messing with us and she really came back. But it seems too real to be a joke. Her skin has turned pale compare from before. I'm sure that's what Akashi-kun is also thinking.

"Akashi-kun do you have any regrets regarding [F/n]-chan?" I muttered which was loud for him to hear anyway. I just want to clarify something...

"I myself wouldn't want to regret anything since I'm always right...

But if it's [F/n] then I think it would be how I didn't spend my time with her most." Akashi-kun smiled calmly while looking at her. It's the same way I look at her...

I'm certain Akashi-kun and I share the same feelings towards [F/n]-chan...



Finally did part 2~ And I think I'd still like to dedicate this to runa_mikage~

Anyway hoped you enjoyed this

and Part 3 will be coming out soon!

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