My Secrets

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I was crying on gina for about 10 minutes then she started crying because I was crying and now we are sitting on her bed crying to each other then Suddenly the door opened showing a boy who I have never seen before Waite he looked like Luke was it Luke? No Waite I got it Luke's a twin !! That's so cool

"Hay mum I was- erm why are you and a random girl sitting n the bed crying and hugging?" He asked worried but at the same time he had laughter in his voice. Gina got up and pushed him out the door

"Jai out you and your brothers go to the store the list is on the table in the living room and this is riley.. DONT hurt her DONT flirt with her DONT touch her DONT be mean BE nice to her she is my new daughter now go we are bonding!" She said loudly then slamming the door and walking to the bed

"Mum can i trust you?" I asked still crying but trying to stop

"Yes darling you can trust and the boys don't worry"she said holding me in her arms again

"I think I'm ready to tell you my big secrets I know you won't tell no one" I whispered and she just nodded for me to go on "it stared on my 7th birthday me and my m-mum where in the car and I wanted her to look at me but she said no because she was driving but I didn't take no for a answer and begged her to look at me when she did she was looking back at the road every second the. To me the next all I wanted to do was tell her how much I loved her and once I did she forgot to look back on the road and she crashed the car she was d-dea-dead with in seconds I watched blood drip from her as I tried to wake up my mum but she didn't I moved but there was a massive pice of glass in my stomach and I passed out" I pulled my top up showing her the scar what was still really big and she gasped at the site of it "when I got out of hospital my dad started to to to beat me telling me it's all my fault that m-my mums dead. He has beaten me every day put me in hospital so many times I can't count" I cried out "but when I hit 15 my dad started doing something I never thought if him doing to me his own daughter, my dad has ra-raped me every day from my 15th" I broke out in tears again as Gina held me telling me it's all going to be okay "it was the same thing every day I get up he beat me I go to school people beat me then I come home clean then cut myself then he would come beat me rape me then beat me again. That's why I don't like people touching me I'm just to scared" I whispered to Gina

"Hunny my sons would never think of laying a finger on you, but why do you let Luke touch you? Why only him and me why no one else like beau?" She asked

"I let you touch me coz you took me in and when I look in your eyes I can see a loving and caring mother. I let Luke touch me coz he saved my life he beat me dad up took me here got an ambulance wouldn't let go of my hand making not letting my close my eyes by talking to me and asking me questions. Mum if if wasn't for Luke I would be dead right now my dad was ready to kill me I could tell but Luke is like my superman he saved ,e and didn't let me die" I said to her with a smile on my face

"Awww I didn't know he saved you no one dose. Riley sweetie can you tell me abut your cutting please" Gina asked

"We'll the night my dad stared raping me I couldn't take it no more I stared to cut and have been every night form then on" I took a loud breath

"Sweetie there's more to that isn't there" she asked/told me

"We'll I have tried to commit Suicide 6 times but every time I have been found" I said looking at my hands "Gina I understand if you want me to go I mean no one wants a Suicidal cutting raped and beaten 17 year old messed up kid to live with them" I said getting up but I was pulled back down into a hug

"I never want you to leave I love you and I am going to help you" she told me but just then the door opened and Luke walked in with tears in his eyes

"How much did you hear?" I asked him still tears coming down my cheeks

"I was about to open the door when you said ' no one wants a Suicidal cutting raped and beaten 17 year old messed up kid to live with them'" he said as a tear slipped from his eye and he ran over picking me up off the bed and hugging me for dear life. I wrapped my legs round his body and my arms round his neck and let the tears role out once again "hay hay hay how many times do I have to tell you this beautiful girl went made to cry" he said wiping my cheeks from tears and sadly smiling at me I kissed his cheek and said thank you for everything he had done and once again calling him my superman

"Right that's it I need a nickname for you if you are going to call me your superman all the time" he said still hugging me and I just alighted at him but that hurt allot

"OWW I think I need my meds now" I said still not letting to of Luke

"Okay princess I will take you to your meds. WATIE that's it your nickname I'd princess now" Luke said happily laughing as he took me to the kitchen for the second time today


"That's so not fair" jai said like 3 year old. God this is going to be difficult living with 3 boys

"That's coz I'm her superman and she is my princess" Luke said as I took my meds

"What I think I should be your superman" beau said standing tall and I just shook my head no

"Can I have a hug?" He asked I shook no "hand shake" I shook no "height five" I shook no "a poke?" And I nodded making him smile and I poked him really fast then he skipped off happily

"What bout me!" Jai cried so I poked him and he ran off making me and Luke laugh so hard I almost fell over

"Come on let's go I will carry you out the back so we can talk" he said picking me up and I snuggled into hi and gripped hid top with one hand as he sat down with me on his lap

"Riley you know what I heard earlier what did you mean" he asked. I looked at him and gripped his hand and told him the hole story and I was crying again

"omg I'm going to kill myself if I keep crying its like I can't stop" I said into Luke's chest

"Erm Luke Riley" jai and beau said at the same time

"Yea" we both said together

"We kinda heard the hole story about what happens to you Riley" beau said with tears in his eyes. I looked at them both then got up and walked away not saying a word.

I got into Luke's bed as cried to myself

"Hay do I really have to tell you again?" Luke asked as he climbed up. I looked at him and he got into bed with me and I layer onto his bare chest

"What's the time superman?" I asked

"10:24 princess" he answered

"Where can I go to sleep I'm really tired" I asked

"You are sleeping here with me in my bed where I can keep you safe baby girl" he answered

"Oh okay night my superman" I said and kissed his chest

"Night my princess" he said kissing my head

Then I fell to sleep with no worries In the world for once


Hay hope you like it I know it's not the best right now but it will get better!!




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-Mia Amy

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