23: [GoM x reader] Welcome Back

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A girl with [h/l] [h/c] hair scribbled on her sketch book. The window in her room slightly opened allowing air to waft through, her hair dancing along with the gentle breeze. She smiled at the drawing she was producing even though an IV was attached to her.

She kept on drawing not even noticing the door to her hospital room flew open. "Yo! [Y/n] long time no see. We're finally here to visit you." The boy you knew as Aomine said.

You suddenly stopped drawing realizing he said we. You look up to the door and saw seven colorful head. Tears formed on the side of your eyes as a relieve smile grace your face. It was the first time since you graduated from Teiko that they visited you together.

"W-welcome back everyone!" You choked out but not it was because of sadness, it was the opposite. It was the feeling of delight and joy that overwhelmed your heart.

You stood up abruptly about to tackle them in a hug but failed, due to the IV that was clinging.

"Waah! [Y/n]cchi! Stay put we'll come to you!" Kise exclaimed as the other boys and Momoi helped you up.

Once you were settled on your bed you closed your eyes and still wore a gentle smile. The smile that the six boys really loved. But seeing the IV attached to you made them feel guilty.

'If I hadn't been such a douche wouldn't this happen?' Aomine thought to himself as he ruffled his blue hair messily.

'Ah! Maybe this wouldn't happen to [Y/n]-chin if I didn't skip out on practice that much' Murasakibara silently pondered which was quite out of the character for him, as he munch on his bag of new flavored potato chips.

'It's my fault nanodayo... Maybe if I was there with her more this wouldn't happen' Midorima stared at his lucky item then at you.

'Waah! Maybe [Y/n]cchi is mad! I shouldn't have left her when she was alone!' Kise pouted as negative thought invaded his head.

'This wouldn't happen to [Y/n]-san if I just had tried harder...' Kuroko silently thought as his heart clenched remembering a certain rainy day when that happened.

'Aa, the others are thinking it was their fault, but I am hugely responsible for this. If I hadn't snapped at her then this wouldn't...' Akashi thought as he observed everyone. When his eyes landed at you he saw that same smile that you would give to them. It soothed everyone and it was one of the things that the six boys wanted to protect.

"Maa-maa~ There's no use in grieving about the past right? You all did well and I'm glad." You said to them as you opened your eyes.

Dribble||Pass||ShootNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ