Chapter 28: The Real Trickster.

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Elizabeth's point of view.
Time before.

While I take over the body, I feel the unknown and at the same time familiar fear of Kaylan. I have felt it before as a part of her in me, but I always knew it wasn't mine. It could have fool me this time, though.
 Kaylan starts to awake from her deep sleep, Sang pushing her out for her to take care of the panic, the blood, the unknown. But having her here would be a disaster: She almosts faints at school, what will she do in here? 
She screams inside when she sees what I see, and even when she doesn't want to, she fights to come out, but Mina and I push her back. 
"Elizabeth?" I hear my name being called. When I look up I see my father, our father, looking back at me.
"Yes. It's me. We need to take care of this"
He looks at Marie and sighs. Not a single tear in his eyes.
"Does Mina know how to clean a crime scene?"
"Mina?" I ask her out loud.
"Not me. I don't clean the messes" She growls back "But Jojo does. She knows everything"
I look for her inside me, but I can't find her, so I guess she's asleep. I need to bring her out. How do I open a door without Kaylan coming out and screaming bloody murder? Literally.
"Bring her here" I order to Mina.
Looking up to dad, I start speaking.
"Look. We both could do this and get away with ours, but one mistake and we could be behind bars. But if Jojo comes, we have a chance. Let's let her take care of this"
  He looks at me confused.
"I thoght she had vanished over the years. I've never heard from here since... years ago"
"She's here. And trust me: She'll know what to do"

"Is she of trust? Isn't she a phsycopat like Mina?"

"Watch out!" Mina yells inside my head. I groan.
"No, she's just... especial. Weird. But I'll be watching, in the back of my head. I'll intervene if I have to"

His lips get into a thin line and nods.
"Fine. Let's just get this finished"

I feel myself vanish as Mina struggles to push Kaylan back and pull Jojo out.

Jojo's point of view.

I can never see the eyes of my father. 
Technically, I do it almost everyday, when I'm strong enough and I'm awake inside, but not enought to be left out. I see him through the girls' eyes, but I can never really do it by myself. I can never be the one in the front row. Now that I am, looking into his eyes is the weirdest thing: It's almost like I can see new tonalities of dark in his eyes, the shape of them, the corners and the eyelashes. It's like I see him for the first time.
  But I know. I know who he is, I know what he's done. And knowledge is power.
"Jojo" He says my name and clears his throat. It sound unfamiliar coming out from his mouth.
I get out of my lighthead mind when the blood starts touching my knees on the floor.
I smile.
"We have a murder case"
He doesn't smile back. Some people just don't understand my sense of humor, but in the inside I know it has to be technically funny due to the irony.
   These people!

I order him to close all doors and windows until from the outside it looks like nobody ever even lived here. Meanwhile, I take care of the little details that make the perfect crime not so perfect because no one ever notice the little things. All those stupid lawyers from How To Get Away With Murder wouldn't get away with nothing in this life. Stupid, stupid people. Why nobody reads anymore? Or watch Criminal Minds or something?
 I braid my hair so no hair will fall near the body, I take off the bracelets and put it away, and finally, I put the kitchen gloves on. When they find a dead body (If they find the dead body, which I doubt because my knowledge is statiscally better) they look under the nails for any sign. And I'm sure as hell my hands are gonna stay pretty in case something goes wrong: At the end, he is into this too. But oh, well. You can't really commit the perfect murder alone.
"I like you, girl" Mina says.
"I don't" I mutter while I go upstairs to the carpet in my parents' room. Is huge and under the bed, so getting it out is tricky, but I do it at the end because that's who I am.
  I get things done.

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