Ch9 Kenpachi Zaraki vs Gogeta

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Ichigo P.O.V

He seems like a different person. But different person or not he has the same traits and same personalities as Goku and Vegeta. Gogeta then said to me and Rukia, "Don't worry, I'll only land a few hits on Kenpachi. I'll also make sure I don't wear him out so much." I was surprised about what he said. Can fusing really make you this strong?

The battle was about to begin as Gogeta was just standing then getting into a fighting stance. Kenpachi then said, "This is really going to be fun I can feel it in me. I might as well make it even more interesting and take off my eye patch." Kenpachi did what he said and took off his eye patch. Gogeta didn't seem to flinch from Kenpachis reishi pressure. He then said, "Every force of your power has an echo. Sometimes the pleasure of ones power can destroy you."

A huge gush of air came out of Gogeta as he seemed to be flying over near Kenpachi. Kenpachi seemed to be getting punched in the chest out of thin air. The moment Gogeta was next to Kenpachi he then swung his Zanpakuto at Gogeta but as he swung it Gogeta dodged his attack and then had his back from Kenpachi. He then turned around to Kenpachi and was charging an attack on his palm. "What is that?! It's as if he's holding the power of light itself." Rukia then said, "His power is very pure. The light inside of him is very pure but it is also very powerful."

Gogeta then got ready to throw his attack but as he was about to do that Kenpachi then held his sword with both of his hands and then swung it with all his might. Gogeta released his attack and it ended up colliding with Kenpachis attack. A giant explosion occurred and the last thing we then saw was a huge amount of smoke. Once it all cleared we then saw both of the individuals standing in front of each other as Kenpachi then started laughing, he then said, "Well, it seems like I'm out of breathe. It seems like you win." Gogeta laughed along with Kenpachi and he then began to glow in a bright light and started to split into two individuals.

Soi Fon P.O.V

This battle just ended in a few seconds?! Even against one of our most formidable Captains, Kenpachi Zaraki. Until the blonde being disappeared into two individuals. Both Goku and Vegeta were now themselves again. Goku then said, "Alright now that that's done. Can you all trust us now?" The Captain General then responded, "Does any other Captain in here think that these people are not trust worthy?" I then stepped up and said, "I do Captain General." Gohan then said confused, "What? Really? After everything that just happened, you still don't trust us?"

I then said, "That's right, you are all formidable people but this should be a problem we should fix on our own." Vegeta then said, "Hmph! The enemies from our universe would slaughter all of you. You all wouldn't stand a chance." I then felt insulated and said, "Captain General, may I ask to have a battle against one of these people?" The Captain General then said, "Alright, if this is the only way you'll be able to trust them then so be it." I was waiting for my opponent till the only two girls within the strangers came up to battle me.

The blonde woman with light blue eyes then said to the black haired teen looking girl, "Alright Videl you better keep up and don't keep your eyes off of her. Be careful as well because I won't be able to protect you if you get caught in a corner." The black haired girl then responded, "Don't worry I'll be able to back you up to. I may not have trained a lot but I'm at least able to so the basics." Both of them seemed ready as I then released my Zanpakutos shikai.

"Sting, Suzumebachi." My Zanpakuto transformed into a little finger blade, ironically on my finger. "Weather your friends are telling the truth I still don't feel satisfied about being your allie. So you'll have to gain my trust." They both smiled and were then ready to battle. The blonde woman disappeared as the other girl then attacked me with a swift kick. I was able to dodge her attack as I then noticed the blonde woman up in the air as she fired a segment of multiple bright lights. I was about to move out of the till the girl with black hair then had a glowing light on her palm and then released it by pressing it on to my gut.

An explosion occured as I then saw the blonde woman charging at me. I then moved swiftly and got her once with my Suzumebachi. She then hit me with a high kick as I then threw my own punch at her as she blocked the punch. We started to fight each other with a combination of multiple attacks. The girl with black hair then came out of nowhere as I dodged her punch and then kicked her in the gut. As the blonde woman was going to kick me I then blocked and attacked her with Suzumebachi. A butterfly looking symbol appeared from the side of her waist.

She then said, "What's this?" I then said, "That is my Nigeki Kessatsu. If you get hit again with Suzumebachi in the same spot where I used my Nigeki Kessatsu, then your finished. Now you two better be prepared because this is about to get harder. Shunko!" My reishi became visible as both women then looked at each other and nodded. "Whatever you two are planning it won't work!" I used my Shunpo and appeared on top of the blonde woman as she also then disappeared. I lost track of her till I then saw her in the air as she then charged at me.

We were both then standing still in front of each other as the blonde woman was covered with cuts as they then turned into butterfly stamps and I had a few scratches and bruises. "Looks like I win." The blonde woman then smiled and said, "Don't be so sure about that. You forgot one thing." I got confused and then realized the one thing I forgot once the black haired girl came out of nowhere and was then about to kick me in the face as her legs seemed to glow of green light and then sprouted out green aura that seemed to look like a pair of wings. She then shouted, "Eagle Kick!"

As I was hit with only two powerful kicks the blonde woman then jumped up in the air and then held out both of her palms. She then said, "Infinite Bullet!" Many yellow lights were about to hit me as they then moved around me and hit the ground instead. I was confused on why she didn't end this battle as she then flew down and was standing right in front of me and I then said, "Why didn't you end this?" She then said, "I don't need to end this battle because you are not the enemy.

I know you may not trust us but we trust you even if you don't lend us a hand at all." The blonde woman then smiled slightly and said, "Please, do trust us?" She held her hand out. I then grabbed her hand as she helped me up. The other girl then walked next to the blonde woman and was smiling. I then said, "What are both of your names again?" The blonde woman said with a small smile, "18." The black haired girl smiled and then said, "My name is Videl." I then started to smile and then said, "I'm Soi Fon, and welcome to the Soul Society."

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