Out of hospital .. Into prison? + cuts

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I woke up to Luke telling me I have to get up and get dressed because its 11:30 and gina needs to be back at work by one so if I didn't get up she would be late so after a lot of moaning trying to stay in bed he reminded me I was in the hospital and I was up faster then you can frog.

"That's what I thought here are the cloths you are stuck with wearing princess" Luke said handing me my underwear and leggings but one of his tops. I know right just plain weird.

I walked away to the toilet putting on the cloths he gave me then brushing my hair and teeth what the nurse gave me I also went for a wee and washed my face by the time I had done that it was 11:52 and I was tired as hell and my head still hurt.

"Ahhh she has arisen" beau said making everyone laugh. After the doctor explained everything to me the boys and gina we all got in the car but I was asleep on Luke's lap within 2 minuets.

•_• **************2 hours later****************** •_•

I woke up to beau and jai fighting right in front of me and I don't mean just screaming at each other they where on the floor rolling around slapping each other. What a great way to wake up you get to watch brothers fight over god nose what. I sat up and watched them fight and to be honest it was really funny I was really really trying not to burst out laughing

"Cunts what are you fighting about you woke Riley" Luke said walking in the room but then bust out laughing at them. Beau was on top of jai slapping him and poor jai could only move his arms so he was trying to slap jai off what was a epic fail.

"It's a funny way to wake up it puts you in a good mood" I said looking at Luke then burst out laughing again.

After the boys stopped fighting they started laughing too and we just sat there for about 14 minuets laughing but we was cut off by the phone ringing so we all ship up and let beau answer it

"Hello....who is this?.....why?......yh she is...... Okay hold on let me get her for you" he cover pasted me the phone saying it was important

"Erm hello.... Who is it..... Why ...... I don't want to .... I don't have to ...... Why? ..... I don't want to see him .....

You can't make me ..... Okay, maybe you can..... I just got out hospital .... Whatever ..... What time? ... Just tell me the fucking time ..... Do I have to?.... YES I know that .... Make me ...... Fine .... Whatever .... Come then mr.police man come pick me up ...... I don't care ..... Can't believe your making me come ..... Yes I know he is my father ..... Told you this already you have to make me or I just won't come at all ...... Whatever .... Yes .... Can they come? .... Good ..... Stop fucking going on you can tell me the details when you come and get us okay now see you later cunt" and with that I hung up the phone to the police officer. The boys all looked at me in shock and I just smiled back

"Did you really just speak to a police officer like that?" Beau asked and I just nodded

"Wow you got some balls girl" jai laughed

"I'm a girl I don't have balls I have tits thank you very much" I said making them all laugh "and by the way he will be here in 5 to pick us up I have to go to the station to talk about my dad" I said the last bit in a whisper

"It will be okay and are you really going to make him make you go?" Luke asked sitting with me and pulling me on his lap

"Yep there is no way I'm going in there willingly so he has to make me. And the last time I made a police officer make me do something he carried me and I screamed the hole time till I was where he wanted me" I smiled and everyone laughed


"I will get it" jai said running off. We hared him talking to the police officer out side

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